What would it feel like to stuck your dick in there?

What would it feel like to stuck your dick in there?

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Warm, wet, but not tight enough. You could probably jerk off with sticking your dick in an intestine.

I don't remember this in the game.

It happens in the first fight where the hydra almost kills you then you neat it with a summon.

does the game still require you to go through some hoops to download/play it or did they finally release it to the West?


This'll look 1000x better with Djeeta.

game still not in english right


Well, he technically tried to block it and the sword was broken in the process.


I just watched the first episode and I think this anime perfectly demonstrates that what makes a good game doesn't make a good anime. This feels like the game it was based on might be a lot of fun, but as an anime in and of itself it's not very engaging (though perhaps the second episode will be better?).

Two points that demonstrate this for example. First of all, the enemy soldiers being entirely non-threatening. In a game that's okay, if it's an RPG you go into it knowing that you'll end up with random encounters (and some scripted ones) and you know that appearance is meaningless and stats mean more than gear (though ideally in a well designed game enemies that look strong are strong). However, if in an anime the antagonists go down with little to no effort, it feels meaningless. Ideally, a combat scene in an anime or any kind of non-interactive medium should do something to progress the story or advance character arcs.

Secondly, what do we even know about the characters up until this point? Gran and his obligatory cute sidekick are your run-of-the-mill JRPG protagonists, Lyria is the magical maiden in distress and Katalina her attendant/guardian, and Pommern the flamboyant badguy. But what do we really know, other than their position/archetype in the story? Not much. This is fine for an introductory mission in a video game, but for a series not learning anything about the characters in the first episode is pretty bad. This is also the reason why big budget Hollywood adaptations of videogames tend to suck.

On the plus side, Katalina is without exaggeration the hottest girl I've ever seen in anime. Her character design is pretty much the only reason I hope this anime gets better.

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There are zero hoops to jump through if you play it in your browser.

I like the style. Makes me remember '90ies shows.

From a scale of 0 to fucked, how would you rate OPs mental state.

It looks nothing like 90s shows. What the fuck are you on?

>On the plus side, Katalina is without exaggeration the hottest girl I've ever seen in anime. Her character design is pretty much the only reason I hope this anime gets better.
It will get better when you play the game so you can appreciate the anime despite its lack of anything interesting for those who haven't already played it. Then you can roll Katalina too.

Only fucked?

>granblue is a good game

You can't be serious. It's a fucking phone game.

I'd love to, but I can't play that shit on my Galaxy S2.
Also, is it available in non-Japanese languages or do I need to learn moon just to figure out if a girl I like is waifuworthy?

>You can't be serious
Reread my post, I merely said the anime makes me feel the game is a good game. I've never played it. I also meant the "good game doesn't make good anime" statement in moer general terms, it simply doesn't work unless you have a very talented writer rewriting entire sections of the plot

You play it on your browser, on your PC.

>Also, is it available in non-Japanese languages or do I need to learn moon just to figure out if a girl I like is waifuworthy?
I mean you did just post a picture of the game in English.

I ain't reading that shit, make a tl;dr next time

Any explanation why he didn't wear torso armor?

They added English language to it early last year.

Nothing wrong with guro, I'm a abusefag myself.

Read only the first and last paragraphs.

He does, it got ripped off.

what about necrofags, are we bottom of the barrel to the gurofags.

This series kinda breaks all previous records on garbage story getting good art on multiple media platforms.

Salty milk and coins.

So how's this thing's plot going to work out?
Is it going to follow the game's plot at an accelerated pace that lets it get to the end, stop at some major plot point that lets them imply a happily ever after (like Re: Zero), or just take a different plot entirely?

We don't know but it's very unlikely to have an anime original plot.

Did anyone read Snuff 2004?

Really makes you think


You'd probably like Gilles de Rais. He did exactly that, with a special weapon. On kids.

This was actually pretty nice, why people complain so much about it?

Budget is not specially impressive, but eh, at least is about characters going to an epic quest. That's already more than lot of fantasy stuff nowdays.

Would they really need an 'accelerated pace'? Just remove all those random battles that make thing stop to a halt and the story could go rather quickly.

What, you don't want six episodes of grinding random plebs in the first zone?

It is you just have to change it in the settings

>phone game
For what it's worth, it's a browser game that is playable on the phone. It's more KanColle than it is Puzzle and Dragons.

It would smell terrible and feel worse.

Is this really want Aaron has come to?

It'd probably hurt like hell.

delete this, beato is pure

It's the best mobage around. By far.

If that's saying anything.

Wait this was just a preview? What the hell happened? it not in January anymore?

Just a prescreening or something right? Airs in april I think? Gotta get people hype and spread the news to make that cash.


Gee if developers actually posted gameplay during those ad teasers then I would have been playing it months ago.


I thought I had more, but I guess I don't. Just have a couple things I'd saved, since I wasn't playing it and didn't follow it when it got its own general. It's already really big in Japan, and they don't much care if foreigners like you play or not.