Will you vote for him again in 2020?

Will you vote for him again in 2020?

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I already did in my mind


Implying Sup Forumstards are free thinkers.

obviously they're all voting for their daddy again. they'd probably vote for his son too if they could.

Hi Akmed

>implying there will ever be a better alternative

I'd vote for him in 2024 if America wasn't so pussy about 8 year terms.

I am debating campaiging for him but tempted to shill for green party since i live in california.

>having to chose the lesser of two evils

why is democracy like this, even we have that here with two leading prime minster candidate on either side.

you could potentially disagree with the candidate the party you vote for support, but there's no other alternative

even moreso in america with the two party system

Depends how the next 3 years go.
Repeal the 22nd


Obviously. I love inflicting emotional pain on leftshits.

If I was American, I would, but I'm not, so I guess I'll be voting for Pauline instead.
>pic related.

>why is democracy like this
Because democracy sucks dick?

It is literally the worst form of government every invented, so terrible even the Greeks abandoned it 2000 years ago.

Pffft! I'm voting for him in 2024!

Would never happen sadly. They even talked about that with Reagan, and he had 80% approval. I think Pence will go right in though.

I would if i could



>classic t. scholmo reply

>neoclassical Islamic flag.

Fuck yes

Depends on the other candidate.
If it's Bernie or Tulsi, maybe not

No. Fuck drumpf and fuck wh*Te people

Hell Yes. And hopefully in 2024. Let's change those rules.

Trump should abolish the free elections and become King of America. Because Democracy is communism


Holy fuck this.

There has never been a good democracy.

I hope to God Rand runs again.

If there would be a candidate that woll move US embassy in Russia to Lugansk - I would chose that.

He's the biggest sucker of Jewish dick in the world. The support he gets from Sup Forumstards comes to show you guys are just larping here but in the end are nothing more than republican sheeple.

Lugansk is Ukraine, learn geography pls

No and voted for Hillary in 2016.

No such thing.

No, because I don't support Israel, ISIS and Saudi Arabia.

Yeah, staying home and letting the democrats win is obviously the smart and logical thing. Actually I did stay home but with how I felt after trump won I probably will vote next time

> classic t. kike replay again

If his competition stays retarded

Looking at you Cuckerberg

only rural retards vote for trump, smart city folks will vote for ____.

Anything to see the hidden establishment fall.

I'm betting on him in 2020.

I'll probably vote for whoever has an R next to their name desu.

Though if they're extremely low energy I might have to go Libertarian.


>I think Pence will go right in though.
why are people on this board so pro-Pence following Trump? They're hardly the same. Tom Cotton is a much more ideologically similar successor

>HAHA BLUMPF want's to cut:
>But he's in love with Isreal like everyone else therefore you might aswell vote Jeb!
>Sup Forums BTFO HURRR!

no because he actually followed through with his promises

unless someone literally like hitler runs

>why are people on this board so pro-Pence
Because Western civilization stops at Pence.

He's the ledge, you can jump if you want, but you're fucked if you do.

I wish I could but all I can do is shitpost from here.


I, like so many Americans, have been told repeatedly and emphatically that there has been NO PROGRESS on the Wall, Trump's trademark campaign promise.

The echoing clammor of this fact being repeated by the media is so deafening, I can only imagine how overwhelmed with awe and wonder and renewed faith I and my common compatriots would be if there WERE firm progress, such as prototypes and construction efforts


not gonna lie former trump voter here this is fucking hilarious watching trrump crash and burn but in all seriousness we cant let this guy get the nuclear codes

Hell fucking ya! Trump 2020 and 2024

Of course. The first time I voted on a lark. Hadn't voted for 20 years or so. My state wasn't in play, and would never be decisive anyway. But it seemed like part of the fun, after weeks of triggering libs and NeverTrumpers, to go punch that ballot.

Next time I'll do it for all those reasons, but also because he's doing a great job, far better than I expected in some ways. And if things go the way I think they're going with the DoJ and investigations, he might win every state.

Go for the green, commiefornia is a lost cause


>hates the constitution


Seems about right

>Hates the constitution
Yes I do, what's your point?


Therapeutic jolt gay camp
High volt, low amp


would if I could
he'll sure have my meme mana, though

Will liberals still hate him in 2020?


and maybe, if some of them still are alive by then

I sincerely doubt he's running for a second term.

No. Probably not, but I like at least half of what he's doing so far. I want to see how the next year plays out. I might switch to yes.

No Not anymore not going to vote at all

Voting is for slave niggers. There wont be a country in 2020, because we will have hung the Jews and most everyone in government.

probably not. he's been quite neoconish

You know how I know you're a shill? You're using a poorly shopped pepe, a kekistani meme flag, and if you were someone who actually paid attention to Trumps presidency you'd know that several prototypes of the wall have already been displayed by companies competing for the contract (s).
>nice try Media Matters fag

I'm white so it doesn't matter.

I voted for trump but i tell my regressive leftist friends that i vote 3rd party, and use every opportunity i can to devide/conquer shill against the democrat party, especially pointing out how "Bernie got fucking robbed man!" While simultaniously telling any Hilldawg supporting retards I meet that the Dem party needs to "move away from communist idealism" and that Bernie was a fucking joke who would have ran out of other people's money."
>Trump/Pence 2020 motherfuckers.

Hell Yes.

I will, and also in 2024, because you just know the people will demand a third term.....There is just no stopping the Trump Train.....maybe by 2028 Mueller will have finished his investigation....we can only dream, right?


I would if I could.

I voted against Hillary, 2 party system is a bitch.


unless ron paul or someone like him runs against him, then yes i will happily go to the poles and vote for this great american. i disagree with him on a number of things, including policing and abortion, but he is the first president to come along who doesn't secretly hate our nation and actually wants to do what he sees as right and proper, rather than be owned by the globalist establishment. he's the first one trying to make sure we DONT become slaves to a socialist overreaching government


I was actually moving and didn't even get to vote last year, cant wait to vote for him in 2020. It won't matter tho cause I'm in Mass.

Will you vote for based street shitter next year?

Voting for a R*publican at any time is economic, cultural, and environmental suicide

lol, he'll be 6 feet under

What I want to know is what happens when 40 million write in Trump in 2024

Someone get bombed.


Euromaster here.
i would if i could.
he is a very smart, fast and good leader.
PLUS he is very presidential.
after his 8 years of (very successful) service i would suggest his daughter ivanka to take the lead.

I didn't vote for him in 2016. He hasn't done anything to earn my vote for 2020.

Fuck yes

fuck no

Nothing he's not eligible after 2024 assuming that he wins in2020

I'll vote for whoever has the best chance to beat that ugly cunt warren.

Depends on many factors. If Trump has successes probably. If his running mates are all total garbage probably.

>i would suggest his daughter ivanka to take the lead.

Oh sweet fuck no.

yes, you fucking jew lover. The Third Temple will be rebuild and are Lord will return.

2/3s of you fucking jews will die.

I will vote for him again, unless literally Hitler ran.

No, I'll vote for Pocahontas.

Trumps getting close to passing tax reform of which hasnt been tackled in 30 years. Also Trumps been good on immigration. The best in fact in over 50 years.

Depends who runs. Women, Brown People, and Deep State Shills need not apply


Yeah. Just to piss off liberals some more. And plus that swamp still needs draining.