I Know How to Defeat the Ghettos

Everyone knows that the ghettos of the world are run down, destroyed remnants of previously white neighborhoods.
These areas lack basic maintenance. Any problem with the infrastructure of these areas does not get fixed and only worsens (further ghettofying it).
You guys are tackling the ghetto problem all wrong.

You dont need to move into the neighborhood and barricade it with high end security systems and big guns.

You need to make seed bombs.

These areas lack infrastructure and maintenance.
If you look into the areas of Detroit that have been abandoned for a long time you will see nature reclaiming it.

All you need to do give mother nature a push.

A seed bomb is a small ball of potters clay filled with seeds.
If you get plants that are known house breakers all you need to do is throw that shit in some yards.

You could literally destroy the ghettos using plants.

All you gotta do is toss some seed bombs into the yards of these ghetto nog heavens and within a year these vicious plants will destroy their homes.
Ive done this in arizona and a few other locations for fun.

Find out the biggest problem plant in your area and make seed balls full of it and throw those fuckers far and wide all over the ghetto.

Black people do not take care of their properties and all you have to do is weaponize botanical friends to destroy them.

We have white flight but we can make green flight occur in urban decay.

All you have to do is toss some of these in shitty areas and before to long nature will fuck it up

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Flower seed
Potter’s clay powder, from any craft shop
Peat-free compost
A bowl
A baking tray


Mix the seed, clay, and compost together in a bowl to a ratio of three handfuls of clay, five handfuls of compost and one handful of seed. Then carefully add water slowly and gradually (you don’t want it too gloopy), mixing it all together until you get a consistency that you can form into truffle-sized balls. Lay them out to bake dry on a sunny windowsill for at least three hours.'

you could destroy the ghetto for under 20 dollars.

Destroy your local ghetto

what seeds?

Ghettos don't make niggers, niggers make ghettos. Unless you're shoving those down nigger throats, it's not going to help.

Kudzu seeds will destroy a home past repair in a matter of months

Tell that to house in England overran to the fucking brim with brambles in muslim areas there nigel

guerrilla gardening. nice. reddit spacing. yikes.

It was pretyped in word :( I'm sorry

we had this plan like 6 months ago. other anons aid they were gonna do tests.

What happens after you destroy the ghetto? I don’t get what’s the positive? All it seems like it’s going to do is wind up making us pay even more taxes on black on people

I was OP of that shit before it turned into /ggg/

The english brambles i planted got to out of control the nearby condemned building got demolished and someone bought the land is making a new home

Good nature looks miles better and produces for us

they move out

it later gents gentrified because a new plot of land is available for a new house to be built

is there any legal recourse involved in planting seeds on anothers property?
aside from trespassing or littering

>overran to the fucking brim with brambles in muslim areas
Muzzies live on concrete, they don't have gardens. Even if they did, you now have exactly the same number of shitskins, one less house, and a shitload of invasive plants. Said shitskins will now proceed to fuck up another area.

Great plan, genius.

imagine a cop pulling you over and asking why you have dirt clods in your pocket

brambles and kudzu can break through concrete

>kudzu bombs
Holy shit, what a lovely Sup Forums-esque way to sow hate into the community, owing to the fact that kudzu is of Japanese origin.

So what does it do?

My only concern:
Ghettos act as containment zones for niggers.
What happens when nigger playgrounds are un-playable? Does their shit tumble into my comfy suburb? Do they move into another nigger infested ghetto?

Unless it makes them move back to Africa the net gain doesn’t seem to be that good.

Some states MIGHT have laws against growing noxious weeds, and kudzu may be considered such a plant.

Not in the middle of Birmingham they can't, you retard. Muzzies and niggers live in cities here, I mean real cities, not suburbs. Drop seeds in Times Square and see what happens.

Moving niggers around isn't going to help, you still have the niggers and where there's niggers, there's ghetto.

Just a symptom of the disease, which is mindlessness. It's not arbitrary divisive bullshit or whatever else you people want to use as an excuse to avoid the cold hard ugly truth. 90% of humanity are mindless animals flocking in to groups and letting someone else do their thinking for them. Until humanity is fixed, by exterminating the mindless, then fixing the problems of this world is just giving an AIDS patient a smiley face band-aid and saying "There you go champ, all better". The only solution is the deaths of 6.5 billion of you useless lemmings.

Maybe deadly nightshade that grows like a weed and is poisonous. They might be stupid and eat the fruit on it??

It grows up through the foundation and prises the wall cavities apart, invades every little nook and cranny until the house falls down. Take a little while. Nice subtle idea, stinging nettles and brambles would be ideal.

Nettles aren't going to do shit, and brambles aren't going to do shit unless you have 20 years to spare.

I was thinking about this thread/s the other day.
Good to see you back old friend.

>6 months
More like a couple of years or more faggot.

Use tree of heaven. It's an invasive plant that came from chyna and is notorious for being able to grow anywhere, sending up a ridiculous mass of suckers when attempts to cut it down are made, and has a noxious smell.

>The tree also resprouts vigorously when cut, making its eradication difficult and time-consuming. In many urban areas, it has acquired the derisive nicknames of "ghetto palm", "stink tree", and "tree of Hell"


Im also the dickhead who started the "Exploring the oceans: Dont you fucking do it"

I've been here far to long...

im okay with saying this now because its been long dead for a while now
but im also Intellibro

FEMA camps is what happens user


this is a lose/lose.
it will make them move out of urban areas and into red counties (not good). more than likely they'll adapt to it, embrace their new paradise, and claim botanically overran territory as New Africa or something.

at least that would be funny

imagine sheboons swinging on vines into the welfare office clutching a brood of niglets