Flip flappers
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I don't think this is healthy, the other thread just died a natural death.
the other thread just died, let it go
Let it rest for a few days, user. The Mimi thread just died.
What anime have you guys moved on to?
i still haven't watched the last 3 episodes
LWA, was about to watch Konosuba, but the first episode made me lose my interest.
Fantasies about suicide.
I wish.
How do you feel about 3D cocona?
Nothing from this season, it's like Flip Flappers spoiled me a bit too much.
So I've started purging my backlog instead.
Everything that's airing except fujoshit
Gabriel is AOTS already
Looks like a late PS2-era RPG character I love it
3D Uexkull next
Where is her nose? And more importantly, is it possible to get a Massive Rump shot?
i thought this was a giant used condom from the catalog
Back to my main, Gochiusa. Yeah, it's not airing but there's still lots of doujins and fanart being made, plus movie soon. Watching LWA and Urara this season.
LWA is nice, it helps a bit.
But LWA is legit nothing outside of animation, sadly
Urara and Gabriel mostly. I don't go into LWA threads.
flip flappers doesn't even have that to make up for the shitty plot so i don't know what you're complaining about
>complaining about
newfag detected
>submitted a card
>still haven't watched ep 13
This thread reminded me the show exists.
So what's on the Flip Flappers reading list, guys? I've already got Hyperart Thomasson.
I've been marathoning this today and I'm becoming increasingly worried that what I thought would be a fun ride with crazy animation is going to end up being a terrifying thing that makes me cry.
Nihongo ha muzukashii.
Why did you not use sage? I hate you.
Speaking of cards what happened to the flipflapcard user? His twitter account is suspended and thus the card doesn't appear anymore on Oshiyama's twitter.
Which episode got you worried?
Presumably suspended for Sup Forums shit.
>Which episode got you worried?
The lying to obachan one
I'm up to 8 now though and only mildly aroused. There is less of the great animation in the middle here. Really strong start, preumably strong finish. I'm too dumb for this anime but damn it's pretty / 10.
Dammit, Aoba.
Pulled from a collab project
>Birkhäuser-Oeri, Sibylle. The Mother: Archetypal Image in Fairy Tales. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1988.
>Franz, Marie-Louise von. Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales. Zürich: Spring Publications, 1974.
>Franz, Marie-Louise von. The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1996.
>Jung, Carl Gustav. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981.
>Kawai, Hayao. 昔話の深層 ユング心理学とグリム童話. 講談社, 1994.
>Neumann, Erich. The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972.
>le eight eight three face
Young girl covers herself uncomfortably while her aunt-turned lesbian lover attempts to devour her umbilical cord by proxy.
Seriously, what does this even mean? I didn't find the motif in the reading list.
>smells like bleach
Aside from the association between the oral fixation and teething with Jung's stages of mental development, I think it was just meant to be a very vulgar way of foreshadowing the past relationships between Papikana and Cocona/Mimi.
"Cut the umbilical cord" is also an english turn of phrase typically directed at overprotective mothers which basically means "fuck off and let your kid do their own thing." It's not a particularly Jungian reading of the scene, but you can probably see how Papika being repratedly associated with biting the cord in Cocona's presence, both symbolically and literally, plays into the function that her relationship with Cocona has on Cocona's own pathology and on the relationship between Cocona and Mimi (which is really just a personification of Cocona's pathology anyways).
I actually don't know what, if anything, Jungian thinkers have to say about the symbol of the cord.
>foreshadowing the past relationships
Perhaps just a fun symbol which doesn't go deep into archetypal level.
Very possible but now that you have me thinking about it, I cant help feeling that the cord OUGHT to have more of a presence in those archetypes. It seems almost completely absent from the relevant literature despite being such an obvious icon.
child's play. we're dealing with vagina symbols right here.
Were these scenes really necessary?
Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?
Flap flipping.
>Hey kid wanna see my pussy
>Gochiusa movie
What? When was this announced?
I don't remember longcat being in Flip Flappers.
I miss the good flip flapper threads
>inb4 they were never good
not even top 0 though
>some japanese psychologists jungian interpretation of Hänsel and Gretel.
So this is Flip Flapper's deepest layer?
Beyond the anime references, beyond all other external themes, this is what it was all along?
So who else believes the entire series was a hallucinations/delusions, or a series of worlds painted/drawn by the abused and ignored Mimi?
>in the RED PORTAL, Mimi is alone in her room drawing to escape her parents arguing
>her only source of warmth in the world, the grannie at the hospital, has Alzheimer's
Just think about everything from this perspective. Cocona's "aunt" was made to be an evil robot----because making her evil makes it easier to deal with her Alzheimers. "She didnt't forget about me, she is actually an evil robot!
In the final episode, when everything almost returns "real" (for example, the rabbit turns real, the scientist is a hobo on the streets". That is the same world as the red portal, the real world. The entire series is Mimi's way of escaping reality.
>some japanese psychologists used the jungian interpretation of Hänsel and Gretel to study the collective psyche
Just some anons discussing the literature the plot and symbolism in Flip Flapper's is based on.
Dragon Maid
-Light hearted mood, yuri teasing, some really good animation for some action scenes, cute but "odd" girls, hints of grander themes and circumstances going on in the background with the magic and multiverses and gods etc.
-Cute light hearted witches school series, great animation, fantastic magical stuff, anime original so there's stuff to speculate about, the worldbuilding seems promising, great girls.
Demi Chan
-Nice comfy atmosphere, interesting angle towards the cute unusual girls and their biology or how they deal with their conditions, great girls.
-Good tone and balance between being ironic and straight makes the isekai seem more entertaining and easier to swallow, fun cast of characters are cute but also entertaining to watch, the world and its magic can be surprisingly good sometimes too.
Nah, they really actually fly off and have magical butterfly girl lesbian planeswalker adventures.
I can't even remember this scene, when were they at that bridge?
End of ep 6. Right before they (not) fucked up Senpai.
Delusion/dream theories suck.
I think it's more interesting to consider how Mimi herself (as in the literal character who existed in-universe) and her life/circumstances function as a figurative representation or personification of Cocona's. You can almost imagine the flashback as something playing out in Cocona's DPI.
So Papika helps Cocona cut her cord when she was born, and also figuratively because she's the one that gave Cocona self determination to stand up to the world and to her Mom and cut her herd from her, helping her move in her mental development ?
I thought the show was going to pull off that sort of bullshit twist for a second there, they really did a good effort trying to make it seem confusing with the different color palette and Hidaka looking all goofy and everyone seemed a bit too nice but in a sad way towards Cocona, as if they were dealing with a person who has issues, trying to go along with their delusion without really indulging it too much.
But no, magic exists, pure illusion is real, Papika rescues her Cocona and they go flying towards the rainbow.
ok interpretation for cocona, but what it means for papika to have te uncontrollable cord biting desire?
And Papika also helps Cocona overcome or at least challenge her fear of change (the recurring yonic imagery). Cocona becomes more capable of changing and of engagimg with the world thanks to Papika's companionship and pushing/encouraging. It's the symbolic cord tying Cocona down to her abstract safe space.
I feek like the presence of a literal Bad Mother tempts us to see everything a little too literally as references to the icons of an image snd character archetype, but they also perform allegorical functions as token representations of Cocona's psychology within that framework.
Any translation for this?
How many of Cocona's panties has Yayaka stolen?
They're her treasure after all.
So basically more Sup Forums speculah, got it.
The director more or less confirmed Jungian psychology in the post series interviews.
So yeah, for "speculah", but it's not totally baseless.
>Bad Mother
So you're back. I can tell you are from a literary background because the term is Terrible Mother in Jungian context. Take a look at this section and tell me what you think
It won't load on my phone. I'll give it a look when I get home.
>phone posters
More rather than less, if I remember correctly he literally stated in an interview that he drew from Jungian psychology.
This time I'm not getting too involved with any anime
Well that was a trip and a half.
>before trying to escape and getting caught and being punished
>Mimi said she wanted Cocona to have a life where she could choose her own path
>says Pure Illusion only exists for Cocona's sake
So the unthinkable happened when they caught her escaping and basically the whole anime outside that one flashback is just Mimi's happy place inside Pure Illusion? Or did she maybe somehow drag the entire rest of the original world into Pure Illusion with her at that time and now she is effectively god? At the end of 11, she died and then Pure Illusion ceased to exist, because she was god.
When they caught her Mimi's Good Mother aspect could no longer deal with the situation and her Terrible Mother aspect was chosen by her consciousness to suppress the good aspect and act on the destructive instincts. For reason still unexplained her consciousness was shattered into shards containing her negative aspect, which spread around various PIs and formed into defensive traps based on the negative aspects of her personality, and this is what Cocona has been fighting with all along since ep 1.
>For reason still unexplained her consciousness was shattered into shards containing her negative aspect
Personal theory, but for me it looked like it was her good side taking control for a brief moment, realizing what she has done, giving Cocona to Papika to protect her from herself and finally destroying herself.
>Zettai ni hanasenai
I can't watch other anime now because everything reminds me of Flip Flappers.
I think they actually killed her and none of it was real. Mimi is just using PI to keep herself from committing suicide, but eventually she still does. Everything in Pure Illusion was designed to give Cocona the life she didn't get to have.
Considering they are in the background and not the center of attention, characters are still well drawn and nicely detailed, especially the guards.
I can't wrap my head around how the last half of episode 13 works.
It's really not that hard.
Alright, I gave it a look over.
I'd like to point out that what Kawai is describing here in his model of "The Great Mother" is a much tighter Type metaphysical relationship than your write up appears to be insinuating (I qualify here because I don't want to accuse you of a mistake when it could simply be my misreading). The guiding principle behind the model is that the same maternal action or subject relation contains both the Good and Terrible aspects. In other words, an action which is of the Good Mother is also simultaneously of the "Terrible Mother." A quick and literal example would be preparing a meal for your child; it is nurturing but also fostering of a dependence which forms an obstacle to the child's psychological development (learning to acquire and prepare their own food). Both of these traits are intrinsically intertwined and inherent to the contiguous relationship between maternal and dependent archetypes.
That's an important distinction to make when applying these concepts to Mimi's character. What we might be tempted to see as an internal struggle between two conflicting wills would otherwise be understood through the lens of Kawai's Great Mother as a duality of consequence within a singular, though tragically paradoxical, will. I believe the concept is not necessarily in line with the typical conception of the Shadow, though I think both the Shadow and the Great Mother were at work in Mimi's character.
Aside from that difference of interpretation, I think what you've written here is very good and well-organized. It was very easy to read, understand and identify where concepts were originating.
>They never explained what that green rabbit was
>Didn't explain the brain inside the robot either
Was the good side also responsible for keeping Papika relatively safe at the dick tree with a stable supply of placenta fruit to survive?
Or for letting Cocona and Papika use henshin, until terrible mother Mimi takes it away?
And which side of Mimi was talking to Cocona on her dreams, in the boat?
What was she doing to her?
I've heard some theories say that was the terrible side, and she was telling confusing stuff to her to keep her down and defendant.
Wasn't Papika starving in the tree until Cocona showed up? That whole scene made it seem like she hadn't eaten anything at all until then and had been undergoing some supernatural starvation for the duration of her internment.