Someone is definitely pushing it to cause division, especially earlier. Is it the Russians?
Are the Russians behind le 56% meme?
Muh Russians
Muh Jews.
You realise that not everything can be blamed on one sole group of people?
100%. only russians are envious of america. plain case of divide tactics. america is white!
No, it originated from Sup Forums, and is being pushed by nazbol twitter fags and useful idiot Sup Forumsacks. It's what we get for evoking kek, chaos.
Who cares, it's funny as fuck.
>B-but don't you dare suggest Russians are subverting America for the sake of destroying the country politically, that's a shillary talking p-point
Yes ofc
This meme would have died if u americunts weren't so triggered by it now it is here to stay,better make peace with it
it's just a funny meme
oh please it is clear as day. i for one cant stand that horrid meme when i see it. it is outrageous.
Much like the “white girls fuck dogs” meme, it’s about rustling jimmies.
If some retards end up thinking that proximity to other races means they’ll automatically start interbreeding with them then all the better, since it means even more hatred of miscegenation.
>user said for the millionth time
Sup Forums 1 : Sup Forums 0
More likely jidf shriablue communists,blm,feminists,jews,cuckservativers,liberals,some russians. They're trying to keep our white pride down so they initate project genesis and destory the white race so the jews can rule over everything
It's a pretty funny meme.
It doesn't really hurt Americans, let's not give /leftypol/ and muh Russia all the fucking credit for everything.
Is the Finngolian meme also done by Russians or /leftypol/?
Nazbolites: negative infinity
Kek: infinity
I checked, user.
And yes. It IS fucking Russians.
It's always Russians.
Anything and everything wrong with the US, the EU, in fact the entire flicking planet, is always the fault of the Russians.
Didn't you learn anything during the Duck and Cover drills?
>Implying he said that.
It's quite a specific thing and Russia have been caught larping and pushing memes that are very divisive.
I wouldn't put it past them, it is silly to blame things like Trump's victory solely on them but it did help.
There is a current practice of attempting to ferment chaos and division in democratic societies with plural political groups. It's very clever and it works.
>nu/pol/ thinks Putin is their friend.