Why are you against weed?

Why are you against weed?

It can help you bond with friends and a safe way to enjoy your leisure time after a hard days work.

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but im not

weed damages brain and lungs

weed makes you paranoid and lazy

dealing with weed is nigger/spic behavior and you're supporting their thug culture when buying weed


I bet this was posted from a coffeeshop in amsterdam

It's posted from my toilet in my house in a small village in the eastern part of The Netherlands

>dude weed lmao

because black people smoke it and I don't like black people.

I smoked weed through-out my teenage years. I believe it was the cause for my depression and mental illness i now face . This was obviously due to pre-dispositions, so if you have someone with mental illness in your family stay the fuck away otherwise i have no problem enjoy in moderation

since i know most of you are too stupid to realize this if you prohibit weed any more than you already do the first people to rise up will be the people that feed you , the Farmers.

Idk it just makes certain people retarded and annoying and smell like pot 24/7

I don’t care about it other than that

>1 post by this ID

>Weed is bad you should instead do cocaine and abuse children cause of our fashy haircuts.
do you even know who those other people are in that image ?
you sick fucker.

>drinking directly from the cow
best feeling ever

I'm not, spacecake is cooking in the oven right now.

>dealing with weed is nigger/spic behavior and you're supporting their thug culture when buying weed
gas americans when?

is this a common practise in Sumadija?

>I bet
>Is afraid to post his flag

no,not everyone owns a cow

brown people weed looks like hay.

Looks like horse shit.

Marijuana laws are used as a proxy to keep black men in prison for other crime, usually violent crime. It works very well.

I have my weed legally delivered to my door using weedmaps for an extra $5. There's a white guy that shows up in a BMW. It's amazing what a legal market looks like.

I only do concentrates though. Bud is a good way the get cancer.


Proof for this?

If it weren't for weed, I would still be a christcuck. It opened my eyes. Never had any mental disorders, work the field and am emotionally collected.

Because youre a neet who cant find a dealer

It's more predictive of violence than cocaine.


It's also a waste of money, smells bad, ruins your personality (if you actually had one), and the crowd that's enthusiastic about it is a horrible group of burnouts. Not only that, but much of the time, you're funding gangs or terrorism.

which one do you want to have cited, or all of them?

the lazyness is probably the hardest to prove.

I recently started taking dxm liquigels. Feels like weed without the negative side effects. Only thing is, your dick doesn’t work, which is the only reason to do weed, it makes sex better. Other than that, you have the altered consciousness without the retarded working memory problems.

It makes you a fag. It's not a coincidence that so many people suddenly come out as trans after smoking weed a bunch

It's a waste of money, and robs you of your ambition.

But a majority of states in the USA have legal, medical, marijuana. And an increasing number of states have recreational marijuana.

They're funding schools, not bad hombres.

But i don't, i love weed and hate hard alcohole,

I was memeing pay more attention.

All of them except lungs, that's the only one I buy. I've been trying to find the rest, but not a single study confirms them.

If anyone says it is bad for you and you shouldn't take it they are most likely an Israeli dual citizen because they have legalized it as a cancer fighting drug and a general medicine also its legal for recreation in Israel.

You americans wouldn't want to get in the way of your Chosen People's cash flow now would you

Just do hard amphetamines that your doctor gives you instead like Ritalin.

See I've used it a bit through the course of my 40 year life. My wife has used it most of her life; it helps her cope with childhood trauma. However, it also does have major drawbacks, and all the dude weed lmao folks arguing it doesn't are lying, inexperienced, or too young to see them yet.

Regular weed use kills ambition, it greatly hampers medium term memory, it makes you paranoid and into a hypochondriac. We have plenty of user friends, ranging from casual/social use to hard-line addicts.

Trying to argue weed is on the level of heroin is foolish; but so is trying to pretend weed doesn't have huge drawbacks and over a long time that it doesn't murder potential, ambition and sanity is altogether dishonest.




yeah pic related is just paranoia.

The only way I was able to take down the clintons the way I did was with marijuana.


Smoke, goyim, smoke!

Weed is fine if you are 19/25, aren't dependent and aren't just using it to escape your problems.

If you have real responsibilities and you're still smoking weed then it's not a good thing.

>dealing with weed is nigger/spic behavior and you're supporting their thug culture when buying weed

Congrats, that's a decriminalisation argument.

weed making you paranoid:




You are not making a good case because the guy the cops shot in the hotel hallway you are saying he'd be alive right now if he was high and not drunk.

>it doesn't murder potential, ambition and sanity is altogether dishonest.

I've smoked for years, play bass in a band, play saxophone for my own pleasure, have a job and savings.
It gets a bad reputation because of its use by teens, who by their nature are relaxed about work and life, default mode of many a teenager is hippy.

you probably snus smoke cigs and drink booz every day while eating tons of carbs you fucking faggot

>It is just paranoia user.

Almost nobody owns cows any more. But my grandparents used to when I was a kid.

The role of cannabinoids in adult neurogenesis

Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects

Study Connects Chronic Cannabis Use to Oxygen Changes in Brain
"cannabis users showed higher global oxygen extraction fraction and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen compared to nonusers. Also, (greater) blood flow in the putamen."

Heil 1488

i used weed and melatonin to quit my horrible alcohol habit and it's the easiest thing ever

>tfw Weed is actually a performance enhancer.

Its degenerate

marijuana changes brain structure:


>Comparing the scans, the researchers found abnormalities in all 3 structural measures assessed (gray matter density, volume, and shape) in casual marijuana users relative to nonusers.


>Although increased structural wiring declines after six to eight years of continued chronic use, marijuana users continue to display more intense connectivity than healthy non-users, which may explain why chronic, long-term users “seem to be doing just fine” despite smaller OFC brain volumes, Filbey explained.

Because niggers and spicks smoke in apartment buildings and stink up the entire building.

>It can help you bond with friends and a safe way to enjoy your leisure time after a hard days work.
So does every other drug and degenerate behavior. Bond and relax with the natural enzymes your body makes.

But seriously, people who don't do drugs but indulge in a hobby (even on the extreme) are better than you. Because you can get bored with a specific videogame, a drug will always entertain you the same. So people who decided to play EDF with their friends to have fun on a weekend are better than any druggie.

>better brain connectivity is bad don't enhance your mental faculties.

whatever you say devil worshipper.

Working at mcdonalds for a 5 hour shift isnt a hard days work you faggot.

i smoke on rare occasions but when i do i make sure to watch the Simpsons while i'm high, pure laughing euphoria for a whole 22 minutes

and ripping the elderly's money away from them from an airconditioned office is hard work ?

>that flag
I thought commies loved niggers


Take pictures of countryside plz n thank you

You don't seem chilean...

Your comic doesn't have colombians listening to hard bass cumbia.

Actually, smoking marijuana helped me fix quite a bit of the social awkwardness that I had due to ADD and social ostracism due to my ADD. I believe it can help people with aspergers in a similar manner. It's also not addictive and it doesn't cause permanent damage to the brains of adults that use it, anyone saying otherwise needs to be underage b&. It needs to be kept away from teenagers, but the best way to do that is to legalize it because legal businesses card people, drug dealers don't.

Better watch jojo's bizarre adventures. I didn't think i'd like it, but it's freaking amazing while watching it stoned.

i don't like it because i can't get high on weed

I support it and advocate its responsible use. It is very easily abused and most users do. It can make you lazy unmotivated and gross but no more than any average vice. It has immense medical benefits and i believe it should be easily available for people w ho want those benefits. I believe it should be fully decriminalized for med and rec purposes but i also believe it should be used in moderation. Smokinh a bit with dinnner at the end of the day to unwind= not a problem. Smoking all day every day without being productive = degenerate.

Because every smoker I've had to work with was an unreliable prick with one exception.
I hate junkie scum regardless of what the drug is.

I am not.
If it means getting druggies to smoke this instead of crystal meth and instead of snorting or shooting shit like cocaine and heroin which can fuck up lives, then let it be legal.

would it contribute to destroying the drug barons?

who knows?

black power brother

I am actually hapa, but sure.

Imagine how good the world could turn out if we got rid of all those druggies mentioned above. Maybe weed is the answer.

As long as you arent wh*te

>Portugal is finally going to have subsidised pot

comfy af

Considering that heroin and meth (/cocaine) are easily the best drugs, meaning if you do them you have felt better than any human before could have possibly felt ever, maybe it is better legal so people are satiated by weed and don't feel the need to try these harder drugs.

Because drugs are degenerate and morally should be outlawed, even alcohol and tobacco.

I mean people have gotten so addicted to food of all things, that they have diabetes and other health problems due to overconsumption. A large percentage of the population is obese because of food addiction.

I'm not against it, it's just not a miracle drug that people make it seem. I quit smoking after smoking for a few months because it started to make me feel loopy as fuck. Getting high stopped being enjoyable and just i would just get slightly irritable and paranoid all the time.

One question I've always wanted answered: What actually stops the DEA from declaring nicotine a schedule III substance tomorrow?

They can't help it, sugar at the proportions present in junk food are adictive, way more than weed almost as much as cocaine.

yeah the problem is that in the past most people didn't really skip on food because it was their choice but rather because it was too difficult to get more of it.

Seriously we already live in a libertarian society. Just fully privatize healthcare and insurance and the people can deal with it on their own. Why is it that my health insurance can propose an exorbitant fee for smoking but not for eating so many processed foods you get obese?

1.weed is degenerate and always has been
2.weed is the drug of choice for niggers
3. weed goes against the teachings of the bible
4.weed turns you into a brain dead lazy burn out
etc etc
there are more reasons not to do marijuana and to keep it illegal than there are reasons to legalize it
you cant be pro white and pro marijuana, these are just facts

Cannabis is the cure for opiate epidemic.


Fully libertarian society with no laws for business.
>Landlords realize to discriminate from drug users.
>Employers realize to discriminate from drug users.
Anarchy is the solution, my brother.

One post by this ID.

Is it any good?

If it's brown it will probably taste bad and be harsh on the throat.
It could have been good before it was compressed and got old.

Uhh... money?

Weed is not as degenerate as other drugs though because i quit weed after smoking nonstop for months. It's quite easy to quit and once I realized I wasn't getting anything positive anymore I simply just stopped and didn't want it anymore. As for becoming a lazy burnout it depends on the person.

I am not against weed, but I wouldn't recommend consuming it to anyone.

Not what I was asking. If the DEA can make any chemical they want illegal tomorrow, I want to know what actually stops them besides corporatism. Unless it literally is bribes, then the DEA is an organization to be abolished.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they made ethanol and/or nicotine a schedule III substance tomorrow?! I hope they do.

This. Stop smoking the herbal jew, glad i got rid of that degenerate shit

noooo esstitttiiiii bbrrrooooo

>If it weren't for weed, I would still be a christcuck
have fun burning mate, and I'm not talking about the dope

I'm not. only beta faggots are against weed

you can actually provide for a family