Why can't normalfags into mecha?
Why can't normalfags into mecha?
It sucks.
replace Gundam with E7 and you got a deal
>Special MC pilots the special mech.
Oh look, it's that boring template thread again.
Sup Forums is the king of repost and template threads.
Feel like im stuck in a timeloop.
usually it's because I can't seem to care about the MC or their struggles
say what you want about Eva (you'll probably be right) at least the bitch-ass MC pays for his bitch-ass ways.
Evangelion and Code Geass are the only good ones there, and even then they're flawed.
Fuck off normalfag.
patrician != normalfag
Most anime rely entirely on fan service to be popular. Most people watch anime because they feature things they like, unrelated to the story. It could be cute girls, it could be yaoishipping, swords and magic, j-pop songs, or something else. 95% of anime fans only really like anime that feature some of these things in a way that panders to them.
Mecha is not one of those cool things people like, so a mecha anime will need to pander in some other way to get popularity. And many don't do that. You could watch something awesome that's designed to pander to you, so not many mecha anime are worth watching if you don't love robots just for robots's sake.
1. Many Sup Forums posters didn't start watching anime until the mid 2000s. I know that's scary but remember, someone born 1999 is old enough to browse Sup Forums now, so you've got a lot of them crawling around.
2. These posters missed the mecha boom and also the CGI boom where many of us older posters learned not to vomit at the sight of CGI through shows like Zoids, Reboot, and Beast Wars, which objectively look worse.
3. Missing both of these booms, they posters gravitated to show during the "Big Three Boom" and became slaves to the "hype" machine style shows that have to be THE BIGGEST THING ON THE BLOCK to be viewed as enjoyable. Stuff like Code Geass and Darker than Black contributed as well for them.
Thus we have a section of posters who can't tolerate CGI at all and who never actually watched anime back before every show had to be some big group thing to share with people.
You have to realize we even have posters who think waiting 2 weeks for subs is unthinkable or that something is wrong.
>Thus we have a section of posters who can't tolerate CGI at all and who never actually watched anime back before every show had to be some big group thing to share with people.
But most mechafags I've talked to call CGI shit, even though it looks tolerable nowadays. This opinion just depends from person to person.
>Many Sup Forums posters didn't start watching anime until the mid 2000s.
2005 was over a decade ago. I watched my 'first anime' in 2002 and I was 10. I don't know why you're acting like the mid 2000s are recent.
Most probably didn't even watch this or Escaflowne when they were younger either.
>Gundam boy-band
fujo pls.
though you are right about the escaflowne what with all the "are there any good Isekai" threads
>But most mechafags I've talked to call CGI shit
Those would be the young mechafags.
Mecha anime is bad and for autists
>boylust was literally the first gundam we got on western television
Whether it was good or not is irrelevant, so fuck off with your buzzwords.
no wonder mecha is dead in the west
>second pacific rim film on its way
>power rangers film
>mecha dead in the west
Just because anime mecha is shit at the moment doesn't mean its dead.
All hail the era of live action mecha.
I'm trying to sugar coat the generation gap between oldfags and new posters.
Also if we're being really serious Code Geass and Gurren Lagann did more to hurt the genre for new anime fans than any other show has done previously. It made it so new anime fans could only tolerate mecha as "LOLEPICTRAINWRECKS" or unfeasible high budget productions that look pretty and can be defended for their flaws because MUH PRETTINESS