What defines a fujoshi?
Do they like anything gay, even traps?
What defines a fujoshi?
Traps aren't gay though.
but traps aren't gay
>tfw no fujoshi friend to homopost about you
They don't like traps, they self-insert as one.
Fujoshis are annoying but also cute. I want one.
>posting the edited version
Fujoshi are common in Colleges/Universities.
>not gay
never change Sup Forums
Nostalgia thread?
let's go with that
Traps and futa are straight fetish tbqh.
The entire point of a trap is to trap a straight dude into thinking it's a girl. If you are perverted enough, you wouldn't let the dick stand in your way. Which is why it is a fetish.
Looks like a best girl wife material to me
Futa is a patrician fetish for straight men. Traps are gay.
Have you never seen a fujo-pandering show? They like their ukes somewhat trap-like but still clearly male
Anything that is shit taste. As in they are in it for the characters and not the story. Then you hear them talk about it out loud.
Then you hear them talking about it out loud to their friend. Good thing that friend is not you, because you now know going to the bookstore was a mistake and all they have is a whole self of unsold book series for that taste.
Those books are undeserved but deserve better treatment than become library conditioned before sale.
yeah sucking a dick is straight
It's fine if it's a girl's dick.
>comic sans
I'm awfully close to become one.
I only like homo hentai with reasonnably buff dudes.
However I only like het romance. Homo romance I have no investment in, I only like to see them buttfuck one another.
Besides best homo hentai is drawn by men. As women tend to draw pretty shitty homo hentai with anorexic little boys.
i wasn't the one who did it
Your picture defines ants
Have you drawn any homo porn mangas? From what I know it is common for Fujoshi or proto-Fujoshi to start drawing mangas, however shit they might be.
My cousin is a nasty fujoshi.
Does nothing but read yaoi, draw yaoi, and has her mind in the gutter all the time.
>Have you drawn any homo porn mangas? From what I know it is common for Fujoshi or proto-Fujoshi to start drawing mangas, however shit they might be.
No. I'm just a fapper.
Besides I prefer het, even if homosex with moderate bara is more arousing to me.
>tfw somone uses your image.
>tfw someone makes your post into an image
Why are you doing this?
Fujoshi are women who like seeing two men romantically and/or sexually involved with each other.
Like most things, taste varies from person to person. Some fujos love traps, others don't care for them at all. As Harada, the greatest BL author of all time, has said, there's really no limit with what you can do with the genre of BL as long as there's two boys together.
So you know like how on imageboard 30-something year old dudes say that they are little girls while masturbating to traps etc... Fujoshi are basically what they would be if they actually were.
She looks miserable
Fujoshi translates to "Rotten Girl"
They are female otaku who enjoy male/male relationships, canon or not. Some like traps, some don't. Some like Bara some don't. A male fujoshi is called a fudanshi.
Otome is a genre that features fanservice of males but is for the most part, straight as the boys tend to go after a girl.
Otome road is a street in Japan that caters to fujoshi needs and wants with BL shops and butler cafe that may or may not be females in drag.
Hope this answer your questions, there will be a test this week. user 12 and 56, please stay after class.
Fujos are basically genderbent /u/, but a bit less obnoxious about their hobby
I hate that I love Harada.
Fujo's always wear glasses, It's just a fact.
Someone should post that YOI image where all the girls are meganes.
Meant to type on otome road "fujoshi and Otomefans' needs"
>the greatest BL author of all time
are you for real?
>less obnoxious
You know, I was going to laugh at you because things like pic related was rampant when I was in high school, hell we even formed a group where we would draw doujinshi of our male classmates, but recently the fujoshi community have been quiet. I rarely hear about glomping, yaoi paddles, forcing other guys to kiss each other anymore. Maybe we all grew up finally and learned to be sensible about our shitty hobby.
They are cancer just like otaku. That is all.
They kill anime and manga.
This word needs to be purged from the Internet. I remember going to cons where girls were cosplaying as Light and L (because homo and easiest costumes ever) and carrying signs saying "free hugs", "free glomps" etc. Even the worst yoifags are nothing compared to how intolerable fujos used to be then.
As cringy as those cons are, that pic kind of makes me nostalgic now that I haven't attended one for years.
So, I'm a bit confused about Fujos.
Are they usually straight? Are they like the dudes who love seeing women make out with one another?
>cancer something killing something hurrr durr
You trying too hard to fit in.
>no eroge with fujoshi herorines
what's wrong with the japs?
Yes, exactly that.
>if it's not shit that I like ITS CANCER KILLING MUH ANIMAY
You'll have better luck with otome eroge.
There's no reasons to go to cons now other than to get drunk and laugh at shitty cosplay and drama. Comiket is the only thing worth going to these days.
Just gay shit where the genitalia are cencored.
Stupid, Asians always wear glasses or contacts.
>tfw your body looks exactly like that
The most important part of sex is the dick. If there's a dick involved, it's some kind of sex. The dick is male. If you like seeing it, you're gay.
She looks like anime me and I'm not miserable.
I wont mind, to be honest
>fujo called out
>fujo hurr durrs
So they are cancer?
I can't tell if I'm a fujo or not because I like BL relationships but only when they're more bromance/camaraderie style. I wasn't really interested in Yuri on Ice because the relationship felt forced and one-sided, but series with a lot of personal interaction like Natsume Ono manga or Ikuhara anime are way more interesting.
this, trap is the self-insert. a nice masculine seme is absolutely necessary in fujobait.
two traps is basically futa and for men to enjoy.
> I like BL relationships but only when they're more bromance/camaraderie style.
>but series with a lot of personal interaction like Natsume Ono manga or Ikuhara anime are way more interesting.
Yes. You're definitely Fujoshi (if you're female).
Fudanshi if you're male.
>tfw I check at least 10 of those
I hate fujo culture though and I am not a woman
>Are they usually straight?
Yes, can confirm. She likes both reading yaoi smut and having dicks shoved inside her.
>I like BL
And that's all you need to be a fujo/fudanshi, welcome aboard.
Yes, exactly that.