>Britain is the only country with the balls to leave the EU
>Britain doesn't have any relevant right wing parties but Europe does
Are referendums /ourguy/?
>Britain is the only country with the balls to leave the EU
>Britain doesn't have any relevant right wing parties but Europe does
Are referendums /ourguy/?
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Just shows the superiority of our electoral system, all this change with so little change etc
fuck the uk and fuck the westminster system
sure you still had to pay for it, small countries couldnt do that
We're just paying off what we said we'd pay for this payment cycle. Assuming smaller nations pay less to begin with they'd pay much less if they left.
That means we could leave and they would have to pay us...I mean we give more then we take so yeah our gov is retarded
Surely the assets we’ve paid for in the EU over decades of being a net contributor far surpass the payments in this cycle?
So you got robbed ?
If you think we won you are clearly out of touch with what is happening right now
Treason May screwed us.....as predicted.
We live in a one party dictatorship.
Yes. Germany are continuing to behave like they won the Second World War. Which is the underlying reason why we wanted the referendum in the first place. Nobody wants to say it.
I’m not saying we’ve won. But we are the only member country at least trying to leave.
you had a choice between May and Corbyn. That is not a good system to be honest
All the referendum did was show how much different we'd be with PR, and also guarantees we'll be on FPTP forever.
You betrayed Our Geert. Even on Neder/pol/ you shill against him.
do you really think that?
I do. Germany has been ruling Europe via the EU and it’s totally undemocratic, “meritocracy”.
Don’t get me started on the Euro.
you won by like 0.5%
4%, apparently were going to lose by 10%+, which makes the victory sweeter.
new donald tweet get in
I don't care.
He tweets fake news this and fake news that like every single day. How is this of worth that you need to derail the thread?
I do too. The best name for the EU would have been the Neuzollverein.
>Harry is marrying a "black" American divorced actress
Just klill yourself Britain, you were once gods, now you're somewhere between cockroah and toad.
when you see that, we quite envy you brits!
why zollverein? the eu is the most open to trade region in the world and the most mercantilist! zollverein means protectionism.