This just makes me sad
I cannot be the only German who's sick of this, who doesn't want their culture to be taken over by savages
I just want a second holocaust, we need a new führer
What would be needed to make it happen Sup Forums
Is such a thing even possible anymore?
This just makes me sad
Keep spreading the truth.
Wake up everybody and reproduce often.
No, you cannot do anything, unfortunately, Eastern Europe and Australia are the last bastions for western civilisation.
Australia isn't even allowed to play an uncensored copy of Grand Theft Auto.
Kill yourself, retard.
but... we're full
and we stopped the boats...
nigger we're literally overrun by asians
pauline hanson was the only one to raise the alarm and she was laughed down by the media
>romania accepting refuges
great joke m8
>Russia not producing refugees
*Cough* Ukraine
>playing nigger the game
>based nations that dont give a fuck
and that's a good thing? to be unwilling to help another human being that needs help? kill yourself kike
germans were never light haired
here we have pretty much khokhol refugees, but i`m okay with them, literally russian people
>Based nation
How‘s life in bizarro World?
I don't care.
I don't have blue eyes and blonde hair, I don't have shitty genetics sry
Asians >>> Muslims
I agree that there are many Asians here, but in the big scheme of things, we are doing better than anywhere else, apart from Eastern Europe.
>russian nationalists
Well, for starters, don't adopt their definitions. German =/= German citizenship. Some Arabs or negroes who come here and their inbred offspring will never be German.
Apart from that, get active. Organize and attend protests against eradication of German culture (the ethnic part will get you into trouble, gotta ease them into it), join a party or movement and start networking.
>muh Austrian manlet painter
Even Hitler himself accepted that he wasn't exactly the prototype, and you don't have to be to fight for it.
Whites have the genetics of gods and the spirits of retards
Their genetics should be preserved but they should be impregnated by a Samurai spirit or something before they cuck themselves out of existence and the world gets uglier
>non whites
What she doesn't understand is that being German isn't a product of some magic clay, but rather the clay was/is a product of a distinct ethnicity. She by definition can never be German because it is simply not her ethnicity.
Meanwhile in reality, the emperor of Australia
>I don't have blue eyes and blonde hair, I don't have shitty genetics sry
LOL Says le 22% face
Depends. If they are Asian and they need help, then I'd be willing to have a few thousand let in. If they are from sub-Saharan Africa or the Middle East, then pic related
>weaker than blacks
>dumber than Jews and chinks
>can't stand in the sun without getting burned
At least Asians will keep a few mating pairs of blue eyed devils in cages at a zoo, like they do with pandas.
>I just want a second holocaust, we need a new führer
This just makes me sad
I cannot be the only guy on Sup Forums who thinks genocide is wrong
That woman needs hanging.
I'm moving there.
I'll hue your women
>not producing migrants
>weaker than blacks
>strongest men every year are whites
love this meme
Tfw brown people hate the master race out of envy and want to exterminate us
I'll do it, I might need a year or two to prepare though. You can pass the time by training for combat and general getting you life on track
>second holocaust
user, christ...
Russia has how many Muslims?
oy vey white pigs you are done
It's not my fault you have recessive genetics
Lets make this holocaust real
Yes. Yes you are you gay fucking swede
hitler was probably the last shot we had
The is what happens when you deny real science and replace it with 'sociology'. German are people who're genetically German, living in Germany doesn't make you German no matter how much liberals pound sand.
It is too late. Germany is dead.
I went there last year and white Germans were complaining about Trump saying ‘it’s a return to nationalism’.
I literally had an intense debate with people over dinner who thought freedom of speech shouldn’t be allowed.
Your country is gone. It’s never coming back. The remaining white Germans hate their country and their history and themselves.
It was really depressing to visit there. I’m glad I got to see the Black Forest area before it is completely destroyed though,
youre talking to a brit. when you said asian he thought you meant paki, and not like chink or some shit.
Fuck off, (((Owen Jones))).
Light features are superior because they are so rare and only a union of pure people can produce an Aryan phenotype. Thorough bleaching of your ancestors only resulted in a lighter shade of shit.
>ustralia are the last bastions for western civilisation.
Good Joke
Germany: 92% white
Australia: 90% white
Australia is dead.