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But loving your sibling like that is disgusting isn't it
I don't even care about the incest or who won/lost, it was fucking horribly written. Literally fan fiction-tier. Best girl was the fujo in the game design club because she was actually funny.
Thank you, OP.
Thank you based OP
thanks doc
>episode 7 and 8
Was such a large gap to the first six episodes. It felt fucking surreal with the turn it took, what the fuck happened. Suddenly, she wrote a great novel and got an Anime.
Pretty sure it got explained to you a few threads ago, Manamifag. Stop with the bait.
best girl win
Is that the spinoff manga? I don't remember if it finished or it just stopped
It basically got cancelled like a year or so ago.
It got a shitty rushed ending cliffhanger to a 10 years later chapter and nobody gave a shit about it. I think it got a release in the US not so long ago.
ayasefags you're not allowed here
Have fun being publicly shamed, unable to have children and being disowned by your parents
If loving Kirino/incest is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
It ended and Ruri won.
is obviously an incestfag
>Ruri won
Yeah in the non canon spinoff manga. What the other user said was just what happened. Stop being delusional.
I put my big willy in her.
Then we can go have a good dinner for two.
Egg fried rice is what I love to eat my darling.
Children born of incest having birth defects is just a myth
I dunno mate, you're here with us after all.
Go back to McDonalds you fat fuck.
You're an only child who fantasises about having and fucking a little sister because your mom touches you at night and you enjoy it.
Thank you OP, I can't believe we now have passed the 20 replies bar, sakurafish can suck it.
Wasn't proven 7635781385901 times that in a matter of fact the series is so well written that would leave shakespeare in shame?
Only 15 posters though Oinky.
fucking normies
you're will be never understand how incest can be wonderful
Has anyone here fucked his sister
Fuck off.
Is that what you tell yourself at night when your parents are sticking the left over vegetables from yesterdays dinner up your ass?
Truly the greatest type of love
I fucked your sister.
I'm not a Manamifag, I couldn't care less about those characters. And I never got it explained to me, AFAIK
I fucking hate clovers.
Delete this you enormous cunt.
still better than being son of a whore
Too bad you're both, you eggplant loving faggot.
Then ignore them, and just enjoy how actually pretty the picture is
Nah mate, it's fucking ruined even without the clovers.
Also it looks more like Shinobu, which would actually be an improvement because fuck Kirino.
just stop posting
Oh shit son, feeling sore from today's penetration session?
You are right, but learn to not type like a retard the next time.
sorry, I just got carried away
Can we just have a Kirino thread without fighting? You're ruining my childhood by arguing
It's a reminder thread so probably not.
Make one then.
forgive my newfag-ness Sup Forums, can anyone tell me that best site to download the novels?
The pastebin is out of date though, BT and NanoDesu got taken down.
Ayase deserved better.
thanks! but I already visited BT and NanoDesu and the last update is for the 7th volume and was in 2015
beautiful, but I need the LNs not a shitty drawing
All you meme penises should feel bade like a stale loaf.
But you're not my waifu, we've been over this a million times
What are those random retarded posts?
Go back.
Get away from the attic.
What it have my post of random?
Tale as old as thyme, song as old as french fries.
I found a spider in my drawers.
Post smug Ayase