Literally japanese george lucas who forever tainted his masterwork, I hope he dies by being beaten up with rebuilds blu rays.
Literally japanese george lucas who forever tainted his masterwork...
Luke Collins
Lincoln Butler
Miyazaki is the Japanese Spielberg and they're both complete shit so I guess to comparison is justified.
William Lopez
> forever tainted his masterwork
You (can't) taint something that doesn't exist.
Lucas Sanchez
spielberg never made E.T 2
Carson Ramirez
I've just finished NGE for the first time. Did I like it?
Austin Garcia
Cameron Reyes
Nah, he's like Ridley Scott with Prometheus.
Robert Phillips
Prometheus is Lidelof's fault, not Scott's. Scott only directed, he didn't write the script. The direction in Promethus is top-tier, the script is fucking garbage.
Aaron Martin
Maeda is probably the Lidelof equivalent
Owen King
>I hope he dies by being beaten up with rebuilds blu rays.
How long would it take to die by getting blu rays thrown at you?