Found the genes yet, racists?

Found the genes yet, racists?

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And don't even give me that "B-b-but JF debunked you!!!!!" He is a charlatan beneath contempt.

Genes for race?

Kraut? You mean the poor mans Sargon?

Genes that govern intelligence, the crazy alt righters think whites birth super babies with high iq just because they are white.

Delete your thread

Fuck off JF you slimey rat.

Even baiting shills have nothing to offer but mockery and snark. So pathetic.

This thread needs some trout memes, don't disappoint please

Didn't this guy completely implode over RageAfterStorm?

She's not even in the picture anymore and he's still going insane and in denial about it.

Sup Cuck and REE
Shinobi Yaka did a video on you now. Even the Sub 3,000 subs channels are using you as a punching bag now

>implying poor people are dumb enough to trust trout.

Holy fug, that's so cute

>slimey rat

Oh boy.

Kraut could have avoided looking like a retard. All he would have had to do was to spend 30 seconds reading the wiki

>Heritability is a statistic used in the fields of breeding and GENETICS that estimates the degree of variation in a phenotypic trait in a population that is due to GENETIC VARIATION between individuals in that population.[1] In other words, the concept of heritability can alternately be expressed in the form of the following question: "What is the proportion of the variation in a given trait within a population that is not explained by the environment of random chance?"[2]

Instead he went with the whole "genetics is a social science" meme

i miss that bitch. her pale skin and accent was pleasant.

>donkey is subspecies of horse

who the FUCK is this?

The destroyer of the alt-right.

>no i wont debate a guy who debunks my arguments
Stop posting bait threads
Thread is now about our favorite seasonings

The only people he destroyed was the people he doxxed and himself.

Dump bait probably
Anyway. Do you think an bonobo. Raised like a human is as intelligent as a human?
Because that's what you are saying if you think genes have no role in intelligence.

kek. His train wreck of a video series has brought way more people to channels like AltHyp and JF than would of been there if he just ignored them. Kraut is so incompetent his crusade against the Alt-Right turned into a recruitment campaign for them.

Has anyone taken a close look at the people in Kraut's discord? You have a We Wuz, a tranny, and a few jews.

Seems to me like he's gone full SJW.

Yes he did because muhhhyouh ruuhcuusts

You don't need to find the specific gene for intelligence to determine that intelligence is highly inheritable by observation.

But here's a special treat:

how come when I see any opinion that opposes ours posted on Sup Forums I just smile and laugh? This thread for example I saw it and just giggled. Is it possible for an opposing opinion to actually be taken serious here or is it always just posted for luls?

>HAHAH he is such a charlatan despite knowing his shit citing studies and showing time after time proof kraut and his followers fucked up. Hahah

So do asians. We litraly believe that the vidence shows asians are in average smarter than whites.
Muh whitesuprumucy. Suck it it's just the truth


>Believes in the holocaust
>Disbelieves race realism

If its genes, 80% heritable as alt right science man says, then white babies should be scoring higher on IQ tests then African Americans.
Typical stupid alt-right 'science'.

>"Fucking btfo with mad trolling skillz! That's all you need to win an argument!"

show us the genes then

*naked ape screeching in the background*

Dude whites score higher. Black average is 85 in usa and white is about 100 or so.

The discussion between Ape and Trout was just frustrating to watch.
>That's a blogpost

I still remember when Sandre lived anywhere other than under Kraut's desk

Show me. That a bonobo riased like a human will get as intelligent as a human. Because then you could debunk the heridibility of War intelligent

Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing Krautbro

Here you go:

The differences are SOCIOLOGICAL not BIOLOGICAL.
They have to live getting beaten up, robbed, pushed into crime by these same racists that probably look down on their intelligence that was DUE to them.

The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.

thats because white environmental oppression

If you remove all whites an leave only niggers have an avg IQ of 100 :^)

Logically this means whites are the problem!

/pol BTFO XD

Hundreds of scientists have and are, yes.
You ignorant shill.

I don't know if I'm just taking the bait or if you're legitimately retarded, but I guess I'll bite anyway

>white babies should be scoring higher on IQ tests then African Americans
That's not how heritability or IQ works. Early IQ scores are adjusted for age, and the heritability of IQ is low in childhood anyway (whereas in adulthood, it's very highly heritable)

>The differences are SOCIOLOGICAL not BIOLOGICAL.
>They have to live getting beaten up, robbed, pushed into crime by these same racists that probably look down on their intelligence that was DUE to them.
Heritability figures account for the impact of the environment, which is very small. Heritability of 80% means that 80% of the variation is explained by genetics, as opposed to the environment which only accounts for 20% of the variation. You can also normalize for those factors, it's been done and it did not remove the differences.

Asians don't see the big picture, are not very creative, and can't lead people, unless it's through force.

The goodest of goys especially recently

But you see they minimally improve thats means IQ is a 100% a white supremacist social construct and not even real.

Also all studies about black and white IQ gap are biased and dont count unless they show blacks are equal or higher.


>Kraut and Tea still picking fights against actual scientists, armed with his whole 75 IQ points.
That guy is a masochist.
He thrive on being humiliated publicly, I cannot see any other possibility.


Yes, it's called Human Accelerated Region 1. (HAR1) (What Makes Us Human - Katherine S Pollard)
>I chose a review article because it's more accessible to non-biologists

Brain function is also dictated by gut flora.
Microbial Reconstitution Reverses Maternal Diet-Induced Social and Synaptic Deficits in Offspring - Buffington et al., 2016 Cell 165: 1762-1775

>This article may be less accessible but there's a video that simplifies it's conclusions -

>This doesn't refer to intelligence or race
>This refers to autistic behaviour and the gut microbiota - a link known about since the early 1980s
>I reference this to show that epigenetic factors play a large role in brain development but more specifically those epigenetic factors can still be "inherited" despite the lack of identified genes regarding the "inherited" characteristics.

Daily reminder: anyone trying to obscure science from the masses is trying to trick you into falling for the appealing to authority argument fallacy.

Kraut is an arrogant retarded child with a basic understanding of biology.

There isn't 1 reason this thread should have replies. You faggots better be saging at least


4 niggers have been shot and killed by other niggers in Chicago this week. Yes we have found the gene for that.

>Found the genes yet, racists?
Yes. Alt Hype already pointed our that some genes related to intelligence were already found, so that shouldn't really be an issue.

>I-I won't debate him, he is a slimy rat
He knows that he is going to get raped if he talks to JF for more then a few seconds.

Dude that 's moronic. If it were purely sociologic a an apre raised like a human would be as intelligent as a human. But he won' t be
Genes determine the range the phenotype can be.
Blacks weren't. Selected as harsh for intelligence as whites it seemed for what ever reason. And east asians also are more intelligent as whites.


Debunk twin studies that show Intelligence heritability. Try it. I want to see you try.

How about you go with your jeans to /fa/.

it's known that brain size is linked to genetics
brain size is highly correlated with intelligence. KYS

I have a sneaking suspicion this guy is a race realist but pretends to be an ignorant centrist retard to get people talking about him.

Krauts face when he knew how retarded he is

good book

m8 i'm all for White pride, but it just sounds like your talking out your ass. Asian history is filled with creativity, leaders and those who channeled people through spirituality rather than violence. The reason no one debates this here is because literally all of Sup Forums are ignorant when it comes to asian history. The vast majority of Sup Forums has studied European history.

>but why didn't the asians invent science?

The same reason western civilization came to Germany. Not because Germans are subhuman, but sheer chance and location. Would the roman say that the german was too wild and not creative?

>Asians don't see the big picture, are not very creative, and can't lead people, unless it's through force.

Actualy the roman tacitus and others wrote that the germanians(proto germans) were fighting ng fast in adepting and using roman siege machines and catapults. They description of germanians is actualy already not too far away from how Germans would ve described today in charackter.

It's funny that a "le skeptic" goes to so great lengths with sophistry.

can't argue with those digits, but still civilizations change when new technology comes into their hands. Just because a certain civilization didn't create one thing or another, it doesn't mean they can't understand or use it. Germans have done so much with western civilization. Or perhaps I could say the Romans did so much with Greek civilization. I just don't think it's right to say asians are not creative. It seems intellectually dishonest.

The asians also were creative but they lack the aggressiveness to punch new things through often, it seems to me. Instead of new expeditions andsuch the chinese destroyed their fleet. Ultimativley intelligence isn't everything you need to dominate theworld.

What about the burning of the library of Alexandria? Was it Caucasoids who did this?

>The asians also were creative but they lack the aggressiveness to punch new things through often

Can you explain? It seems the Japanese went from a backwater medieval society to the 2nd most powerful economic power in the world in a century. We would do well, as white men, to view them as at least equals. We will not have the benefit of a head start in the coming centuries. If they manage to create "super men" using modern gene editing tools, we will become that backwater people.

Dude wasn't it due to some earth quake or some accident?
Also egyptians are SEMITES ehile also many greeks would be in the city.

Yeah zhe japanese adepted to the thread of western invasion or at least domination. Not thst they made these changes on their own.

At the solicitation of Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, the emperor issued an order at this time for the demolition of the heathen temples in that city; commanding also that it should be put in execution under the direction of Theophilus. Seizing this opportunity, Theophilus exerted himself to the utmost to expose the pagan mysteries to contempt. And to begin with, he caused the Mithraeum to be cleaned out, and exhibited to public view the tokens of its bloody mysteries. Then he destroyed the Serapeum, and the bloody rites of the Mithreum he publicly caricatured; the Serapeum also he showed full of extravagant superstitions, and he had the phalli of Priapus carried through the midst of the forum. [...] Thus this disturbance having been terminated, the governor of Alexandria, and the commander-in-chief of the troops in Egypt, assisted Theophilus in demolishing the heathen temples.

—Socrates; Roberts, Alexander; Donaldson, James (1885), "Socrates: Book V: Chapter 16", in Philip Schaff; et al., Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, II, II

>Not thst they made these changes on their own.

same can be said about the barbarians rome conquered.

Ok this isn't any more race realism
The main building was already destroyed when t he. Last part was burned.

Das Christentum – und das ist sein schönstes Verdienst – hat jene brutale germanische Kampflust einigermaßen besänftigt, konnte sie jedoch nicht zerstören, und wenn einst der zähmende Talisman, das Kreuz, zerbricht, dann rasselt wieder empor die Wildheit der alten Kämpfer, die unsinnige Berserkerwut, wovon die nordischen Dichter so viel singen und sagen. Jener Talisman ist morsch, und kommen wird der Tag, wo er kläglich zusammenbricht; die alten steinernen Götter erheben sich dann aus dem verschollenen Schutt, und reiben sich den tausendjährigen Staub aus den Augen, und Thor mit dem Riesenhammer springt endlich empor und zerschlägt die gotischen Dome.
Wenn ihr dann das Gepolter und Geklirre hört, hütet euch, ihr Nachbarskinder, ihr Franzosen, und mischt euch nicht in die Geschäfte, die wir zu Hause in Deutschland vollbringen. Es könnte euch schlecht bekommen. Hütet euch, das Feuer anzufachen, hütet euch, es zu löschen. Ihr könntet euch leicht an den Flammen die Finger verbrennen. Lächelt nicht über meinen Rat, den Rat eines Träumers, der euch vor Kantianern, Fichteanern und Naturphilosophen warnt. Lächelt nicht über den Phantasten, der im Reiche der Erscheinungen dieselbe Revolution erwartet, die im Gebiete des Geistes stattgefunden. Der Gedanke geht der Tat voraus, wie der Blitz dem Donner. Der deutsche Donner ist freilich auch ein Deutscher und ist nicht sehr gelenkig und kommt etwas langsam herangerollt; aber kommen wird er, und wenn ihr es einst krachen hört, wie es noch niemals in der Weltgeschichte gekracht hat, so wißt: der deutsche Donner hat endlich sein Ziel erreicht.

I love how completely and utterly Jean-Francois BTFO'd sauerkraut. JFG is one of my favourite YouTubers now.

Wow hätte nich gedacht das es dort oben noch ein paar von den jungs gibt. Bist du schon seit 45 da oben?

who destroyed it the first time? Regardless human beings so stupid shit everywhere. Seems to be though there's a few types of hominids on earth that can change and become more peaceful and technology based.


oida ich bin ja norweger.

The only genes kraut cares about finding are the ones his nigger boyfriend explodes all over his face.

The sea. Posaidon an earthquake. Look it up. Idc
I am more specialiszed on early modern history late antiquity isn't my main field

>asking stupid questions like that
Please don't breed.
Wait, what am I saying ofc you'll breed. You ignorant people have to be weeded out or lowered to the status of drones so you won't harm humanity as much.

Then why speak about Asians as if you know them and their history?


Hah the greatest of asians are the japanese and korreans the rest are yellow niggers.Take it from a gypsy who has seen gettos but when he went to China got shocked at what a shithole it was.
Also nips got btfo by amerimongrels bad.
The europeans are a master race and thats a fact China is a bigger shithole than Russia and is considered a power only because theres over a bilion of them.
Japs are murican lapdogs facts are facts.


But at certain points in time Asian civilization eclipsed Europe. I'm not arguing that Asians are "greater" than Europeans. It's just the whole "bug man" meme about Asians is completely bullshit. It's like someone reads about Maos China but completely misses when Europeans lived in filth and rags. Go read up on Ancient Chinese civilization. You will see that they too created wonders.

Yes, many ... "DUF1220" is one of them. You are smart enough to google it, are you?

The Golden One!