>45 years old
Why does Vegeta win so much?
>45 years old
Why does Vegeta win so much?
didn't she wish to age at the same rate as vegeta?
Toriyama just forget about their age that's all. All character become much younger and become immature or childish again. See the manga's face for his actual face.
Krillen has 18.
18 probably won't age.
Confirmed in an interview that she ages but very slowly in comparison.
She is nothing compared to her mom, who is like 70 and looks 20 years old.
saggy tits
She's been absorbing Saiyajin spunk for years, his youth is rubbing off on her. The Bulma from Future Trunks' timeline looked like an old hag because she had no cum to devour. Bitches can't live without the cock.
>Why does Vegeta win so much?
Ask that Toriyama.
No one in DBS ages anymore because wrinkles are hard to draw and not covered by the shoestring budget.
Notice how every woman has a babyface now. Even chichi looks younger.
Man I fucking hate this new style. I don't even mind that they're going in a more comedic direction, that's actually a cool way to change things up but this art style is just so fucking atrocious. All the characters look like plastic dolls now.
Even GT had better art, though I have to say Bulma didn't carry the clinton look well.
However 18 and Videl looked much better
I knew it. Any "women" who wears a scarf is only hiding their adams apple. Every time. If you see a scarf, run far away.
I want to steal Bulma away from vegeta.
Vegetable only wins when it doesn't matter
>45 years old
It's like it's only yesterday that she was 18 and was showing creepy old men and turtles her snatch.
How is she still fertile?
>didn't she wish to age at the same rate as vegeta?
Her mother still hasn't aged a day, so it is genetic.
Did we get a reason why she dumped Yamcha?
She says that Yamcha sucks at everything except baseball. That means he sucks in bed too.
18 got raped and impregnated by Cell after he absorbed her, she's used goods.
I don't remember how she ended up with Vegeta
It just happened out of the blue
I don't even remember Future Trunks doing anything to ship his parents
>Prince of all Cucks
I think the reason Vegeta married bulma is because she's the most saiyan out of the girls. Bulma respects strength, as all women should, and therefore if you aren't strong you aren't worth shit. Just ask Yamacha.
Your mom is used goods.
>45 year old mother.
Is Dragonball the show with the worst waifus?
What he lost in fights, he won back in everything else.
Because it was out of the blue.
Also, because Toriyama actually hates romance. He doesn't like to write their couples with mush and his reasons for pairing one character with another are based on gags for shit and giggles or random stuff.
In fact, Trunks x Mai is the only one he admits he injected a bit of romance.
She and her mother are the richest women on Earth.
They both go through plastic surgery, stem cell treatments and young blood transfusions and botox every weekend, along side having the top notch dietitians and personal trainers readily available.
Let alone the fact that the DB world is futuristic and they are the owners of the most advanced company on the planet too, so the probably have nanomachines rebuilding their cells too.
But then why is Doctor Brief still a bow-legged manlet?
>not wanting an experienced woman who knows her way around a dick
Because he doesn't give a shit about his health.
He smokes for fucks sake.
Also he's the richest man on Earth and bitches are gold diggers.
Everyone in Nipland smokes.
Cell NTR fags please leave
>bra is a kid of a 45 year old
>literally coming out retarded
Those Cell Jr.'s didn't come from nowhere.
There's also no good reason why Android 18 was kept alive while 17 wasn't, unless of course her body had some other use.
When in doubt bring up saiyan genes
Japanese women age like wine
You say that like Bulma wasn't a big ole ho back in the day.
Wasn't she like 15 back then? Goddamn.
I thought she was 16, four years older than Goku.
Retconned in minus, now Goku was actually 14, except he unlearned how to count when Roshi taught him math so now he thinks he was 11.
I thought it was Goku thought he was 14 because he wasn't educated, then it was found out he was really 12 when he met Bulma.
So now it's retconned that Goku was right all along?
Yes because in Minus they sent Goku to earth when he was 3, not right after he was born (ignoring the fact that it'd take probably years for the capsule to get to earth too). But don't worry, minus is retarded and no one takes it seriously.
>In fact, Trunks x Mai is the only one he admits he injected a bit of romance.