What did Sup Forums think of the first two episodes that aired? While I'm glad it wasn't another Isekai anime, it was pretty mediocre.
Granblue Fantasy: The Animation
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Character design looks great I might pick this u-
>source: game
Bland as fuck.
Katalina should have been the main girl. Not only does she look sexy as fuck, she's voiced by Sawashiro.
Bahamut was based off of a moble game too, and look how fun that turned out to be. Granted the director had free reign with the story and only used character designs from the game.
So where did all that Cygames money go? i haven't seen anything that you could not see in any other A-1 anime.
>Character design looks great
Even Isekai is better than this piece of shit.
I want to fuck Katalina. Can't wait for that action game.
Chain Chronicle doesn't look as pretty but is at least less generic than this.
>best girl wont be animated
Dead on arrival.
>Katalina should have been the main girl
Considering how bland the MC is, she's better off.
>stay the fuck away from my girl /u/shitters
You are misunderstanding something. Cygames doesn't want to spend money, it wants to earn money. That's why they're making this shitty quality adaptation with lots of bonus ingame for those who buy the DVDs/BDs. Those sales will be inflated as fuck (I personally enjoyed it though).
Should've made Katalina the MC
I like it, eat my ass you fag
Hes a Re:tard, stop giving him (You)s
I actually really enjoyed Cerberus too
I distinctly remember some flaunting of the mobage money and how they're going to make amazing anime with it.
> Those sales will be inflated as fuck
And then you'll be able to buy the box set second hand for 1/10th of the price.
And the same thing will happen with FGO.
>Hes a Re:tard
I want mobage shitters to leave.
fantasy game adaptions are cancer, generic medieval fantasy anime are cancer
They should make that gay horse girls anime, not this mediocre trash.
I'll take generic fantasy over moeshit and "comedy" like Konosuba.
It's just a cheap 20 min ad for a mobile game
They don't need to put effort into it
Just throw one or two well made episodes, girls and call it a season
You're going all out for those Yous aren't you? Here take this one and be happy
FGO doesn't really come with any game benefits from what I been seeing offered for it so far. It's just illustration benefits depending on where you buy it from which is more stable then game benefits.
Do you seriously think they won't have in-game bonuses with their anime adaptation?
Most anime don't have the disc bonuses listed until like a month before the volume is released, sometimes even less.
GBF is just your average Aniplex property.
Well if you go on their official website on the BD benefits it's nowhere listed. You only see character illustrations as the benefits.
Are mobile games seriously so popular in japan that they even deserve an anime adaptation?
It's really fucking mediocre. I mean in other anime, I can find something good or special to understand someone likes it even if it is fucking trash. But this is goddamn boring and I want to sleep immediately. Game adaption is a mistake
Even worse than CG episodes 1 and 2.
>***,**1位/***,**1位 (**2,403 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,**2位/***,**2位 (**1,324 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 【Amazon Limited】GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(メーカー特典:「B2告知ポスター」付)(オリジナル特典:「シリアルコード【オリジナルゲーム内スタンプ(1種)】」付)(全巻購入特典:「B2布ポスター」「原作描き下ろしイラスト使用 全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
>***,**3位/***,**3位 ○ (**1,019 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [DVD]
>***,*10位/***,*10位 ○ (---,--- pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 【Amazon Limited】GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(メーカー特典:「B2告知ポスター」付)(オリジナル特典:「シリアルコード【オリジナルゲーム内スタンプ(1種)】」付)(全巻購入特典:「B2布ポスター」「原作描き下ろしイラスト使用 全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [DVD]
Didn't this shit get exclusive stuff for the mobage? No wonder it's so high then.
Did it? Because if so I hadn't heard of it and I need to preorder one right now.
Gamefags tell me, is this cutie relevant or not? I don't really care about the anime, but I'll pick this up if he shows up.
Because people are willing to pay x10 to x100 times the amount for mobile games than any video games.
Yes, it's getting exclusive things. Players are getting an exclusive character for every BD/DVD volume they buy and if they buy all of them they will also get bonus items that are everyone who expends money on the game will want, so yeah. This will sell a lot.
>manly voice
The trap has a manly voice? Ow man, that's sad. I don't really care about this anymore then.
A new SSR Kat and if you buy everything a gold bar, a damascus bar, and a sunlight stone besides the characters they will sell with them
Then I'll just take your place sir.
>gay sex
Ignore the memes. There's no telling if they'll make it far enough if its only 1 cour, but Noa WILL show up if they do. If you asked me though, I really doubt they'll get that far.
Noa only looks like a girl in fanart.
he will, he is part of the main story
I've never played the game, but she's the only thing I liked about these two episodes.
i hope Muon's event get animated.
Not that terrible, but I was expecting something more girly.
Also, for a popular mobage like this the wikia fucking sucks, why the hell don't they listen the character's lines and seiyuu.
I'll give it a try then, thanks lads.
there is a jap page for that gbf-wiki.com
you can translate it to english if you are a baka gaijin
Good thing about being a Katfag if you ever do play it is that her free story SR version that you get is one of the best SRs in the game, and then if you're lucky enough to get her SSR, she's arguably the best character in her element. Not to mention all the skins she gets like the summer one you posted, Christmas skin, and New Years yukata.
Like I said, no guarantees they'll ever make it that far.
Also try this: gbf.wiki
her ssr ver is only available on premium gala.
if they rush a bit and leave the unimportant parts behind they may get to that part, and i think Noah is part of the cast too
Chain Chronicles was better in almost every way despite being mediocre as well and it had better eyecandy imo.
>glad it wasn't another Isekai anime
Wish it were to be quite honest, I much prefer those nowadays to bland straight fantasy types like these, but lets see how they to progress from here.
Oh yea that was pretty amusing, kinda gave me the oldschool vibes like world destruction did a while back.
Granblue has so many characters for footfags huh?
>not self introducing as gita
Are there dorafs?
sturm is in the cast.
Only one, unless they add anime original characters.
It was great
AOTS material right here, and anyone who says otherwise it's either a contrarian or just shitposting.
If Djeeta appears will she also have a childhood friend she's gay with?
It´s not airing this season.
Why is generic fantasy show x any better than isekai?
isekai is just Sup Forums's favourite new buzzword, nobody even used the term a year ago. Now it is supposedly the cancer killing anime
It was great.
daily reminder.
Yeah but everyone called it 'transported into another world stories.'
eyes are too small
Isekai is killing anime, I just want a fantasy anime from the get go. I don´t know why but I enjoy them more that way.
There are two fantasy shows airing right now that aren't isekai
Both are fucking game adaptations with jarring rpg mechanics and thus rather shit
The problem lies with Sup Forums pandering, not isekai plots alone
I thought this was delayed or something. Why are there suddenly two episodes?
When will Lecia appear?
Literally fell asleep midway through it.
Way the fuck later.
Because they want to sell the BDs now.
It's fucking hilarious. They are putting exclusive SSR characters and very valuable game items into these BD's.
To the point they will lose money selling them at this price.
Katalina is pretty much the main girl. Gran doesn't get a lot of focus being the self insert and everyone calls you danchou so the characters on the main spotlight are Lyria and Katalina.
Anime won't even get to Ferry.
Lyria is real game MC. Kat gets a lot of focus in main stroy stuff, but in most events she's non existent.
Meanwhile Lyria is always the focus.
And Gran is pretty much Lyria's slave.
You mean compared to the in-game cost? That means fuck all compared to selling BDs.
Is placenta handjob getting animated?
I was talking about main storyline. Events are like whatever because who's on the spotlight depends on the event.
>not isekai
>To the point they will lose money selling them at this price.
They actually won't, the items they're giving away aren't worth real money.
SSR Kat won't be the same as the one currently in the gacha while gold bars and summon stones are limited supply items you gain through grinding. The damascus bar is the only thing that's really worth any real value to them but they've been giving those away for free for months now, anime or not.
Canon strongest character in good guys team.
Shame they won't get to her unless it has 3 seasons.
>Losing money from selling digital goods that they have an unlimited amount of
It's still SSR limited character you can't get in other ways. And we know shit about how good she's going to be.
That's much more valuable than surprise ticket for people who want her.
And if she's Dark her value will be at least two surprise tickets.
Do you even know how this game works?
If she was normal limited character you can't ticket she would be worth 400$ for people willing to whale for her.
When they are giving her for 40$.
>implying you didn't fap to this
>implying they're going to give away legfes Kat
Actual retard.
It's still not real
So what is this mobage sinkfest about? Pick a self insert (male/female) than fuck a bunch of waifus and husbandos?
Pretty sure its some limited print shit.
It'll be cheap if you buy it but the price will be 5x if you want to buy it later
You are trying to apply the game market logic to Blu-rays. It doesn't work that way.
I didn't. I actually read the title when it came out and ran away from it like it was the plague and I will never read that shit.
No. Many of the characters aren't attracted to the generic self insert, so it's only a waifu game if you're a cuck.