Trump Israeli collusion is a bigger story than the Russia collusion.
Trump Israeli collusion is a bigger story than the Russia collusion.
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Man, they gave that guy a blank check... not sure if good or bad anymore.
KEK. I wonder if the left will attack trump on this
You traitors that sold out in the name of Israel are about to get a rude awakening.
Trump didn't try to make Jerusalem the capitol for no reason. You will find out soon enough why you should heed my warning a thousand times over before the next president LARP general.
Trump has effectively handed over all critical decision making to Israel forces working to create greater Israel.
Obama will be seen as one of the greatest heroes in this century for setting the bait that has snared the Trump campaign team into the Mueller investigation.
The left hates Israel and jews, Trump loves them so yes.
The Russian collusion was all about Israel anyways. It was all jewish collusion from the start.
wait, is this good or bad?
on one hand Israel gets exposed as a bunch of subversive kikes, on the other trump gets damaged. What do Sup Forums?
the left only talks about what the (((media))) tells them to. so no, they will not attack trump on this
>s, on the other trump gets damaged. What do Sup Forums?
So you support a jew kike puppet now? What are you scared of?
This cant end well for the special council.
left is infested with kikes, leading roles belongs to kikes on left side.
Trump could just take the position that he will never regret his love of the Jews and Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and arrest anyone who disagrees for antisemitism. Alternatively, you'd think the goodest of all goys would be protected, right?
>What are you scared of?
I'm scared of my only hero being outed as a kike. I get that to get big like he did you would undoubtedly have to bump elbows with the merchants, offer them your children, ect... I'm scared lad
Mueller will get shut down over this and the liberal bugmen will blame Putin for it.
in b4 340,000,000D chess. It wouldn't matter who was president. The Us is another commie occupied territory. Now shut up and join the US military and go fight the nutty arabs and keep them from destroying Israel's queer/pedo bars like good little flunkys!
The best time to shut down Mueller happened months ago. There is a well established series of events that would have him investigating within 48hrs of his firing.
It would do exactly nothing now.
Trump just prematurely completed their plans of a greater isisrael, without the land grabbing and bloodshed.
Allegedly trump colluded with the american people to maga.
>AL Jazeera
>Literally the state run propaganda of Qatar
>Qatar enslaves Asians and whites
>funds news networks like TYT
Mueller dies in prison.
Not a chance. Maybe in comment sections.
So obvious
You are about to be strung up and flayed, kikenigger.
>Obama will be seen as one of the greatest heroes
>jewish owned publication sector will portray Obama as a hero
in b4 liberals start declaring that Jews hacked the election, le horseshoe maymay is real.
Going to get interesting!
Just checked bluddit politics, shills aren't pushing it so I think they are trying to ignore it because jews.
It looks like we have added a fourth branch of government, a division of the Democrat party,unaccountable to all of the other branches. Mueller will be investigating every single thing Trump says or does for the rest of his terms.
Nope. Mueller will die soon, in prison. Of assrape.
Wow I bet you really believe this don't you? Sad!
>We've been obsessed with this one angle for a year and were still insisting it was gonna pan out any minutes now, but we'll drop it instantly when offered an alternative.
Libs are like a cat chasing a laser pointer. In this case, a Jewish laser pointer. They couldn't manufacture outrage against a country they could openly hate, so how will this work? Should be entertaining.
Why is it ok for Israel to waltz in and grab land that they haven't lived in for 1000 years but it's evil for Hitler to demand land that belonged to Germany 20 years earlier?