Things you're still mad about

I don't think I'll ever get over it Sup Forums. Literally in a relationship with best girl and he dumps her for some middle school slut.

I watched this years ago and it still pisses me off.

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Calm down, it's only anime.

It doesn't matter if it's only anime. It's still the worst thing that's ever happened.

>doesn't get it

And you call yourself an Oreimo fan.

>best girl
>he dumps her
How can someone be so wrong in a single post.

She had to lose, she lost and she only has herself to blame. It was deserved.

>Good ending

It's a Kuronekofag, what do you expect.

Look at the bright side: it made Dutchguy mad as fuck.

What am I not getting?

The Ore no Kouhai spinoff is canon.

Feel better, OP?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

isn't she planned dump him in first place?

What people in the real world think, you post-Evangelion biter.

>he dumps her
Other way around. But you're right, author has characters do dumb shit for the sake of the ending. Basically trashing them.

In that case just play the VN and play the Kuroneko route for all eternity.

I literally posted the scene you idiot.

Yes, it's left so clear that you don't even need a two digit IQ to understand what happened, yet you see people complaining about "Kuroneko breaking up with senpai" that didn't make sense hence the "delusional nekofags" thing.

But Ayase was best girl. Kuroneko was boring.


>nekofags still rectally ruined

Ruri was forced to capitulate through a shitty nonsensical asspull.
Oreimo's last arc can and should be considered fanfiction

>muh neko

I'm sorry, but nobody can be this stupid, so I will assume you are merely pretending.

>Shit writer

>"Out of fucking nowhere I will break up with senpai because something something kirino something something"
>Not an asspull

>Only inbreds like Kirino

*enlightened patricians

Kuroneko the dumb slut left him you idiot


How can you have an IQ lower than 1 digit? No sir, nobody in this world can be this retarded.

Why get mad when you can get glad?