Uchi Musume

New chapter is out. Cover is out. My heart. Someone get the defibrillator.

Cute manga. Why is no one reading this?

Because this would go the Usagi Drop route?

I'm reading the wn.

That only makes it better.

>tfw it's true
That said the mc already has a lover and they are getting married in the latest volume, so i wonder how will the author handle this.

I fucking love this.


How long until she grows up in the manga?

More illustrations


I'd a loli/early teen daemon in a heart beat.


I don't know why, but this one made me tear up a little.

Cute, user. I admit my defeat.



Would you?

This shit kills my heart every time.

Feed her? Sure if she's hungry.

No one reads manga here my man, you'll probably have better luck when this gets an anime. But then you will have to deal with "hurr bestiality durr not a loli anymore" and so on.

>No one reads manga here my man
I do. The art is cute.

I like what I'm seeing so far too, picked up.

I hope you have hhhhhnnnngggg insurance.

I'm just waiting for Latina to reject Rudi. Poor guy has no chance.

>hurr bestiality

I mean Latina befirends some werewolf-like creatures in volume 2, so retards will obviously say it's bestiality
>pic related
It was boud to happen anyway

welkum bak

It would be nice if this got an anime, even if the threads would be shit.

I don't think this is popular enough in Japan for that though.

Who's that wolf? Is that the same wolf from here

no thats a girl of the beastkin race, she is dave's niece so she is latina's cousin.

They're not the same.

She befriends the small wolf in a village when they travel to Dale's place. She meets the big one later.

The big wolf will become her pet

If I had a daughter like Latina, I'm sure I'll never let go of her just like Dale. Heck, I even think that she grew up too fast, just like an actual parent.

Too bad we're in for some suffering down the road though what with the loli demon king