Sup Forumss thoughts on black Santa’s? Is this ok to do?
Sup Forumss thoughts on black Santa’s? Is this ok to do?
Santa is supposed to deliver gifts, not steal them.
Honestly wouldn’t let my kid take a picture with a black Santa. Fuck that noise
In black areas, sure, why not?
I just love the fact that blacks are hating us.
I can't wait for the race war.
i unironically agree. it's just a santa at the mall
yeah its nice for black kids to have a male figure in their lives if only for one day a year
Yup. Santa is a commercial creation anyways.
yeah, sure, why not?
Don't be some cultural appropriation busy body.
>be super excited toddler that wants presents from the fat old bastard
>see nigger santa
>realize he's not real
>dreams crushed all because WE WUZ
I think its great.
Black Santa rapes mommy underneath the mistletoe.
Cultural appropriation, not cool.
Next thing you know these faggots are gonna think it’s great when niggers depict Jesus as a black person
Then go back to africa you fucking niggers
Insecure much?
In Heimskringla, on Yule, the first toast goes to Odin. He is also called "Father Yule" in the same text.
Christians are not allowed to decorate trees from the forrest (Jeremiah 10:1-25).
So.. You sandnigger lovers are retared, and should be killed on the spot.
They already do that
I stared at that for a while trying to figure out why she called the kid phony and then I realized that this nigger thinks that is how funny is spelled.
I just don’t like my culture being stolen by niggers. How is that insecure
I’m Christian and I decorate fake trees during Christmas and nowhere in the Bible does it say that that isn’t allowed.
Why not? So long as it doesnt become the norm, whats the harm in catering to demographics that exist? Maybe if an entire generation of non whites didnt grow up watching white everything, they wouldnt be so eager to topple whites out of our position? Then we could quietly stem the flow of immigration and absorb whats left
or you could try and create a racist contingent so large that nonwhites start leaving by choice, but good luck with that considering most people are rational albeit superficially altruistic to a fault
or you could chimp out, try and genocide people, then lose everything to whichever government pounds your ass first
Because black people are incredibly racist
I want white uncle bens
Yeah it's fine. Santa is a fictitious entity that's meant to change in order to convince people to assimilate to a religion or idea anyway. Just like when the church made imagery of Jesus as a European Brown hair to convince pagans to switch, and even more so when you see those crazy pictures of him with blonde hair and blue eyes, when he's really a middle eastern fella with wooly hair.
It's always been about scamming suckers by any means necessary and this is no different. Tell people what they want to hear, show people what they want to see, and count up your money afterwards.
The American negro deserves to participate in his own cultural traditions, the Santa Claus nonsense being one that he received from his white (Anglo) American half-brother in the mid 20th Century.
I'm fine with black Santas for black folks.
But Italy deserves Greek Santa Claus. Fuck you Greece he's staying in Bari, Turkey has more of a right to him than you do.
Segregation is OK. Nothing wrong with that. Specially if it's in the other side of town.
Good catch, ebonics is truly a fascinating language.
>mfw we are so far into the bullshit that saying "black areas " in western countries doesn't bat an eyelid
White Santa provides gibs
Black Santa takes gibs
He wasnt exactly white though, more like modern-day arabs
You sound like some SJW. It's cool, when they adopt the host culture and spread it. You should rather be concerned, when your "ethnic brothers and sisters" start believing in stuff, with which they brainwash your children.
they've always done that though
and asians depict jesus as asian
it's fucking nothing
Remember, user. Don't steal nigger culture, but let them steal white culture.
They already do that and it's perfectly fine too. If the purpose of Christianity actually lied with maintaining the image of Christ and wasn't about spreading the religion, then Christians wouldn't care about the religion spreading and imagery would have never changed from Arab Jesus in the first place.
Same thing happened in Asia with Fat and Skinny versions of the First Buddha as that religion spread. Nobody gives a fuck about the image. They want the power and wide reach and will rewrite stories and make new art to make it happen.
>that's meant to change in order to convince people to assimilate to a religion or idea anyway
Tip m'fedora m'lady
>made imagery of Jesus as a European Brown hair
Jesus was described in the bible as having pale skin and straight brown hair though.
One post by this id?
to be fair, the US has always had black areas.
That Bible passage is about false idols you fucking faggot, not the concept that Christmas trees are based on. No wonder Christianity is being subverted... the average person doesn’t have the brain power to comprehend a basic passage.
>They already do that and it's perfectly fine too.
No, it's not. Will it be fine when they portray Telsa and Mozart as a Nigger? Because they already do that too.
So explain blonde jesus. Also post the verses from the Codex Vaticanus or Codex Sinaiticus which detail his pale skin and straight brown hair.
You may not realize it, but you're setting up a strawman by pulling out historical figures as opposed to religious or cultural idols. Mozart != Santa.
I've not once seen a blonde jesus
Nope, try again. There's no reason a cultural figure like Santa(Odin) should be made black. Allowing this had led to blacks believing it's okay to claim white history and culture as their own.
i couldn't possibly care less. Kids only care about presents and nothing else. It could be kevin spacey for all they care.
they already are, and i don't give a shit.
>Niggers steal White holidays.
>Turn Santa into nigger.
>Black pride.
>Santa is a fictitious entity that's meant to change in order to convince people to assimilate to a religion or idea anyway.
A fat guy in a red suit with fur trim who delivers presents from a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer is a fictitious entity meant to sell Coke.
Αγιος Νιkολαος was a 4th Century Christian hierarch from Myra, in the Roman Diocese of Asia, on the peninsula of Asia Minor.
>Just like when the church made imagery of Jesus as a European Brown hair to convince pagans to switch, and even more so when you see those crazy pictures of him with blonde hair and blue eyes, when he's really a middle eastern fella with wooly hair.
Even Muhammad said Jesus was a redhead. Christian tradition has had Jesus as a redhead with blue eyes from time immemorial. The ancient Phoenicians were redheads, often with blue eyes. Jesus was from just south of Lebanon.
Even you admit Santa is a cultural figure instead of historic like Mozart or Tesla. You're really going to force this strawman?
Who gives a fuck? The kid seems to like black santa more. Why not just do whatever makes the kid happy?
>not a third world country
t. Ahmed
Crawling , creeping, crawling crawling
Le 56% dance
jingle jingle
Santa was originally black.
If you admit the fat guy in the red suit is a fictitious entity meant to sell coke, what's the problem with him changing as needed in order to increase sales to targeted demographics? He's not actually Saint Nick.
>Even Muhammad said Jesus was a red head
And Muhammad lived 600 years after his death and gave what his idea of the man was.
Historical figures become cultural figures. Like basho, Shakespeare, etc. If you argue it's okay to change a cultural figure you argue at the same time it's okay to alter historical figures.
>reaching this hard
If I say it's okay to change cultural figures, I'm saying it's okay to change cultural figures.
No such thing as black santa. It's called Uncle Phil.
Now imagine the anger and outrage if this were a little white girl upset that Santa was black.
So, is it okay to alter Heroes? And epics?
name 5
He comes down the chimney and takes your presents
Sorry this just sends the wrong message to kids OP, If a black man sneaks into your home around Xmas it's not for the fucking cookies and milks friendo.
If they can have black Jesus, why not a black commercialized versions of my patron Saint.
Like Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri?
They already had black pete. Seriously where does it end with these people?
>If you admit the fat guy in the red suit is a fictitious entity meant to sell coke, what's the problem with him changing as needed in order to increase sales to targeted demographics? He's not actually Saint Nick.
I'm fine with black Santa.
>And Muhammad lived 600 years after his death and gave what his idea of the man was.
His wife's uncle was a Christian monk who likely told him the Assyrian Christian's belief of what Christ looked like.
and property.
I have discovered a vast untouched market in the middle east ripe for my formula.
Once I cement my position working for the local government, we will cook.
Go google them, fucktard. I'll give Roland as an example.
Pretty racist girl if u ask me
Santa Claus is the secret identity of Jesus
you are pathetic
If they are fictitious entities designed to make money or spread to as many people as possible, yes. Not allowing change cripples the purpose of the entity's existence.
Now take responsibility for my fucking sides, user.
I'm writing a children's book titled " A black Santa in New Hampshire (I'm not black)". It just tells the story of a very dark puerto rican I knew at work that played Santa one year.
Santa was not designed for this. He was only recently turned into the fat slob archetype by coca cola. You also avoided my question. Is it okay to alter Roland's tale?
Funny, shows even kids are more comfortable around their own kind.
No. Cultural appropriation. European Saint, who was white.
This is the same as going to Asia and asking where the white buddha is, while showing total disregard for the non-white representations.
So if Santa is a fat slob designed recently by coca cola, what is the problem with him changing to reach target demographics?
Also, while you never asked me if it was okay to alter Roland, I gave you an answer regarding Heroes and Epics in the my last post.
so you can't name 5?
not an argument
So THAT's where ISIS got their meth...
I hate niggers so much
>Giving a shit about a children's holiday character
No. fpbp
talk about stealing white culture
Of course it's ok, it's just an european writer, who cares.
We also have amerindian santas in summer, stop being so fucking touchy.
He wasn't designed by coca cola you ameritard. Santa Claus has been common in European tales for centuries,he was at first an "extension" of Odin, that's why the big white beard. Coca cola took that tale to serve their marketing and gave him their colors, red clothing. You think things such as the seven reindeers are just a detail? No, they have meaning (although the red nosed deer is a recent addition), but you have to learn about Yule traditions to understand it. Tip: there weren't pine trees in Jerusalem
The nigger cries while he robs your home
k mohammed
You hit the nail on the head, but what the nigs are doing is simply altering that pop culture figure. You said it yourself it has little to do with the actual history of this man and the culture it came from.