Who was the best keion, Sup Forums?
Who was the best keion, Sup Forums?
Freiza > Ritsu > Mugi > Yui > Mio > Asuza
me on the right
me top middle a bit to the right
My brothers of African-American descent.
The best keion is Ricchan. She is perfect and has a great forehead and I love her.
Freeza is so cute.
azusa>yui>Mugi>Ritsu>Freiza>Kon>literal shit>Mio
The original Ginyu force
all of them
what the fuck
Freiza was NEVER in K-ON
I know he wasn't. That's ridiculous. That doesn't even make sense.
And yet I just went back and opened an episode of K-ON and there he is...
If this isn't proof of the timeline being altered I don't know what is
Mio > Ritsu > Frieza > Yui > Mugi > Azusa
My wife Yui
Mio, by a large margin.
Mugi > All three prime members > Azusa
It was forehead
Ritsu. Frieza is cute too.
Worst taste i've seen in a long time.
Mio of course. Then Yui. I was disappointed that Ritsu wasn't a trap so that's a minus, Mugi is a tryhard, and Asuza is meh.
What? Mugi doesn't have ambition whatsoever. She just want normal friendship.
The tryhard of the group objectively is Azusa.
No. Mugi wants to be careless, cute and fun so badly. She is a tryhard. And so is none of the before mentioned.
>I was disappointed that Ritsu wasn't a trap so that's a minus
You are a literal faggot with shit taste to boot, good job
But Mugi is careless, cute and fun.
>Picking any girl other then Mugi
Azusa > Ritsu > Mio > Freiza > Yui > Mugi
reminder that k-on girls are pure and never have had sex and never will
I don't think someone could make a worse rank even if they tried their best.
>Azusa 1st
But that's kind of what makes her character so great, she's slightly outside of the casual lowly fun thanks to her rich upbringing, but she actually does have a genuine interest in common time spenders that she pursues in a cheerful way. The candy scenes are the epitome of that, she's totally not familar with the various amount of cheap candy and she really wants to try as much as she can, that way we can have a scene like that, with someone like Ritsu and Yui only they'd be just eating candy they know and like, if you have a character that's experiencing the candy for the first time, it increases the excitement and wonder it grants, making the whole scene much better, that's what makes her an amazing character, since she's an enablerer of fun, one that pursuits it more and has the most genuine fun doing so.
And just because she's trying doesn't mean she's pretending, these are non-sequitors.
Move Frieza a couple places to the left and it's perfect.
Pretty accurate
Also, this. Mugi gives luxury treatment to others but actively seeks "normal" treatment for herself.