One page thread
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ballroom first
ballroom second
We need to stop recycling.
Thanks to the user who made a thread about the author's other work yesterday. That shit was good
>these legs
>this flexibility
>so much best in one girl
So looking back through the archives, this has been in at least the last three threads, doesn't turn up on any image searches as either the full image or the thumbnail, and was apparently cropped to make searching for it a greater pain in the dick. Is it too much to ask for sauce at this point?
This manga was such a waste of potential
That's every Urasawa's manga user. I found it to be his best and most satisfying one, though. I quite liked it, even the end
wait what chapter was that, i dont remenber that one
Source for these? I tried ImageOPs
Such images exist on prupose of a bait.
Google gives nothing.
Archive same thing.
Any hints?
Cover yourself at least.
I'm aware. It was obviously posted cropped to screw with people. But someone in here must recognize the series.
Anyone know source for these?
title? google isnt helping
I feel like ive read this manga before, but i forget what its from.
how do you clean your cloths if you put htem in a bag first
what the f*ck japan?
I think thats one of those washing machine bags that you put panties and bras in so that they dont get damaged, but I usually fill them up more than just one article of clothing.
im pretty sure i read this
It's clearly something by Nihei
Is this that dyke hiki manga? Did she really order the prostitute in the end?
Please source senpais
is she ok?
So much wasted potential in that series.
I unironically feel the same way as this guy
Dancing policeman, there's only 2 chapters tho
It was the one where the blonde girl has a camera which tells everyone's secret. But now I don't even remember what was Athena's secret, kek. Gotta reread
Hana and Hina After School btw
Does she end up convincing her that yuri is good for health ?
Domo Arigato
No one is going to be able to reverse search for sauce when there is a mangafox watermark at the bottom
I actually found the source by cropping out the watermark
>mangafox watermark
>not narrowing the search parameters to only mangafox
Really makes you think
If I reverse google search from Sup Forums it doesn't give me anything
If I reverse google search from imageops I find it:
Fuck, I just realised Sup Forums lookups the thumbnail. What the fuck is wrong with Hiroshimoot, what kind of moron coded this site
I'm not the guy that posted that, but the manga is called The Mermaid Princess's Guilty Meal.
huh i just assumed that wouldn't work muh b
oh, someone picked it? nice
It's BnHA ? Research linked me to threads of BnHA but the art seems different from the few I've seen somehow. I've seen this page multiple times tho but I'm just now wondering
Sauce please ? Can't find it but I can dig more dick jokes
Tejina Senpai
Thank you user
Please post cute loli manga as appreciation
The only loli manga I've read and liked are tsugumomo and Prisma Ilya so...
i wanna like Ilya but it's so stupid.
You should definitely read Yuzumori even if you don't like loli. It goes in interesting places
I only read Ilya for the epic Shirou showdown in 3rei, I must admit.
I'll check out Yuzumori, thanks