>it's a Jin episode
It's a Jin episode
>it's a weird shit goes down episode
Samurai Champloo is one of the worst anime ever made
Not enough moe crap in it for you?
Hey now, I love moeshit and also think Samurai Champloo was great.
So like
Do Mugen and Jin ever ged' LIT?
>Its a Fuu gets kidnapped episode
>It's another episode where Mugen doesn't fuck the living daylights out of Fuu
>Its another hip-hop episode
>It's a DUDE WEED LMAO episode
Who knew I would get to use this so soon after saving it.
Huh, looks like Pierrot le Fou like that.
Is Yuasa a DUDEWEED- cuck?
good post anonymous
Don't make your bait so bloody obvious next time
>it's another episode where Jin doesn't fuck the living daylights out of Fuu knowing she has a crush on him
I haven't seen it but it's probably better than all of the following:
Roots Search
Candidate for Goddess
Musashi Gundoh
Mars of Destruction
Dangaizer 3
MD Geist 2
Lupin III: Return of Pycal
Dark Myth
Glass Fleet
Sleeping with Hinako
Blue Gender
Bubblegum Crash
Iczer Girl Iczelion
Green Green
Togainu no Chi
Soul Link
Guardian Hearts
Sword for Truth
Funny Pets
Dark Cat
Tokyo Revelation
Koi Koi 7
Rintaro's Harmageddon
Archetypes Forces
Blood Reign
Crystal Triangle
Strait Jacket
Cybernetics Guarding and the Message of Optimism
Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman
Garzey's Wing
Six Angels
Limit Cycle
Dragon Crisis
Ookami Kakushi
Arcade Gamer Fubuki
Peace Maker Kurogane
Shoujo Cosette
Kissdum Engage Planet
Tideline Blue
Shangri La
Alice (Monkey Punch)
Skelter Heaven
Chargemen Ken
Groizer X
Great Dangaioh
Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned
Crystal Triangle
Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito
Monochrome Factor
Coyote Ragtime Show
Master of Martial Hearts
Reign the Conqueror
>Green Green
I didn't hate it
>It's a what the fuck was that zombie episode about episode
Hey now, if you like moe you must be a girl
Everybody else seems to though
>He meets a hot babe episode
Flat chested girls are gross
>it's a I don't know why it took me so long but I'm currently watching SC and loving too, finished episode 4 yesterday, it was bret gud
>it's a Jin gets meme'd by an older woman with a mole on her face episode
have fun with the gaijin episode.
That episode was amazing, had a great animation.
So did they all die at the end? I finished watching it today and had to wonder if the last scene was just the last thought of fuu ending her journey with mugen and jin safely before she throws herself off the cliff
We all die in the end, user.
I'm watching this show now and it's great. The graffiti episode was wonderful.
>it's a Mugen fucking dies episode
>its the last series Nujabes ever had music in
>It's a "Mugen almost gets laid but the prostitute turns out to be an assassin or princess or something" episode
>its the last OST by Naj
Fuck now I have to go listen to it again.
Godammit he left us too soon.
>it's a mugen gets better episode
What if Champloo was still around today to integrate more recent black culture into Japanese history?
>its a "Twerking in the Edo Period" episode
>Little kid dabs on Mugen
>Harlem Shake during tanabata
>This is real Nihonjin hour, wake up the fuck up and hit that motherfucking like wind chime if you up!!
I read this expecting Yumeria and I'm not disappointed. My most hated anime.
>It's a two soldiers kid a kid who dindu noffin
>The little kid was being chased by both Mugen and Jin because he stole their swords
>They get there and see how the soldiers try to excuse themselves by saying he had a sword
Whats wrong with it? never heard of it
>Shangri La
I remember a bit of hype for this that died like a puppy struck by a dumptruck after the first episode aired.
Did anyone watch it through? How much of a trainwreck was it?
how exactly do you pronounce Nujabes?
I've loved the guy for years but always felt like i was mispronouncing his name.
I've compiled this list almost entirely from Sup Forums's preference. Everything they say is the worst anime ever I add to the list. Usually I ask people to elaborate on why it's so bad and try to spark a little discussion. I also remove things if people give an explanation why it doesn't belong.
Some things are exempt, in general if it has a legitimate fanbase (no matter how shitty) it doesn't go on there, eg haremshit, shounenshit, etc. This is reserved for the bottom of the barrel, truly awful things that should never have been made.
I didn't see a single thing I could defend on there so good job.
Bubblegum Crash is not bad; it's just not as good as BGC, and the episode with Priss unwillingly befriending a boomer kid was cute. Now Tokyo 2040 - there's a real piece of shit.
Also if this is meant to be a comprehensive list of irredeemable garbage it should really include Appleseed XIII and Angel Links.
Which Appleseed was that? I watched some CGI one that was ok at some point.
>It's another episode where Mugen doesn't fuck the living daylights out of Jin despite having a homoerotic dream about him in the first episode
The movies were all decent; the plots were nothing but they looked fairly decent.
The TV series was unbelievably awful. Nothing plot with gratuitous, meaningless references to Greek mythology in an attempt to give it the illusion of substance, but all that paled in comparison to the godawful 3DCG that looked like a PS game cutscene from 1997. I'm a huge Maayafag and watched the whole thing because she voiced Deunan, and that was the sole bright spot. I regret everything else.
If you need more proof you can watch this, just keep in mind that
1.) this shit came out in 2011. TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN.
2.) I warned you so it's not my fault if it gives you cancer youtube.com
screen cap this
Her declaring him her future husband made my dick rock hard
>nujabes is dead
Let that sink once more.
>Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman
People really must hate fun.
Nujabes is just the name of the artist spelled backwards.
His real name was Jun Seba.
crap, not backwards I meant flipped. You get the picture.