How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?
How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side...
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Ally? Fuck off.
Stop the in group out group mentality and think for yourself.
you fucking idiot. an alliance based on mutual hatred of a 3rd party without any significant cohesion or common ground between the groups involved beyond said mutual hatred inevitably leads to worse shit than before and is doomed to fail. That is what happened when we allied ourselves with slav commie scum, and with the sandniggers after that.
But what more could I expect from a filthy fucking leaf?
Peterson came out attacking us you fag not the other way around
You made this thread yesterday
Jordan Peterson is not /our guy/ he's a center-left holocaust believer and Hitler apologist.
I want to make this clear just because you're against SJWs does not mean you're automatically on our side.
Did you make your bed and wash behind your ears, OP? Also that will be $50 for the advice.
* and if you're a leaf, then you're most certainly not on our side
at least he has the right opinions, or does he?
He is not.
Peterson is the prime enemy of all ethno nationalists.
>Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?
Neither of these things are a real problem.
They are just symptoms.
>hundreds of hours of free content on youtube
>somehow Peterson's fault if someone chooses to pay for it.
this has got to be at least the fifth time ive seen this thread
fuck off you stupid leafnigger
Nice bait OP, the exact same thread didn't work out last time so just try again then, huh?
We are allies to no one. We all have our own beliefs and when someone crosses those beliefs we call that shit out. We don't sweep shit under the rug for people because "muh ally!" What, you think we're a bunch of pedo-allowing liberals?
>How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily?
He got his start as the Internet Aristocrat and he was ridiculing SJWs during the gamergate/Anita Sarkeesian scandals. Because so few people were openly doing the same, people read his snark as bold insight, instead of just witty heckling. Fast forward to today and his formula hasn't changed. He targets figures and movements that have large followings and essentially talks about how they are overrated, uses false equivalency to disparage his targets, or attributes the beliefs and actions of the followers to the people at the head of the movement while hinting that his followers are somehow aren't experiencing insecurity but enlightenment.
He has probably seen many self help gurus and retarded fandoms come and gos me trough his life and is abel to see trough the bullshit, also he has a dad and is not in the market for a internet-dad?
Jims in his 30's, things that impress you kids can seem basic and retarded to us old-fags
I heard Peterson say something other than basic shit, things you learn in psycology 101 or philosophy 101...
I think you may be reading too much into what Jim does. Jim seems to have something personal against attention and popularity, but for the most part he just calls things as he sees them.
I don't even think he blamed Peterson for anything. At most, he there was a jab at how Peterson is just riding his fame and playing the victim at the hands of the Evil SJW™. Seemed more like he was blaming the idiots stupid enough to pay for common sense.
Jordan Peterson is a racemix&nonwhite immigration advocating kike
He's not a kike. He's a kike loving Leaf. Much worse.
>jab at how Peterson is just riding his fame and playing the victim
If you watch his videos his big message is not being a victim and taking ownership of your life. I can understand how someone would come to that conclusion if you watched the year old videos that initially got him attention. Most of the critiques I hear make sense if those early videos are all you watched. His explinations of mythical storytelling and his analysis of the bible are what most of his followers are responding to now and its pretty clear that his detractors are largely unaware of all that when they still talk about his appeal being a father figure telling people to clean their rooms.
People like peterson are the reason we are in this situation in the first place.
They bait you with banale stuff like hygene and try to talk you out of your self interest for the greater good of tolerance and diversity.
Gatekeepers are worse than leftists.
Begone jew
Peterson denies Whites exist, except when he needs to tell us that Jews are smarter than Whites. He is an Anti-White advocate. He is by no means my ally.
Jordan Peterson is like the TV preachers selling his brand of religion for $19.99. He's just another in a long line of psychologist selling self-help books for the weak minded. Don't question his methods or ideas just stick to the program. The reason people flock to these scams is because they have lost their culture, traditions, and people. He won't save you and once he has your money he will abandon not only you, but his own ideology.
Slept in today, huh leaf? You know you gotta wake up earlier for those (you)'s
>>>>>>People like peterson are the reason we are in this situation in the first place.
The way /poo/ and Sup Forums s a whole works is that there is no united effort to do anything, we just dick around enough that once in a while things happen.
Hi Jim.
Stop posting this, you are prob the same one who was posting that manlet incest wanna be star- wars or craft gimp. Just stop it.
Jordan Peterson is a leech that makes 60+K a month for repeating the same shit everyday.
Anyone with a Patreon account on the internet should be suspect at best.
You guys realize these people are LESS accountable than journalists, right?
Ever seen these nu-meedee-uh fags issue a retraction?
Yeah, thought not.
We all know it is you making these posts for attention, Jim. Kys
sage. this thread is put up by shariablue multiple times every fucking day. it's just meant to create internal division. fuck off.
Peterson is the epitome of everything wrong with boomers in one person
Checked but what are all the symptoms and what is the disease?
Lol. Keep being mad that he called out your scam Peterson.
>an ally
Fuck off, tumblrfaggot.
>That wasn't real Nazism
I never heard or read that