How do we deal with the pedophile problem, specifically in Hollywood?

How do we deal with the pedophile problem, specifically in Hollywood?

It seems like they're everywhere and they have to be stopped!

Other urls found in this thread:"average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false

Start with exposing shills, who try to normalize it

deal with jews

Good job there, fellow valiant warrior of justice. Very intelligent to save that as a PNG

fuck off, newfag.


Please answer this thread seriously.

Also, I'm not a newfag. I've been here for almost 1 year now


treat them the way they used to

Teach children kung fu, and then feed them massive donuts and hamburgers and a leasurely lifestyle as adults ( same as now ).
Simply institute a military grade martial arts program in all schools, and pass laws that children should be armed with throwing stars at all times.

This looks like a shill thread, and that Faces of traitors.png is probably one of those images they circulate with hidden illegal content. Beware anons.

mass high profile assassinations, everyone who runs the media and so obviously the banks

Hello Satan.

"Very intelligent to save that as a PNG"

Who is this semon demon



Not one to side with Hollyjew, but how is a strait man supposed to restrain himself when this is what 13yo actress look like in this day and age? It just too tempting to deal with day after day.
What to do? Hire gays and they molest the boys. Hire only women and nothing would get filmed on time/budget and quality would go way down.

it's in the old testament when at war Moses ordered his people to kill all the men, women and boys and take the girls not yet touched by men

That's my daughter, you sick fuck. How dare you. I can't believe the share our shills are on this website too.

Make girls uglier

The majority of other people manage to live around very attractive young people and not molest them.


trump named the jew get in

Neither paedophilia nor ephebophilia has ever been common, normal, or acceptable in civilized society. Hesiod, the most ancient Greek writer, says that a woman should not be married until she is at least four years past puberty. Plutarch says that Spartan women were to marry "not when they were small and underage for wedlock, but when they were in full bloom and wholly ripe" (Life of Lycurgus). Tacitus informs us that the standard practice among the ancient Germans for both men and women was to marry at 25. (Germania.) The average age of marriage in 1900 in Germany was 27.8 for males and 25.5 for females; in the U. S., 27.6 for white males and 23.9 for white females (Haines, 1996). In France, in the early 19th century it was 30 years for males, 26 years for females.

The average age of marriage in England from at least the age of Elizabeth to the Victorian era was about twenty-five for both sexes.

Marriages with young people were so rare that, in the year 1839 (to take an example at random) there was not a single marriage in England contracted with a person of either sex under the age of 15. Read it for yourself here:

"... According to this table there were under 15 years, none for either sex.""average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false

It's all Jews in Hollywood touching goyim children

>being a pedophobic ciscum edgelord

Love is love, don't be an ageist pedophobic bigot. Young love is a human right!

>plz no hate, b srs
>am no nufug, b 1yr

There's only one solution.

Now they're everyones daughter, thanks for sharing.

More likely they just dont have the opportunity to do anything beyond light petting
But, alone, in a dressing room going over lines into the wee hours of the night...

televised justice ought to do it

Gas the kikes, that should stop like 95% of it.

>those (((independent))) shows on (((TV))) will surely catch those (((predators))) with the german-sounding names.

*sniff sniff*

>7, 4, 1, 3
There's at least three more we're not being shown

delete this right fucking now

Never change, mate


Pistols at dawn, broadswords, rapier and dagger drawn with malice, cloak and dagger in the parking lot at midnight: settle it like gentlemen.

Seconds out, Irish rules (or Queensbury for the faggots), impartial judge to maintain honor - I say do it.

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.

Ephebo master race!