Why is Iran allowed to exist?
I mean, They are trying to destory western nations. For instance, They support Yemen and terrorist groups to spread their influence.
God emperor Trump, please finish Iran already. It's fucking disgusting.
Why is Iran allowed to exist?
I mean, They are trying to destory western nations. For instance, They support Yemen and terrorist groups to spread their influence.
God emperor Trump, please finish Iran already. It's fucking disgusting.
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t. Jewish english teacher
ok jap boy your agenda is up
>weaponized autism!
>low western fertility/hentai
the gaijin know
shut it down
>Iran is not evil!!!!
>Islam is religion of peace
why are you such dumb
Persians are the true aryans, iran is the true home of the aryans.
good point user, we have all these fucking nukes but our leaders are pussified, think of the glass
so Indians are aryan too?
poo in loo faggot
lol indians mixed with dravidians on the indian subcontinent, and don't consider themselves aryan. Even hitler considered iranians aryans. Sumka party, bitch.
>what is indo-"""""""aryan"""""" people
I am okay with perian is aryan or something.
aryan is inferior race. look at WW2. Nazis are beaten by gommie and jewish puppet(America according to hitler)
Reminder that it says to spread Jihad in Iran's constitution
>what is indo-"""""""aryan"""""" people
I know your chink eyes have a hard time opening, so I'll try to re-iterate myself. Indians are known as indo-aryans because the aryan peoples who descended into india mixed with the native indians who lived there. You see?
>Indo for the shitskins they mixed with
>Aryan for the actual human part of their dna
I get that it's hard for you slopes. No really, I do. The japs have been fucked up the ass 6 ways from sunday on the world stage pretty much since world war 2. How does it feel being the puppet of a jewish puppet?
Pree unfortunate. Lol lets start a zoroastrian revival in iran.
so... Iranians are NOT arab. you say?
even Khomeyni think that he is one of offspring of mohhamad.
deal with it. Arabic cock sucker.
According to your logic, Iranians are arabic mixed shit
>goi-kun please, why don't you see that it's imperative that you start fucking with the branch of muslims that just wants to be left the fuck alone instead of our second best ally that spreads wahabism around the globe and is to a large part responsible for refugees flooding into europe
"In establishing and equipping the defense forces of the country, the focus shall be on maintaining
ideology and faith as the foundation and the measure. Consequently, the Army of the Islamic
Republic and the Islamic Pasdaran Revolutionary Corps are formed in accordance with the
aforementioned objective. They will undertake the responsibility of not only guarding and
protecting the borders, but also the weight of ideological mission, i.e. striving ( jehād) on the
path of God and struggle on the path of expanding the sovereignty of the law of God in the
world; in accordance with the Qur’anic verse: “Against them make ready your strength to the
utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies,
of Allah and your enemies” "
Don't worry, Iran first, Saudi next.
Let's wipe out modslim from middle east and build greater Israeal
From Iran here:
از ایران هستم!
The people in Iran are actually pretty nice, not too many alahu akbar boom types. The government is a disaster. They have this anti-us rhetoric going and its actually mostly for domestic purposes.
>Iran literally fight ISIS and Al Qaeda
>Iran is evil
Really made me think
Historically, iranians have held onto their cultural ties through an extreme disdain for race-mixing and a variety of other measures. Ask any iranian if they're arab, and they'll prob beat you up. There's a reason there's so many different and varied iranic ethnogroups that didn't get bred out of existence by arab/other invaders in the iranian plateau. Its because we refused to fuck them, and if our women were raped we outcasted the children lol. Search up hazara's if you don't believe me - a literal group of rape baby mongols that persians have outcast due to a lack of racial purity. Now I know your little slit eyes may have trouble reading all of this - that's ok. If you can make this out, just remember, iranians are the original aryans. Even uncle adolf knew lol
start with the ones that actually fuck our countries up first
yes, they're fundies, who gives a shit. As long as they don't spread to our countries they can do whatever the fuck they want in their mountainous desert
The black turbin cleric claim to be from mohamad. the white ones are suposedly not.
Iran is doing great job keep kikes alert , saudis should be nuked. Shia>sunni
Just because two people are fighting doesn't mean both of them are not evil.
The islamic republic is very much the same as ISIS, except that they came at a time when people didn't know how bad islamic extremism is.
Again, just because they are fighting doesn't mean one is good and the other is bad. Both are shit. You should support neither!
How is Iran as a tourist destination? I must say that Iran seems like the most interesting country to visit in the middle-east.
Are people friendly to outsiders or are they so brainwashed by the government that I will get shanked the moment I get there for being a filthy westerner?
How are people's English skills?
lol shia's and sunni's are both cancer - zoroastrians are peaceful as fuck and just cool all around.
you right
you also right
if the constitution of iran is a problem - it's because of the shit muslim government. Most iranians love the U.S. and the west, get rid of the gov and it'd be very peaceful there.
Again, very foolish. Let's pretend that they become regional hegemony in the Middle East. They will begin, as every nation has always done, to push its influence further and further. I haven't looked into Iranian influence in the West, but I'm sure there is quite a bit of data on it.
>sucking mudslim's cock this hard
please stop being cuck.
Kill all muslims
Jews are bro-tier people
you're a good guy, iran-bro. What part of the homeland you from lol
Shia > Sunni
Fuck Saudi Arabia
Fuck Israel
Fuck the US
Most Iranian's are too high off heroin to even know what is happening
>he screeches in pain as he strikes his victim
You're being defended by US money, and troops you ungrateful little shit
>Defended by US
Fuck the US
Let them fuck back to the mongrel jewish sunni nation they are
I wouldn't say it's a disdain for race mixing, It's just that the country has been closed for the last 40 years and it is difficult for people to travel.
I do agree that Iranians are very based against the Afgans and hazaras, but I don't see that as a good thing.
lol bro that's the fucking dirty afghan mountain niggers. They come into iran and peddle that shit to us. It's actually a real problem, good job for recognizing it. Replace islam with zoroastrianism, and then maybe tackle the drug problem next? Good plan.
>I haven't looked into Iranian influence in the West
Go ahead, it's non existant. The main reason why they are able to expand their influence is the US and to some degree european nations doing what gods chosen people wanted. Iraq, Syria and Lebanon wouldn't be quickly drifting into their sphere of influence hadn't they been bled dry. Yemen is literally a non issue as long as you don't try to invade the shia parts like the saudi led coalition is trying to do right now. They're peasants in mountains, hard to fight so just leave them alone. There is nothing of value around and the problem will take care of itself in a decade or so when the aquifers run dry.
Checked. Also, what's bad about it? Hazara's can have their own country and fuck off - pashtun afghani's just gotta admit that deep down they're really persian lol.
Iranians are some of the nicest people on the planet, they'll give free food to any stranger they see, even driving up to you on the road to hand you it out their window, give services to tourists free of charge and if they see you're a traveller invite you into their house for dinner and to hang out with them and their family for the day.
You're confused lad. It's Israel who are evil.
Iran want to be left the fuck alone.
The people are nice, and they like outsiders. The Rial is cheap and you'd be actually helping the little people (as opposed to oil industry that has all the money go to the Government). The government is stupid. Its been know that they sometimes jail tourists as bargaining chips.
But you are safe as long as you are normal (e.g. no previous job at a us military position) and don't do anything stupid.
yes about 3 to 5 percent addicts, but it's usually opium not heroin.
I love how little Sup Forumsacks know and understand politics
It'd be foolish to believe that there are no Iranian efforts in the West if you understand what style of warfare they are waging. Sure, most effort is allocated towards the Middle East (for now), but they've got quite some sway in Europe it seems
lol opium and heroin are basically the same thing man. It's the afghani's peddling it that are the issue.
I love that I still have my foreskin unlike sunni and jewish countries like the US
Go back to the oven kike
Iranians are literally whiter then Japanese people, I mean this is what they look like. The only notable thing you guys are known for is Anime and Manga.
I think you mean Israel
Amerimutts think all Iranians are evil people just because Israel told them so. Iran is probably one of the more sane countries in this hedonistic world. They aren't the ones who own a rothschild banking system.
explain how? Iranian expats are mostly intelectualls that fled after the purge of the shah and hate the current governments guts. Meanwhile saudis and turks got a ton of sunni expats and control their religious education. The iranians simply have neither groups of people nor economic power to push their interests through outside of the middle east
>Jews want mass immigration in Japan
>Iran is the problem
Obviously you are not Japanese
Iran has done nothing to you. Just another lie to mass murder civilians and steal resources.
>french mudslime defending iran
color me shocked
You realize Shias also don't have foreskins, you Mudslime cocksucker.
The Japanese don't like Iranians, mostly due to US Brainwashing.
Nope. It's like the difference between taking an amphetamin tab and injecting crystal meth with a syringe.
The best thing is if Iran was left alone. The wars make the hardliners and extremists stronger. "Finishing Iran" will only result in a worse government.
Why is ISRAEL allowed to exist?
I mean, They are trying to destroy western nations. For instance, They support ISIS, Al Qeada terrorist groups to spread their influence and attacked the USA on 9/11.
God emperor Trump, please finish ISRAEL already. It's fucking disgusting.
There are many ways to spread influence in this manner, and many of which are hard to track. Mostly through front organizations, or groups. The goal is to begin prepping the society for subversion, and then go from there. Also with the intellectuals comment... You should read about confucius institute (i believe it is institute) from China who operate with Western education facilities and censor information the Chinese government doesn't like, all under the guise of cultural enlightenment. The article I was referring to above is here, it says little about actual Iranian initiatives, but it does show that a wedge has been created
>if I post with a japanese flag everyone will believe me
I used to stick up for Iran because I Persians but now I think war is a good option. If the Islamic government is taken out the civilians will be free to become normal people again.
The shah was a great guy and we were industrializing very fast. lots of universities and schools. He funding research stays in outside countries too.
When it ended we had lots of clever people who realized they better get out before they get shitted on.
Arabs governments though they mostly use the Oil Money to have "fun". Somehow they don't go towards education.
Hello, Ahmed. Sorry, but we know very well that even ISIS is a lesser evil than you.
Daily reminder that taqiyyah is a Shia concept.
I like Persians*
>God emperor Trump
why are you allowed to exist when you refer to the worst president in history this way?
When is the last time an Iranian shia committed a terrorist attack in the West?
>the gaijin know
>shut it down
I like the flag, but it must be a bitch to draw by yourself
The problem is that the Persians that you see are the ones that exit Iran, i.e. a biased sample. The ones that are inside are more religious and they get tricked easily. They are still nice people, but they are still very naive! I think we should at least wait till khamenei dies. Things may change for better or worse but it should happen some time soon.
Also it would be nice if the kikes stopped developing cancer treatments. They guy has had cancer for 5 years, and the doctors are keeping him alive.
In all honesty the Shia make up two kinds of people:
-Non-believers who're faking it for social/self-preservation reasons, would abandon Islam given the chance.
-True believers who follow the enemy of my enemy is my friend so survive because they're grossly outnumbered. These people will become just as bad as the Sunnis if they had power.
sure, the iranian masterminds. If a country stricken by poverty and starved out by sanctions manages to "subvert" western society we deserve it. Yes, the chinks are doing all kinds of shady shit, that wasn't the point. The point was that iranian intellectuals that fled after the purge of the shah will mostly shoot themself before they start working for the current iranian government. There is no evidence of iranian influence having any impact on our societies whatsoever, meanwhile the gulf shits and the turks are pouring in billions through official channels to keep the festering tumors that are sunni migrant communities in europe alive and growing.
I think it the leadership disappeared a lot of Iranians would abandon Islam. I few documentaries I've watched show the young people are pretty much just Islamic in name only these days.
>conservative theocracy
>strong gender roles, patriarchal society respected
>literally hangs gays from a crane
>does their best to eliminate degeneracy from society and keep it wholesome.
wtf I hate iran now!
Still I think you shouldn't stick up for Iran, the government is shit! but war isn't the answer. You can like the people though. We are very nice. Persians, like the Persian cats. MEOW!
ID fucking ayy
>terrorist mudslimes
>useless to society
>fund terrorism
fuck Iran
That's what I posted. I like the people but I hate their government.
Yeah, people are forced to follow Islam. nowdays very few want to follow islamic rules. People want to party, wear what they like, and have sex! But the governemnt is stopping them.
>Fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda is now terrorism
0.02 shekels have been added to your account
>government trying to prevent young people from ruining their lives and society with western degeneracy
I see no problem with this
Yeah. The government touts the line that the west is "culturally attacking Iran".
But it's just that people like to watch movies, and most of the Iranian ones are shit.
People used to dance and party in long before the US existed. But the hardline government likes to implement their laws. Sharia laws!
he failed to stay in power so everything was in vain. I don't know enough about the cfountry or his government to determine what should've been done differently but it was a failure
t,.Increasingly concerned israeli official at the sight of a land rute from Tehran to Beirut
We shall throw the israelis into the sea Inshallah
Another thing you might like to know:
Womens testamony is counted as half of a mans. you need 2 women witness instead of 1 man. POL likeee! no?
Another fun fact. If you chop of another mans dick, you'd have to pay the same amount of money as if you killed a woman.
woman's di'eh (reparations if you kill them) is half of mans. and the mans willy is worth a whole woman! :)
Good, we need to ally and support all kinds of traditional, social conservative societies across the world.
This is consistent with most cultures across history. Women couldn’t sit on a jury here in the 1870s.
>yes goyim, Iran is a world threat!!! Make sure you hate the only country that tries to defy us!!
Iran is not even in the top 15 countries with militairy spending. Isreal and US are leading that role, so why is Iran so bad again, you filthy kike?
I wish everyone would chill. The fight over a crappy fake pieces of land is fucking up the region. Juruselem is not special, Mecca is gay and kerbala is just a fake story. People need to understand that all the real fight is over money from the turist atteraction of these locations and it's just not worth dying or killing.
No one considers you Aryan mohammed hammadani
>destroying western nations
>supporting oppressed minority in muslim country
You know, if that is your standard for not deserving to exist, there are a lot of more subversive groups which should go into the meat grinder first. Are you sure of what you are saying?
It’s more like “let your country get steamrolled by liberal capitalism and western values/culture or try to preserve your traditional way of life with religion as a proxy.
Same with you you Chinese mutt, you're even worse than Iranians you ugly squint faced cum gobbling shitskin
Defended from what?
The biggest security concern in Europe is illegal immigration and immingrant importing from Africa and XYstans and what's NATO doing about it?
NATO isn't about "defending" someone it's a just a pact of western nations that's feeding the arms bussiness. And because of the unwritten rule that US leads the NATO the European numale leaders are submitting to the almighty US president, see that 2% budget requirement that Trump articulated during campaign - it became over night of the most crucial topics in EU member states.
It may sound ridiculous but the way to go is United States of Europe. Europe doesn't need to dragged to the Middle Eastern politics beacause of warmongering US Republican politics or (((them))) playing victim in Israel.
Of course US doesn't want this because it would loose control over their puppet leaders in Europe.
And BTW alienating Russia, finger-pointing on Iran, making war threats against North Korea - it's all just the US.
>the white ones
You mean the 0.1% of Russian rape babies? The light ''Iranians'' are Azeri Turks, Persians on the other hands are paki looking swarthy apes.
>fighting ISIS
>by funding terrorism
stop talking
Hello there, Sholomo Shekeloberegoro
Go back to Iran you fucking immigrant, like cockroaches you're in every European country, disgusting.
>Really made me think
heh.. you sure about that, densemark?