Reminder that "christianity" is simply judaism opened up for the consumption of a wider audience. The same exact stories, same characters, same laws, same conception of god as a hominid personality in the literal sky was carried over for christianity.

The definition of who can get into heaven didn't change - it's still jews and ONLY jews that get to go into jewish heaven. What Jesus changed was WHO gets to be a jew. Instead of only those who were ethnic jews (seed of Abraham, circumcised of the flesh), now it was EVERYONE that could become a jew just by announcing their submission to rabbi Yeshua/the king of jews.

St paul says in Romans 2:
"A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code."
All christians are jews, not necessarily of "the flesh", but of THE SPIRIT. All religions spawned from the original root of Israelites (proto-jews) share the same god, the same prophets.

If you gain any use at all from the bible, you are NECESSARILY analysing lives and stories of ethnic jews. There is no getting around this.

Moreover, Romans 11 says about gentiles (for example, white people who pretend that judaism was meant for them) that they are "cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted CONTRARY TO NATURE into a cultivated tree" (the tree of the jews/YAHWAH). This verse also refers to ethnic jews (of the flesh) as the "natural branches".
Romans 11:24:
"For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree."

Christians are the "real" jews.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's just catholics, they are scum of the Earth and are not true Christians
look at how fucking retarded the Irish, Polish and croats are

>That's just catholics
Catholics are just as christian as anyone else, they all share their submission to Rabbi Yeshua which is biblically the only necessary requirement.

pic related is protestant evangelicals in USA, I guess you can put your trust in them instead

yes whites are the true jews and the fake jew kike shemites are the bastard synagogue of satan, progenitors of mixed race bastards and italy

(((Paul))) spread "Christianity" (just a sect of Judaism) to defeat Rome. It is the complete subversion of European culture with Jewish traditions.

yes whites are the true jews

Spoken like a good servant of YHWYH and his son the king of jews, may he look kindly upon you or something

Btw, it's not "whites" that are biblically jews, it's WHOSOEVER believes in jesus. Whosoever means anyone of any race, it's a nice global multiracial family :^)

>comes on Sup Forums
>attacks Christians
Yeah, that's not how this board works.

Nigga that has been going on for a while now, and they always post the same shit.
Just ignore and move on.

thats quite literally how this board works

Not only are christians not a protected class, they're more deserving of derision than any other group (including brazilians)

Sons of yahwah and the king of jews, spreading a crypto-nolshevik message of universal brotherhood and multiracial union, trying to entrap europeans to another 1000 years of half-brain retarded jewish superstition.

maybe NOW
but not originally bro, northern white tribes worshiped dyeus patar or JEHOVAH the high god of israel

best responses gathered so far:

- fedora meme (shrek or otherwise)
- "Nu-uh !!!"
- "Israelites were white, WE WUZ"

It's your fault really for not having any responses so it's just easy pickings

>universal brotherhood and multiracial uni

Matthew 10:34, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send [or bring] peace, but a sword."

uh no christ followed the law and came to fulfill it - he did not commit or condone adulteration (of the races)

>implying I give a damn about muh religion this and that
I'm just sick of seeing the same threads over and over you larping cockmongler.

Carhlickers a Jews Lutheran Church is where its at nibba

>The same exact stories, same characters, same laws, same conception of god as a hominid personality in the literal sky was carried over for christianity.
Stopped reading here.
This is a false statement
If you don't understand a religion you're not allowed to talk shit about it, retard.
You think you understand these religions, but you don't.
Sort yourself out m8

Christians aren't Jews, and I can prove it with a single word


don't click on the thread then idiot, there's 500 others. Why do you focus our attention on a specific one and then comment "I don't even care about this thread" ? Evidently you do, since you clicked and responded.

>Matthew 10:34, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send [or bring] peace, but a sword."
The rest of that verse:
"“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

Says nothing about race. Also it's not a literal sword or an incitement to physical war.

>he did not commit or condone adulteration (of the races)
Bunch of nonsense, Jesus said he was a rightful successor of the earlier prophets, one of whom was Moses who took a nigger wife (Cushite/Ethiopian)
When Miriam criticized his interracial marriage, Yahwah cursed her with disease:
"Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses BECAUSE OF HIS CUSHITE WIFE, for he had married a Cushite. “Has the Lord spoken only through Moses?” they asked. “Hasn’t he also spoken through us?” And the Lord heard this."
"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam’s skin was leprous[a]—it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease, and he said to Moses, “Please, my lord, I ask you not to hold against us the sin we have so foolishly committed.

What's wrong with enlightening Africans with the good news of Christ? Would you rather they kill each other in tribal warfare and practise pagan rituals?

The church has denied that old testament law bound Christians for 2000 years.

We can safely say we don't have the same laws.

>What's wrong with enlightening Africans with the good news of Christ?
Every single African mongrel that accepts Christ is now eternally tied to your destiny, and you're obligated as a christian to MATERIALLY help them (pic related). Every African christian becomes your eternal brother. Irreversibly.
>Would you rather they kill each other in tribal warfare
They kill each other in tribal warfare whether they recognize the king of jews or not.
>and practise pagan rituals?
Irrelevant, Africans are africans no matter what rituals they do

Name 1 new testament law that isn't either copy paste or a slightly less harsh restatement of an old statement law.

>Every single African mongrel that accepts Christ is now eternally tied to your destiny, and you're obligated as a christian to MATERIALLY help them (pic related). Every African christian becomes your eternal brother. Irreversibly.

I prefer that we help these pagans in Africa not by bringing them to our countries in mass but by colonising them like we did in the past and making their land better, we help Africa much better this way. But I'm not the pope, nor the Prime Minister. I have no real authority on the matter.

>They kill each other in tribal warfare whether they recognize the king of jews or not.
So did we at one time or another.

I want paganazi LARPfags to leave. This is a constitutional Christian conservative board.

>I prefer that we help these pagans in Africa
Ah, but see here's the thing. That's not your decision. The other 99,999% of christians are happy to destroy their nations and their borders in order to do the bidding of their lord the king of jews. Your "wants" don't play a role in what christianity's stated goal on planet earth is (a multiracial utopia of global brotherhood under a one-world religion).

>But I'm not the pope, nor the Prime Minister. I have no real authority on the matter.
Exactly. The people that DO have authority are pic related.

>So did we at one time or another.
Didn't you just state that faith in the king of jews determines whether or not you kill each other in tribal warfare ?
Why the sudden change in opinion?

But Europe's churches are empty! Europeans need to bring more Christians into Europe. Welcome the Mid Eastern and African Christians in the millions!


>hurr durr jews

So basically Christians are Jew wannabes performing some kind of Cargo Cult.

>Your "wants" don't play a role in what christianity's stated goal on planet earth is (a multiracial utopia of global brotherhood under a one-world religion).
There is no goal of Christianity, and its Kingdom is not of the earth. You might believe otherwise, and for good reason, but keep in mind that the religion as well as many other institutions (Academia, government) all suffered a same fate, and infiltration by those with the agenda you stated. But it is a false goal.

>Didn't you just state that faith in the king of jews determines whether or not you kill each other in tribal warfare ?
I stated that we should enlighten them and want them to do better, weather they do or not, that's on them.

These are Orange Jews

>This is a constitutional Christian conservative board.
Never has been, never will be.

>Europeans need to bring more Christians into Europe. Welcome the Mid Eastern and African Christians in the millions!
Deus vulters on this board unironically prefer christian negroes over atheist whites

>So basically Christians are Jew wannabes performing some kind of Cargo Cult.

I know all about christianity, therefore i can speak all the shit i want

This opened my eyes like nothing else I've read on here.

>There is no goal of Christianity, and its Kingdom is not of the earth.
Why are you just making shit up?
Are you honestly claiming there are no commands for what to do on the earth in the bible?
"your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
I mean i guess the most famous prayer is just a crock of shit since you said so, amirite