Have you ever watched a show where it feels like even the seiyuu are having a blast voicing the characters? Pic related
Have you ever watched a show where it feels like even the seiyuu are having a blast voicing the characters? Pic related
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I don't want to hear them having fun. I want them to voice their characters properly. It's called "acting", not "having fun".
I always picture that the VAs are embarassed as fuck that they have to voice those weird scenes, and only power throuh it because they need the paycheck. They probably don't even like anime and regret their life choices every single night
both of you are wrong and should feel bad about it
second posters doubly wrong because they have fun doing the job
Write properly or don't bother posting at all.
Seitokai Yakuindomo.
Maximum autism
your retardation is showing user
No game no life.
Gintama definitely
The live show every year is a blast to watch for live voice acting
>having fun
pick one
you can do both you know.
Kokoro connect
Osomatsu-san, especially Totty's VA. He was amazing.
This so much. It has been fun watching them all get more into their roles as the series just keeps endlessly getting produced.
You can't go any more fun than that. There was even an episode where they voiced each other at random.
Daily Lives of High School Boys.
Came to post this. I bet recording sessions take the entire day because they keep messing up from laughing.
Binbougami ga
Practically any anime where Kanahana plays a lunatic.
explain this
When the character she plays has a permanent smileyface, it's no longer fun.
Very true.
Did she have fun while recording the kissing scene with Nana? Or was it painful?
Im not a doctor but i think you may have autism, get help
Pic related.
Nana had lots of fun.
Aqua's seiyuu is probably the one who's the most into it, her screams make me lose it every time.
I'll never forget Sugita's Kaere.
As soon as I hear the "actors" rather than the characters it pulls me straight out and ruins the scene.
has the right idea.
I have this impression of Nana that she's only having fun if she's working. Like she'd work 24/7 if she could.
Kill la Kill
Yes. I've yet to see an anime where Aoi Yuuki was really allowed to shine like this.
Nakata jouji in noucome
Have you ever thought that if the seiyuu doesn't make you (audience) feel that they having a blast voicing their character the won't get accepted in the audition?
It's part of their work, just because you love the show so much doesn't mean it goes exactly what you think it goes.
Fucking retard.
Old Shaft shows like SZS or MH. Also DT.
Further, if during the recording the director isn't happy, they'll just retake it until he is.
This. They told several recording anecdotes about that.
No,they are just having fun
ghost stories dub
Twintails, Apparently all the veteran seiyuus who voiced all the Guildiys had a blast voicing perverts.
I tend to like those shows more because the fun and happiness is contagious.
Not even that much into Gintama, but this was just amazing:
If you need to delude yourself into believing something is real to enjoy it, you may have more pressing things to worry about than a scene being ruined.
Pic related kill me.
Some of them having fun alright.
She does an amazing job so far with that anime.
o shit, that's Aoi Yuuki?
Season 2 when?
The Cromartie High School dub also comes to mind and I wouldn't actually mind rewatching it in it's entirety like that
OP's probably that guy who will ditched his favorite VA if the VA isn't a virgin.
Tesagure Bukatsumono
>people aren't allowed to have fun when working
rare case of fpwp
You didn't deny my statement.
Best guildy.
She was great in Ange Vierge too.
Oh shit Aoi is voicing that duck mouth? Now I might actually have to watch it.
Every Shaft comedy, but especially SZS.
shit show and shit seiyuu drama
Noucome's narrator.
the drama was a meme but kokorocon was a decent show
nah the show was shit. I couldn't stop cringing every episode
I get that vibe from Nichijou
Drama was real, real bullies in real life, people decided to let the show die.
>million text, the show
>Totty's VA
Dude kept ruining it for everyone else.
If you think maintaining suspension of disbelief is not a real issue in acting, you might need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.
It was garbage. Also the VA were assholes. So happy it bombed.
Makes you wonder if the VAs in hentai have fun with it or are depressed that they couldn't make it to regular anime.
A lot of seiyu do adult voice work under a separate name. I have a collection of Asami Imai's eroge voice acting and Yuu Asakawa voices the main girl in Otomedori. Soichiro Hoshi, Shizuka Ito, Hikaru Midorikawa, the list goes on. The english VAs definitely have fun with it though.
Saiki Kusuo, Especially OnoD.
The VAs don't have to read the text.
You don't want season 2.
Season 2 starts out with the baby between love interests cliche.
I think she had some fun with Clementine too
Well, I suppose in this particular case it should have been fun. While voicing hentai might be seen as a subpar job, it's still a form of expression. As any form of expression, it brings with it some little joys, and that what the show is about. I imagine it is nice to make a show about the joys of your job, no matter how ridiculous the presentation might be.
Besides, MS is genuinely cute, and japs love that.
I don't want them to have fun I want them to do their job.
It also usually pays more than regular anime va work.
>pays more
Are you telling me they voice the entire scene? It always sounds like they just loop it.
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure not mentioned yet.
Eroge work tends to be pretty niche, so you have the opportunity to get work in a lot of games. Actresses like Hiroko Taguchi and Ryouko Tanaka have tons of roles.
I laugh my ass off everytime Aqua cries.
The ridiculously over the top voice acting is like 50% of the reason I watched Jojo.
I guess I get why people like it but I always found it cringy. Specially for Speedwagon
K-on maybe?
not to the point that they're having a blast like in konosuba, but I got the vibe that they're pretty comfortable with what they are voicing.
also, gintama. then again, it feels like sugita is always having a blast in a comedy show.
Is this a special Horizon in The Middle manga?
Do you think the cast of Legend of the Galactic Heroes enjoyed the work because it was real serious acting akin to Shakespeare?
Ad libs are the best.
Some people seem to be under the misconception that "I don't want them to have fun" means "I want them not to have fun".
For the dub.
>serious acting
I never want it to end
did the newest anime releases get subbed yet?
Definitively Symphogear.
Yes. Kyoko's VA was only competent one.
Sugita sounds like he's having fun most of the time. Especially in that one Oda Nobunaga mech anime which made little to no sense.