After all fair is fair since you don't treat me like a human being you piece of fucking shit.
So I guess I should set up "No Trump voters allowed?"
Why? He is right.
You might be being, but you're sure as fuck not a human
You already do that, though.
You already are allowed to do that. Political affilation isn't a protected class, brainlet.
>free speech only counts when I agree with it
Amateur bait, sage
If a business owner doesn't want to server gay couples, they have every right to do so. If you're a business owner, you also have every right to hang up a sign that says "No straight couples"
Both are dumb of course, since you're allowing bias to cut into profits.
There are dozens of stores/restaurants that I don't go in anymore because they chose to virtue signal during the election. It was their choice, albeit a poor one because it pushed away more customers than it pulled in.
If you can discriminate based on sexual alignment, there's no reason to not discriminate based on political alignment.
Yes, you should have a right to deny your service to anyone
Finally, I can open my cisgender only coffee shop.
That'll teach them a lesson!
>being this butthurt
>Based Trump.
What's up with you (apart from the obvious) You were left alone to make choices but nobody else is allowed to be?
Congratulations user!
You just figured out how freedom of association works.
Have a nice day!
Should be allowed to yes, but in the U.S if they even so much as get a suspicion that you're avoiding business with niggers they can send you to jail.
By all means, close your dildo shop to Trump voters.
fuck off, you faggots
You finally get it now. Segregation is an intelligent idea that benefits everyone.
There are way less pro leftist shops than pro Trump shops, you'll soon find out.
Your local starbucks doesn't bother any real Trump voter, that you can be sure of.
freedom of association is good
forced integration is a mistake and incredibly anti-social.
So if leftist start forcing right wing people out of their businesses then they could push to allow discrimination in employment. This does not benefit anyone as leftists can push out any pro-GOP or pro-Trump employees. Putting more control in (((their))) hands.
Nose to small desu
>Implying you wouldn't get violently thrown out of businesses in commiefornia for declaring you're a Trump Voter.
Being a fag is a choice though and companies already discriminate based on politics.
joke's on you, libs don't own any businesses because of muh socialism
1 post by this id. Get lost.
Didn't you already, cunt?
Thanks for the input and a durka durka to you too.
>Didn't you already, cunt?
We'd appreciate it actually. We don't want to be around people who want to buttfuck us and give us AIDS. A warning would be nice.
You do realize most people who support the right to discriminate do so INDISCRIMINATELY, right?
Political alignment is already not a protected class under federal law, so you already are allowed to block Trump voters.
Know your own fucking laws moron.
I do believe it is illegal to discriminate against the retarded.
Go ahead. Freedom of association.
Yes. You can put up any sign you want. Including No Blacks Allowed.
The free market decides if it works.
Their businesses would collapse and everyone of importance would be happier.
Left to their own devices leftism eats itself, it survives by browbeating normal people to work for them.
Also the whole idea of a protected class seems stupid.
>no matter how hard you try, no matter where you look for offenses; he will never be impeached
>he'll be in office for a total of 8 years
>assassinate him and the results will be a civil war between opposite ends of the political spectrum; a race war by proxy
As long as a business is not trying to food poison you or sell you shoddy goods, they should be free to do anything they like.
they are my primary clients though
Yeah, that's called freedom.
It's easy to avoid business with niggers.
Pre employment drug test.
Security cameras.
Gets rid of all your nigger problems.
Honestly Trump voters should be rounded up and shot for the treasonous act of putting this Russian shill in the Oval Office.
kek, that picture can still make laugh after 1000 reposts
Well maybe if gay people didn't act like total fags people wouldn't know their sexuality.
Being ambiguous is that. Not having a sexuality describe you.
Therefore if you are a fag, and get called out for it, It's generally because you are expressing overly gay tones. No one cares how much dick you take so keep it to yourself.
Sure you should be able to put up a sign not allowing someone in a private business it makes sense
Imagine being able to shop at a whites only grocery store. No mexican couponers or blacks on ebt with their hellspawn, or indians arguing over fixed prices trying to score a discount, asians driving horribly in the parking lot.
Actually add to the whites only sign with no commies and no numales.
Try it faggot
>walk in and proudly proclaim "im with her"
>dine and dash
>"hehehe, I'll troll 'em using the UN flag"
what a winner
If you are going to have protected classes at all, then public and private actions and statements off premises and off the clock should be added.
Do it. Divide the country further and see where that gets you, faggot.
Gays are not great people.
>"So I guess I should set up "No Trump voters allowed?"
nigger, you faggotfuck bitchass fuckniggers already do this shit and far far fucking worse, you little hypocritical soybug ass rick and morty watching ass harry potter reading ass fucking stupid ass never breastfed because your degenerate boomer single motherr was a piece of shit and we all have to suffer the consequences of her mistake and your dad's mistake in impregnating a thot
Exactly, just like real life
You mean like tons of businesses already do? "Gays for Trump" or whatever they call themselves were denied entry/participation in gay pride parades, so even the fucking gays do that themselves.
It's great though, you should do that. And when you lose half your business and have to shut down while the right wingers only lose like 1% of theirs.
Yep. Conservatives have literally always believed this. I know, freedom is a really hard concept to understand for sodomite degenerates.
On the flip side, if you're not going to give up on baking the cake, then gay bakers should be forced to bake anti-gay cakes.
Yes, in a free market you wouldn't have the government telling people what to do. Your business probably won't last long, but you should be able to ban anyone you want.
>Implying you own a business or will ever provide a service to society worth paying for
sure thing faggot. No Trump voters allowed in your mom's basement
>What is freedom of association?
>What is freedom?
>saw ddubs
>read post
>then saw cringeistan flag
but why?
>treat me like a human
What type of human are you?
>So I guess I should set up "No Trump voters allowed?"
As long as turn about's fair play, I have no problem with this.
I enjoy living in a red state. Anti-discrimination laws are cancer and I'd rather repeal them all even if I do benefit in 1% of encounters.
He's pro-business, too. Sorry, poopdick
Hate speech is not free speech
I don't serve gays.
It's not hate speech, he says nothing against gays, but it's a personal description about him.
You can ban anybody you want from your private property, idiot.
this will be met with backlash from the left, which will fuel the fires for the right to piss off the left even more, which will fuel the fires to for the left to piss off the right...
you can pretty much tell where im going with this.
Genuine question: why cant gays get married and why do they not deserve to be happy? They're people too. And its funny cus if you say "cus mah bible and christian values" please remember the first amendment, you be religious, but you cant use religion to discriminate ppl (same goes for non religious people too for what its worth)
Of course it is.
Look "I hate memefags"
See? Didn't cost me
And what is establishments forcing magapedes off their ground is, Pajeet?
>chooses genetic dead end
Don’t let rational thinking get in your way now, march/skip toward progress!
that hes a closeted bigot yeah?
>Trump says businesses should dictate what clientele they allow
>”OMG Trump Thinks Gay People should eat from a trough”
This is why people hate the media.
That would be fine. I don't really care to eat food that's been handled by a fag.
>Hate speech is not free speech
Then there is no such thing as free speech
They already do this on Portland
I went in anyways
It's just we outnumber your ability to round us up, and we have enough firepower to win any civil war.
Face it, we are here to stay.
Customer chooses who they do business with is ok.
Business chooses who they have for customers.....racist anti-faggots!!!!
You should have the right as a business to tell anyone, any group you dislike to fuck off.
It is, but it's rarely enforced. Also, it's completely legal to discriminate against a disabled person's caregiver.
The entire point behind marriage is to encourage procreation in such a way the child doesn't end up irreversibly fucked up by adulthood. Tax breaks and so forth for married couples further reinforce this. A married gay couple cannot provide this service to society, so to treat them in the same way is irrational.
t. atheist
Niggers and college students dont buy anything or work
Did they really do this or is it just media spin?
Look on the bright side; you aren't being thrown from rooftops yet.
>Alienate more and more voters by the second
What a fucking train wreck.
degenerates are not human beings
Kek UN flag
>Wanting more people on Earth
he's making the mistake of thinking evangelicals got him elected, not shitposting millenials
If you don't want my business, I'm fine with that. I have no right to force you to provide goods and services for me against your will.
Slavery is illegal.
I mean, why tho? the world is already so overpopulated, and shows no signs of slowing down. who cares about procreation when there are so many people doing it, multiple times that it doesn't decrease the population at all??
Go for it faggot
>So I guess I should set up "No Trump voters allowed?
They already do that retard, and it's fine, desegregation was a mistake
I'd prefer it if you do so I know who not to buy from.
Yea but faggots are 2% of the population while Trump voters are 35% of the population
This. Plus faggots carry disease and deviant shit into culture. They should be hung.
>We have firepower
The media spin will lead to all units of police/military fighting against you or being executed themselves for treason. Stop the LARP, its grown stale.
Pure delusion