Mayonaka x Giten

Anyone read this? It ended only a few days ago but it doesn't seem like anyone cared.

I thought it was okay until it turned to nonsense in the last 6-7 chapters. I think it's still better than anything else the guy's written.

I hated the ending.

I like it, though having to wait for some time for the chapter to be translated made me neutral about how it suppose to end or thinking of a better ending.Too bad onee chan still dead.

what is the ending user, spoiler pls
who's x?
and is he's sister really dead?

X is Sachi's other evil personality that was created when Sachi found his brother raping his sister. He used the body swap card to magically transfer his other personality to his sister's body, causing him to forget about X and everything negative about his family. X also had absolutely nothing to do with the murder of MC's sister, so 80% of the story was pretty much a wild goose chase.

The real killer is MC's father, who never actually appears in person. After his wife died he became obsessed with the sister and started sexually abusing her. He was jealous of MC because the sister loved him. He lures both MC and the sister into participating in the body switch along with him. He switches into the sister's body and tries to murder MC, but the sister switched into MC's body and she stabs him in self-defense, essentially killing herself to save her brother.

The end was legit m8, fuck you.

That x bit seems stupid and contrived.
Totally digging the rest of it though.

I kinda like the idea of the culprit being someone you don't actually see in the series, but its execution was just bad. I'm not even mad about what happened in the end, but about what didn't. They could've done so much. anyways, it just lacks execution not ideas

I remember the dump of the first chapter, surprised it ended as well as it did.

Sheit, I only get the sister killer part. The part where they explained X seems to be nowhere to find during my read.

legit fucking retarded

It was an okay fun thriller. Though I hate when romance subplots go nowhere. Also was a bit dissapointed at the protags development. Thought he was going to be more revenge obsessed but just turned out to be a nice guy. Would've been more interesting if he has gone a darker route. Also his cross power was lame, and the idea of cross powers just came out of fucking nowhere. I liked how it was paced though. And it was only like 20-ish chapters so I think it was worth the read.

The cross powers were just there for plot bullshit anyway.

Class rep and stuffed animal guy's powers only conveniently showed up to carry the plot when the writer couldn't do it in a way that actually made sense

Why though?

Also, no resolution for anyone. Not even any confirmation that MC and Idol are fugging or anything. Also, Class Rep's last scene with Sachi kind of implied to me that the explanation for X was a bunch of bullshit and that the reality is that X was just a personality Ai created to let out the darkness that existed in her fucked up head and Sachi went with it to essentially take the blame for actions Ai herself did.

Kind of shit that it ended though since I would've liked to have just followed Class Rep investigating more body swapping stuff.

I dunno the seem pretty together.

Class rep did a whole "I lost" face to idol and MC.

Knox's 1st: It is forbidden for the culprit to be anyone not mentioned in the early part of the story.

Not all stories have to follow Knox's rules.

The ending could have been so much better. Was it axed?

Well yeah. They were cool though. At least some of them.

Best girl won. It's all that matters.

A murder mystery where the culprit cannot be guessed through any of the clues provided is a terrible fucking murder mystery. How the hell is anyone supposed to guess X is "the manifestation of the dark parts of one character's psyche set free and inhabiting the body of his sister (and that might actually be bullshit too)" from anything provided in the series beforehand? How are you supposed to guess that the sister's murderer is the father, a character who I don't think appeared in the story and had maybe one line of incidental telephone dialogue beforehand?

The author was so concerned about being more clever than the reader that he forgot to put any sort of logic into the two reveals.

I literally read the first chapter a few months and read the last or second to last chapter last week. felt nothing , like wanting to read more, when the first chapter did more than that. and that usually doesn't happen for me. so this was pretty lame.

>Knox's rules
>5. No Chinaman must figure in the story.

What the fuck?

Also, some of Sherlock Holmes' short stories doesn't follow the rules.

That was my impression

MC should of at least read his sister's diary at the end.

what a waste of a cute onee san

fuck this series

Wasn't he mentioned as father/blog's reader?

It wasn't a romance manga

Edgy nonsense trying way too hard. Common in anime/manga.


so the part with X and all that shenanigan investigation are completely pointless since the culprit is some kind of star wars cliche.

>Not even any confirmation that MC and Idol are fugging or anything
But that never was the point of the story.

Reading this now. Why does the girl keep saying she's in debt? Doesn't seem like he's done fuck all for her.

Blondes always win babe.

I guess he has to take the responsibility after all.