The Women Must Go

It's time we grew up.
The women must leave the alt-right and us men must spearhead it from now on.


> inb4 MGTOW

Other urls found in this thread:

MGTOW kike trash gtfo

>half Irish

Is this nigger her past boyfriend or is this just a random cosplay she did?

What points of the article would you dispute? Would you want women to be your equal in terms of shaping the future?

>he pays for roasties to travel around the world with their based black boyfriends
the absolute state orbiters

Lauren "If he ain't Halal I'll just fuck Jamal" Southern

hitler thought the same thing, womens role isnt political its family

Women didnt support hitler for logic, they supported him because he represented power and strength to defeat other men

imagine how wet her tight little cunt must have been while it was getting stretched by that guys BBC... wish i could have seen it live

I wish I were her desu.

Piss off leftypol


i think if alt right betas donated enough she'd do a live bbc orgy for them


Ultimate redpill

Same old tactics from shills... divide and conquer.

You faggots must be totally desperate.

It's him. But he comes off more as some kind of arab than black.
Oh well just your typical amerimutt.

Why do you have to sign up for the BBS shit? Thought that was just when you guys were on tor. I like the site but that just seems strange...

It's not MGTOW, just putting women in their place.

I love it when the right eats itself

Nice slide thread OP! They really took the bait!

Let andrew say this stuff which has its place but other guys should not talk about it anymore.

>dailystormer is leftypol
>supporting coal burning semi-liberal women is redpilled
made me think!

You retards don't get it. Women fuck up everything they touch when it comes to decision making because they're fundamentally illogical.

This kick all women out fuck these stupid whores

duh weemin mus goh dis ez uh bois onlee club

> me throwing you in an oven
> leftpol

Are you guys hirirng? Where do I send my resume?

Anglin can do whatever he wants desu. He has to appeal to his base, which is a certain demographic. That demographic is usually young men and young men don't get laid much these days. Lashing out against women is what they want...give it to them. But I wouldn't take it seriously. For the 21+ crowd this is all kinda cringey and stupid

Women don't just fuck everything up. Men LET them fuck everything up. They didn't just give themselves the right to vote or make the courts favoring them at gunpoint. If you want to address the problem, you need to start with the ones empowering them. It's your fellow white male cucks who are GIVING them leverage because they believe deferring to women like a faggot is manly. Start by bitching at them. Also a lot of them are in the military and government. Good luck.

fuck off beta faggot

You guys as in stormer? no, I just read it.
I have much respect for you honorary aryans... don't tarnish it.

fuck off mgtow kike

hggurrr durrrh noh gurllls aloudddd gurlzzz gitt owt rrrrrreeeeeeee

> t. virgin beta you doesn't understand women's primal needs and function.


ur uh bate tah mail gurlz half cootieeeessss

First step is to stop the women who have discovered a large market of desperate young lads and pretend like they give half a fuck about politics and the future of our civilization. They're here for the attention, nothing else. Exactly the same shit you see from non dyke women who join the military. They seek out an environment where their pussy has the most value.

>I only like black girls... honestly!

What did he mean by this?

We need women. Hot women with big tits to be alt right. We don’t have to strive for gender equality, but we should at least not treat them like shit


this is what an "in shape" Sup Forumsack looks like

>caring this much about who other people fuck

you are an authoritarian cuck

weemin belung en de keechin bee cos teh arr ent reel peep pol



The forums are tor hosted only because they lose a top domain every week.

Try not spewing autistic drivel, then you'll be of some significance and further worth my time. Until then...

> Oven Mode
> Pre-heat

>Wasn't the Dailystormer taken down after the "nazi car murder" and is now being run by shills?

stap maykin fuhn ohf meeh weemun arr stoopid

>the daily stormer

Speak and act like a man.
What part of this article is bullshit to you?

Use some critical thinking.

Oh no, not ze evil authoritarians :^(

>I'm unable to string together a single coherent argument so I'll just shit up the whole thread with retarded wojacks and hope I'll then win by default

dass noht en ahgoomunt

The last one I thought would understand this would be a fucking leaf... but it's good to hear we agree brother.

>accept my coalburner or you're a virgin
top kek

BBS? Dude.. I saw this posted on twitter from one of the groypers....

lawrin es uh cole bornor stoopid bate uh mail vur ginz

it's not a matter of being evil, it's a matter of being a statist cuck, you cuck

>Women didnt support hitler for logic
You're mistaken to think of it in terms of "support"

Is there anyone left?
Anyone that can refute AA's statements?

A label invented by the MSM for us. You dumb niggers played right into their hands the minute you decided to run with it.

Name some alternatives boyo?

What the hell is wrong with you? Never shy away from the truth. Ever.

Are you denying she's a coalburner?

He's right. Woman are meant to take care of children and the home, shut up, sit there and look pretty. Look at all the thirsty knights in these threads, going on about "We need traditional woman" as if anything about woman talking about politics is traditional. Woman don't help any movement, they belong in the arms and home of a man. That's traditional values. These women don't bring anyone over to anyones side but, their own through seduction. It needs to stop.

arr yuh deen eye ingh seez uh cole bornor

Right, we gotta embrace feminism in the far right wing. Fuck off.

I ain't a shill, but don't you think Lauren is a bit hypocritical? She pretends to be traditional and promote our native ethnicities then fucks non-whites all day

/leftypol/ RAUS


Literally who the fuck is this?
> Robot chanet?

Oh BTW , how's that (((wall))) coming along now?


roosteehs balloon duh fouk owt

Guys this is a roastie. She is going through a phase. You need to stop giving her money and you need to shit talk her. She is a news reporter, NOT an activist.

She is the same kind of caliber of woman as Jane Fonda. We need to control her. Use her. But not be used.


She get what she wants (attention and fame) for NOTHING.


Saved. That ship is sexy as hell. Gun metal grey eyes shine like silver.

Well done, Sup Forums. You've been jewed. Classic divide and conquer tactics, turning against your own race and hampering your chances at mainstream success. The alt-right are so incredibly retarded for this. The only way to mainstream success is through women, throwing phrases around like "your only job is to have children" is poor optics, it alienates over half the white population, not including potential males who don't want anything to do with a movement comprised entirely of women-hating faggots. Terrible tactics. Its decisions like these that make me think the alt-right will never achieve lasting influence.

It's her Canadian Obama Jr. nigger boyfriend.

You beta orbiters aren't even arguing anymore, this is just sad.

The ultimate redpill is realizing that anti-matter/cosmic satanic forces want to destroy everything in this world. That includes love, happiness, family, honor, anything good, these globalists want us to be lonely miserable empty drones who will hate our own existence so much we'll embrace our own destruction.

>women can't have opinions because that's feminism

>The only way to mainstream success is through women
Please present some evidence for this.

Disinfo glow in the dark nigger

Trying to divide as usual.


yuh bate uh are butters arr int ebun arr goo en aynty moar un naughter wun fur duh smert gois

You're right.

And you're a shill. The "alt-right" doesn't exist. Wanting woman to be homemakers and family oriented is not hating on woman. It is their natural role.

The family is political. The woman needs to be political when homeschooling the kids so the kids are indoctrinated into the worldview at an early age.

saged and reported

Unmarried childless women are poisoned by the mainstream culture and will bring that poison until we destroy and remake the mainstream in our image.

Women should speak up and join our cause. We might not care what women think, but other women care what the other women think. The left are shitting their pants at the thought of women joining the far right.

Right and the home maker will be bored and get into politics more because she has nothing else to do for intellectual stimulation.

Do you disagree that women hold significant power in society, and that a movement that alienates them is not going to get very far? Name one that has. WE have to operate within the paradigm of reality. It doesnt matter whether or not we believe women belong in the household, conservative women makung youtube videos should not be the altar we sacrifice ourselves on. DEmographics are much too important. Be pragmatic

True fact. This is a must read artical for those who have not taken the femme pill

As i recall most of us were against it

They’re the largest mobile voting block. White men already vote conservative and basically every minority group votes left (hispanics not overwhelmingly though). White women, especially suburban ones, are a huge block with highly volatile turnout but also have the most variability in the way they vote.

>All the white knights and crypto-feminists in this thread

This is what feminist subversion looks like.

doesn't matter whether or not its natural, predicating your movement on that virtue isnt going to win you any support.

You're entire argument can be summed up as, "Trump can not alienate Mexicans and minorities because they make up substantial portions of the electorate. To run a campaign in the year 2016 about hardline immigration is suicide"

>Anglin the Thai ladyboy fucker

Woman don't need intellectual political stimulation. That's not traditionalism. A true homemaker is never bored, providing for her home, family & husband.