>Jews are a bigger threat than Muslims
Jews are a bigger threat than Muslims
Other urls found in this thread:
>Muslims are a threat
Both are equally bad.
Fuck Muslims. Fuck Jews.
Also, obligatory Fuck You, leaf.
>leaves deserve to live
>both are equally bad
>there are 1.75 billion muslims
>there are 15 million jews
>Jews are the bigger threat
>they are equally bad
really made me think
the guy from FRANCE saying Muslims aren't a threat
Go have 100 of your citizens genitals cut off and shoved down their throats again you frog fuck
They are. Muslims in Europe are a symptom. Feminists destroying culture is a symptom. Niggers being subsidized by gibs is a symptom. Jews are the disease.
You're right, if you get rid of 15 million jews, suddenly those billions of muslims will all leave our countries and stop taking them over, the culture of the left that's importing them will change, their birth rates will change and they'll nolonger be a united force that desires to take over the west
brilliant bravo 56% man
>Jews push for open borders where sandniggers can come and rape everyone
>Kikes cant assimilate into other societies
>Ragheads cant assimilate into other societies
>Implying both arent equally shit
You're worse than the leftist feminists who hate misogyny but don't say a word over Islam, except you should know better
actual retard-tier.
>OP isn’t jewish
You're literally retarded
If both are shit, but there are 1.5 billion of one, and 15 million of another....
Like how dumb are you?
They're low IQ shitskins, not a threat at all. The Jews are responsible for their presence.
Your point is valid. If all the Jews were removed l, those things would still be issues. But you can't deny that Jews are the root of each of those issues.
Keep believing this leaf
>Muslims would just stop trying to come into our countries if the jews went away
bravo brilliant very smart.
>Brainlet threads
>non brainlet threads
Not an argument. Try being more coherent next time, leaf.
Both are equally shit and you have a low IQ if you cant understand that.
>implying they wouldn't try to rape everyone even without jews
>it's not an argument to compare the actual numbers of how much of something there is
What the fuck?
>these two things are equally bad
>there is 1.5 billion of one of them, and 15 million of the other
>hmm, guess the 15 million is the bigger threat!
>I'd rather be 1.5 billion dollars in debt than 15 million dollars in debt because being in debt in general is bad
>it's not an argument to talk about how having more of something is worse than having less of something
Literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever read
If they're both equally bad and have that kind of difference in numbers, jews are a lot more dangerous than muslims.
If it weren't for globalist, leftist propaganda being pushed at every level of society for the past 30-40 years or so and every nationalist movement being shut down because muh six gorillion then muslims wouldn't even be here in the first place.
>he didnt even read my post
Why the fuck would I want to be in debt at all? That was my whole fucking point, you retarded maplenigger.
>dealing with 1.5 billion muslims is easier than dealing with 15 million jews, they're both equally bad
Wow. You're literally that dumb. You literally think 1.5 billion in debt is the same as 15 million in debt because you don't like debt in general
You literally think like an infant. You literally can't comprehend the numbers that the finances of companies operate in. Are they too big for you?
jesus christ
Learn how to read and comprehend sentences.
Also, learn how to reply next time, dumb cunt.
No (You) for you.
absolutely blown the fuck out
you can leave now, you have the IQ to go along with your 56% amerimutt face
>frog fuck
forgive our sins, almighty leaf
One jew has more power than a million mudslimes. Muslims are pests, jews have actual power.
Many of both group hate America but more jews are pro America than muslims
A right wing jew is generally ok compared to a left wing one
>my country is literally being taken over by literal millions of muslims but I'm worried about the 5 jews
>muslims will have complete political power in the next few decades but I'm worried about the 5 jews who manage to control my entire race
t. retard white supremacist giving his country away to the muslims who are vastly outbreeding him
you're children and your childrens children are going to spit on your memory for this
Lmao you havent proven shit. Youve been autistically screeching about MUH 15 BILLION like a good little cuck.
Again, why the fuck would I want to have any debt at all? Both jews and mudslimes are bad. I don't want either.
Speaking too much truth?
What is wrong about the arguments I am making?
Why do you want millions of Muslims breeding, importing their families and gaining political power over the next few decades in the west?
Even if the jews are importing them you're still ignoring the fire while worrying about the ants that started it
so stupid
1.5 billion
And you said I couldn't read
That's also literally how many muslims there are.
>Again, why the fuck would I want to have any debt at all?
t. retard who has never owned or operated a business, has absolutely no understanding of finances, has never taken a loan for a car
It's time to spend time growing up on reddit before spending time with the adults.
This is why both are bad and must be dealt with, you cuck.
>no argument
>didnt answer my question
>autistically screeching
I accept your concession.
>Muslims are a bigger threat than Jews
I think I remember reading in another thread that these brainlets images are likely made by bots or something... qrd?
The Christians are the same garbage. Don't kid your self,I've read your text
why don't we take out the muzzies, then the jews?
what's scarier 10 milion sticks or one atomic bomb
Your argument is literally "I don't care about the difference between 1.5 billion in debt and 15 million in debt because debt is bad"
You're literally a poor retard who's never going to own a car, never going to own a house. Taking a loan for those things is beyond you
What argument can I make when this is yours? You literally don't understand the difference between bigger and smaller numbers. You literally can't comprehend a basic aspect of life like taking a loan.
It's honestly incredible. I really hope you're young. American """"EDUCATION"""""
Jews created the chaos in the middle east and promoted the ever ongoing wars there that got muslims to spread their ideology after destroying the pillars that kept them docile (killing Saddam and Gadaffi etc)
My only wish is that the muslims go ape shit and invade Israel so we can glass you both at the same time.
You don't seem to understand that the only thing preventing white people from gassing all dune coons are the Jews with their mind disease called liberalism, brainlet. Mudshits don't come here en mass because white people want it.
>t.T_D fag trying to fit in by saying "well both Jews and mudslimes are equally bad xd"
wew sure is reddit in here today
sorry, meant for Schlomo here
They are.
This is about kikes and sandniggers, though. It doesn't take a genius to know how basic economics works.
t. Bought my first car debt free because i know how to manage my money unlike you.
Also, Jews are the indirect cause of europes downfall while sandniggers are the direct cause.
>no argument
Go prep the bull achmed
Just came to sage and say hi, JIDF.
>here in Sup Forums we're redpilled
>making your bed and refusing to lay in it.
>jews' pawns are a bigger threat than jews themselves
I love how all of the Leafs here have become based af.
1 shekel has been deposited in your account
If 2% of your population is Muslims then only 2% of the population is fucked.
If 2% of your population is Jews, then 100% of your population is fucked.
"Rabid dogs are the problem, not the city counsel!"
so stupid. You useful idiots will be played so hard and all you will do is crawl back for more.
U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study from 9/10/2001 one day BEFORE the Israeli masterminded 9/11 False Flag
An elite U.S. Army study center has devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.
But a 68-page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) does provide a look at the daunting task any international peacekeeping force would face if the United Nations authorized it, and Israel and the Palestinians ever reached a peace agreement.
It calls Israel's armed forces a "500-pound gorilla in Israel. Well armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza . Known to disregard international law to accomplish mission. Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."
REMEMBER, all this Russian collusion BS started right after Russia told Flynn--at the behest of Kushner--to bugger off, we'll vote the way we want to on the Israel land theft resolution.
>not knowing how to reply
fuck off newfag
Muslims are /ourguys/ they're the only ones working to stop the degeneracy that's plaguing our society.
>1/3 of the US Supreme Court is jewish
>Our last 3 Federal Reserve chairmen have all been jewish
yeah mate, the jews have no power whatsoever
t. Ahmed
He's doing it so you mudslimes don't get the (you)s. Here's one (you) for you pedo worshiper.
I'm sure jews have no animosity whatsoever towards white people
Who was behind the Iraq war? All these men are jewish
On the origins of Neoconservatism:
>The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish monthly review magazine Commentary, published by the American Jewish Committee.[5][6]
islam is cancer. The arabs had pretty cool moon religion and were tribalist. Then came islam and cut their foreskin, dictatet they must bleed animals and love any shitskin as long as he is muslim. Muslims in the west are cucks. They are your typical pushover and on top of that, they have to bow to allah.
Who was behind feminism again?
>Jews are not a threat
>pedos, donkeyfuckers and goatfuckers will stop degeneracy
yea nah.
>Mudslime hate thread when?
>the commander of the army is a bigger threat than the 1.5 billion soldiers at our gates
That timing.
Who runs Hollywood by the way? And the media?
Sorry kiddo, it's actualy bees that are the biggest threat to this planet.
[you have to go back]
Just convert to Islam and there will be no threat to you or your children.
Unlike the Jewish cultural marxism, have fun when your wife divorces you and get your sons in HRT to be fucked by Jamal and his gang everynight.
Revert to the True Faith of the ancestors and Patriarchs, white man. Put your feet down on your wives' ribs as God intended.
>who let in the muslims
they don't just escape their containment dunes with magic carpets
Muslims rape, murder, and make life in general hell for the people whose territory they invade. Jews facilitate that invasion.
>shitskins in a sandbox is a bigger threat than (((them))).
Imagine being this retarded.
Kek nice taqiyya fail there
Lurk 6000000 years before you post again.
>inb4 who is pic related
>i fink he da bessss presden evar!!!
>when the mudslimes aren't on the same page
It goes like
Deep State
South American uprising
Rogue nuclear state
Islamic radicalism