Literally japanese george lucas who forever tainted his masterwork...

Literally japanese george lucas who forever tainted his masterwork, I hope he dies by being beaten up with rebuilds blu rays.

Miyazaki is the Japanese Spielberg and they're both complete shit so I guess to comparison is justified.

> forever tainted his masterwork
You (can't) taint something that doesn't exist.

spielberg never made E.T 2

I've just finished NGE for the first time. Did I like it?


Nah, he's like Ridley Scott with Prometheus.

Prometheus is Lidelof's fault, not Scott's. Scott only directed, he didn't write the script. The direction in Promethus is top-tier, the script is fucking garbage.

Maeda is probably the Lidelof equivalent

>I hope he dies by being beaten up with rebuilds blu rays.

How long would it take to die by getting blu rays thrown at you?