One Piece

other thread got deleted for some reason

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Join me on my island, Luffy-kun!


Unpopular one piece opinions?

Mine is that aside from the east blue 5, the rest of the strawhats are more or less irrelevant. Oda will always give preference to Luffy/Zoro/Sanji/Nami/Usopp.


So who gets BTFO this week?


Why was the thread deleted?

We still need to know more of Brook royal backstory and frankys pirate dad. Other than that I dont see any other interesting thing that Grand liners could give us.

You guys were probably posting copypasta or hentai again

>SaNa will never have another "love you" gag
>SaNa will never recover from the mermaids
>SaNa will never be in the same group again
>SaNa will never recover from Viola
>SaNa will never recover from the minks
>SaNa will never have moments in WCI
>SaNa will never recover from pudding
>SaNa will never get tweeted by Oda's editors
You are here
>SaNa will never have a romantic moment at the end of this arc
>SaNa will never recover from said girl on Wano
>SaNa will never recover from said girl on elbaf
>SaNa will never recover from said girl on raftel
>SaNa will never have a chapter dedicated to them
>SaNa will never be canon
>SaNa will never kiss
>SaNa will never have a kid on the ship
>SaNa will never have jealous gags
>SaNa will never have a movie dedicated to them
>SaNa will never run a restaurant together
>SaNa will never have their own spin off manga

Nami always sits near Franky, so I think FraNa is more likely.

Why didn't he just gouge out Jack's eyes? He stabbed him pretty much everywhere in the face accept the eyes.

>Ivankov never gender bent Luffy during the war, and leave him Genderbent until he meets him again in the New World
>we will never get to see cute Luffyko begging Sanji to come back, with Sanji wanting to fuck Luffyko so hard.
>We will never get to see cute Luffyko making Law fall in love with her

Goddamn, just thinking about that shit gets me hard. Why couldn't Oda get the balls to do that... Shit would've been different for a change.

I'm done with this manga until Oda retcons Reiju's hair color to blonde.


I wasn't there.

see you on thursday

If you put small drops on bleach on your eyes daily for about a month, you'll go color blind. Then you're good because you just won't be able to tell what color his hair is.

reminder this is what monetfags look like


Katakuri, and by extension "Pudding is Katakuri"-fags.

>Oda will always give preference to Luffy/Zoro/Sanji/Nami/Usopp.
>Robin was the central figure for the best arc as well as the only one that can decipher the poneglyphs and the crew's main tie to the revolutionary army (before Sabo was revealed, at least) which will definitely be a major plot point at some time in the future
I'd argue Robin is a more important character than just about everyone else in the crew. Zoro is certainly a powerhouse for fights but serves no real purpose outside of them, and Nami is prominent in a lot of arcs but is mostly useless or the obligatory spar partner for the female baddies.

>No chapter for 36.000 cosmological decades

because these generals have turned into absolute autism gatherings on par with SnK and Fate


I reckon Brook, Franky and Robin are a lot better and more important than Usopp and Nami (and Chopper)

Jesus Jack's mammoth form is huge, assuming the anime hasn't exaggerated it too much.
Dogstorm is almost twice the height of Brook.

Good news, the manga is in black and white!

Luffy degenerated as a person after Ace died, he needs to go back to his old self.

i love rogersbase

This, I feel as though besides maybe Brook most of the crew has gotten flatter

>Don't Funk


The rule is more that, with the exception of Sanji, the longer you're a member, the more important you are. Sanji barely skips in front of Usopp.

>Sanji is a furfucker
Character ruined.
Yiff in hell, Oda.

I stopped reading this when it became apparent that it was a sanji arc, is the sanji arc over yet?

Yeah, it's been over for a while.

he spent several years trapped in an island of trannies, im sure hes going to fawn over anything female at this point.

I bet tghe reason for that is a mix between you getting accostumed to the character tropes and them getting less 'screentime'
Mostly due to the reason that the story situation right now is forced to have a faster pace, and delaing with multiple secondary characters reduces the crew interaction to their flat/typical interactions

I'm not a sanami fag but are they out fucking?

Well at least he's not a pedo.

Not exactly.
Do you see those bones?

>Luffy gets utterly defeated and blown away into a faraway island
>the first thing he gets there is a handjob
The madman

I don't know why this just dawned on me after so many years of One Piece, but Luffy could easily fuck himself in the ass.

I feel like luffys power would be a liability in the bedroom, he'll feel flacid even when hes erect.

Hmm. I thought the only person to have bones was Brook. Everybody isn't made of rubber like luffy and zolo?

Patiently waiting for the crew to rejoin

Gear 4, son.

The next time they join the crew will be finally complete.

Series hasn't been awful since the timeskip, but it was alot better before it.

Also, as other's have said the crew as a whole has kind of flattened out in terms of characterization. This arc hasn't been bad about that though. Then again, this arc is actually focusing on the straw hats rather than a bunch of new characters.

Its been like that for a few years now. One Piece threads used to happen the day of a release, now its up all the fucking time. I wish you Sup Forumstards and redditors would go back, everybody knows its you fuckers causing it.

I don't remember the discrepancy between Doggo and Jack being that big in the manga.

What? No, his knuckles and stuff still feel solid. It's just that it's rubber. So he'd have a dildo for a cock. Bendable but hard.

Currently watching G8.

Why is this so good? Any other hidden gems?

>what moxy!!!


No, might as well stop watching the anime now, it only goes to shit from there on out.

It's chapter where they both hiding from Kureha

Luffy vs prime Chinjao

Would he make Luffy to go g4?

Not trying to sound like a shipper fag here, but Nami actually does seem kind of jealous. Or rather, uncharacteristically irritated by Sanji's situation.

Nah, she every time overreacting when Nakama suddenly leave crew forever (Usopp/Robin).

Is Bleach re-published for another arc?

Does the ride continue?

Not in nearly the same fashion. As in, she gets snippety and hostile with her other crew mates.

At most for Robbin she yelled at Luffy for getting stuck in a wall while Robbin was being taken away, and for Ussop she just kind of cried a bit and said they shouldn't be fighting.

Does anyone have that SaNa edit that goes something like, "All of these tears are because of him"?

Cause the crew was ignoring Sanji unlike Robin or Usopp. They took it seriously with the latter 2. Not with Sanji. Nami will be even more pissed if the crew ignored Usopp cause she knows he's not that strong. But Luffy and Zoro trusted Sanji's words and were laidback.

Ignored Ussop leaving? I mean, they kind of did as they let him leave.
On top of which, Zoro said Ussop couldn't come back unless apologized and humbled himself. Nami didn't get at snippety at Zoro for that.

Deader than Jinbe


Predictions for the next chapter?

Chopper and Carrot run around the mirror world for 20 pages

>Rereading One Piece
>Realized Pudding showed up way earlier in the story, didn't realize it at all.

Oda is a fucking madman.

Marco will fly to Raftel.

She is jealous

Can you post the gif where she runs after him when he leaves?
I can't seem to find that gif
She looked so hurt.

If you mean at the end of fishman island, then you need to stop speedreading. Everyone instsntly associated the 3 eyed girl with pudding as soon as vito showed sanji the pic

Oh boy, you haven't partaken in the recent BNHA threads have you?
Now THAT is pure, distilled cancer

Threads quality on Sup Forums are proportionals to the quality of the manga/anime being discussed.

Which is why BnHA threads are always cancers, Meshi threads are always comfies, and OP threads are dulls with some retards in it

Luffyko is only for Zoro


Was it remotely the same situation? Come on, use your fucking brain. Don't be retarded. It was pretty obvious what I meant. And she did start to get pissy when Zoro first broughtit up but he shut that shit down the instant she opened her mouth.

Yes, actually. It was the same type of situation. The irony here is how you can see that Nami's reaction to these situations is totally different in almost every possible way.

She didn't let Zoro shut her up this time. This is more important to her

>Usopp leaves due to pride, makes things ugly, tries to pretend nothing went wrong, Zoro sees it as a disrespect to the Captain and says to ignore Usopp until he apologises
>Sanji leaves, says he'll be back, he's strong so Luffy and Zoro say fuck it
>same type of situation
Go fuck yourself.

Zoro already finished his point so she let Zoro actually say his piece this time. Then they started arguing like normal.

Usopp looks a lot like Yasopp here.

Untrue. You seem to be heated and is making you forget stuff.
Nami and Zoro were arguing when Luffy stepped in and said "well let's just go ask Sanji then, we don't do anything with arguing"

>same situation
>Sanji tells them he's leaving but he'll be back
>Usopp challenged Luffy to a duel and already stated that he was leaving for good beforehand
They're not the same situation at all.

I hate how retards try to have conversations while not only failing to understand what a concept is, but also refusing to address a post in full. While only addressing the parts they try to semantically nitpick.

It literally kills discussion.

>It was the same type of situation.
>Usopp wanted to leave
>Sanji didn't

Stop being brain damaged.

sorry but I really can't believe that someone is so emotionally attached to sanji/nami ship. this has to be a meme that has gone for to long.
anyway, nami/zorro forever

XDDD, Ebin mimi

Does it ever get good again after the time skip?

Used to be really good back on Sky island and Impel Down.

The timeskip is just pre-timeskip islands 2.0 with different characters

>Unpopular one piece opinions
Oh boy, here's a real doozy
while I realize that it has it's faults, I recognize the series for what it is: a manga aimed at 13 year old boys and appreciate the fact that, for the most part, the manga tells a solid adventure story and regularly delivers on satisfying emotional beats, imaginative worlds, and lovable characters, albeit lacking on any particularly deep themes, and it's especially impressive how well planned and effortless Oda makes it all look when he has to deliver this story (nearly) every week

So what do you guys think will happen in the next chapter?

>a manga aimed at 13 year old boys

But that's wrong, you fucking retard. The demography of One Piece is someone with 18+ mentality. Ask a 13 year old what series he likes, and he will answer something like Pokemon.

No chapter next week

>albeit lacking on any particularly deep themes
Inherited will, neo-enlightenment philosophy. There you go user, two running "deep" themes.

Maybe you should stop making fucking constant generals you gigantic moron

Wow amazing 10/10 quality how fucking thrilling, now people can spam horrible unfunny memes and wonder why the threads are so shit.