
>refusing lesbian twins for a girl that was 100% assured to die at childbirth
Is Tomoya retarded?

Ryou is literally a worse Nagisa



are you implying that nagisa is somehow bad?

>Refusing to become the househusband to an autistic girl with big tits that would make them millionaires with her scientific knowledge

Yes, yes he is. He is a fool for not picking Kotomi.

You think it's smart for a guy to try and get with a lesbian?

>10 years later Kyoufags are still this assblasted that best girl won


Nagisa fucking dies. You will cry. A lot. And it will be the best cry you will ever release. And years later you will watch it again. You will cry again.

Not one, but two lesbians. It's a pretty good idea, seems to me.

I don't know, is dying halfway through winning?

she does not die at the very very end

Reminder Ryou is a literal whore.

Kyou is my wife. I NEVER play it anymore after that.

Where did you even get that from? Is that the newest Doujin-related meme?

He didn't choose the imouto, retarded as fuck

It ends with everyone living

Did you read the VN? Tomoya was NTR'd despite they were dating.

I didn't do her route, but I was pretty sure it was generic as fuck.

Ntr? I remember choosing to kiss her and getting some generic ass end because it wasnt even a real route.

>choosing Kyou/Ryou over Tomoyo

I didn't cry when I watched Clannad, maybe because I already got spoiled (ironically, I picked it up *because* I was spoiled). Nevertheless, it remains my favorite anime ever.

However, her "true" story in the Clannad Visual Novel is very different. If you decide to avoid Kyou's scooter on the right side, you will encounter Kappei Hiiragi. Making the appropriate choices, he will eventually become Ryou's boyfriend.

Kyou was building to be the perfect female friend develops feelings romance if it wasnt for her pile of feces sister.

The only thing good about Tomoyo route was the hug at the end.

>he will eventually become Ryou's boyfriend
While on Ryou's route?


That's her route.

Well fuck that noise.

What I really don't understand is why Kappei never appeared in the anime, not even as a cameo. I know his story was hard to fit into Tomoya's but they could have found a way.

Kyoufags are just salty as fuck that their generic violent tsundere didn't win and take it out on Ryou because she reminds them of Nagisa but is an easier target. Ryou is a good and pure girl.


Kyou Best.

I 'really' wanted Tomoyo to be best girl. Then I recently started playing the Tomoyo After game.

I am severely disappointed. Kyou best girl hands down.

I am a Kyoufag yet I absolutely love how Nagisa changed Tomoya heart.
Plus I got an OVA and the fact that Nagisa survival was possible because of the Light Orbs from other worlds, Kyou included.
Dont put me on the same bag as the others.
Also, Ushio is the sweetest thing ever more than Fuko.

When was it established they were lesbians?

Ryou was too excited about Nagisa's "confession" not to be one (or at least bi), and Kyou was pretty touchy-feely with the girls from the club.

>no one has posted actual best girl

Kyou was by far the best girl and then you had to spend like 60% of her route hanging out with Ryou and fuck it sucked

Such a loss.

Kyou 2nd Best Girl
ryou 2nd Worst Girl
Autistic Shit 4th worst girl
Yes, Tomoyo is Best Girl and Waifu
Only Kyou can compete with her

fight me cunt

fuck man, this scene used to make me so fucking hard.

>used to
There are pills for that