

ching chong Maki is best girl ching chong.


There are people who don't even know katakana?

Japanese archery is fucking retarded

There are people who like umi, so yes.

do japanese people not raise their elbows in their archery


Worst cupid I have ever seen.




and a nip nong ching chong to you friend

Let's not use that language here.


Only 5?

>Only 5?
No user, it's 10 kilometers of swimming followed by running 10 kilometers. Check the chart.

Show me your panties


it's in english bros








Ryu ga waga teki wo kurau !




what in tarnation

>Folded 100000000000000000000 times


Ahhh my autism. Every time. Every time.

It's "Loose" or "Release." Because you loose your fingers or release the draw to let the arrow fly.

We said "Fire" because you applied fucking fire to powder to make boom-stick work!

Some of the first handguns in the West were called fucking "Dragons" for the exact reason they appeared to spit fire and smoke.

I thought fansubbers were autismo like me and they'd know this!

I'd rather rabu semen shooto straight into her womb.



the fuck did I just watch?


he doesn't watch anime

But where's the pew?

gomen gomen, uploaded the wrong one

Does it end In
>I love you
>I know

>Does it end In


Rape umi



Love arrow shoot?


got your love arrows right here

Oh boy, here we go!

What is the endgoal here?

I don't know but it SHOULD be piercing the head of the 'X is getting married' old dude.



out of curiosity
are you the same guy who made that Hanamaru eating thread?

The one that got buried in memes the other day and died in 6 or so hours?
yes that was me




We're still in Gensokyo user. come on.