Is pic related true? Also, so the thread isn't pruned,how bout that coo who shot the guy nearly two years ago amiright?

Is pic related true? Also, so the thread isn't pruned,how bout that coo who shot the guy nearly two years ago amiright?

Other urls found in this thread:

You know. The cop manlets with the tattoos who shot the spaz. Muh bootlickers hue.

ugly af tbph
is this how americans write script?

They topped teaching me cursive in like 3rd grade so I'm gonna get anyone like 25 and under was never taught cursive.

Wut do dat says

Nah it's a some "signature" font which assumes all signatures are shit. My cursive is pretty.

i believe you

Niggers can't read this

I'm not a fan of cursive I much prefer printed text. But I think this might just be because I'm about testing because I also don't like artwork and stuff like that like everything being nice and squared away

>that flag
>not a fan of cursive
imagine my shock

I don't care, but just so you know Dixie was very big into cursive so don't act like that has anything to do with why I don't like cursive.

Finally the proof I need to show I'm not a nigger.

I think cursive is a beautiful and artistic way to spell. Truly the white man's way of spelling. The only shits who are upset are those too wrong to have had it taught to them.

too young*** my apologies.


does this song give you feels?
i can feel your pain through the words
my condolences

Not quite that pretty rho

Wait, I thought everyone knew how to write/read cursive. This is like kindergarten or early elementary school tier shit.

Same thing.



i want to go to tennessee and larp as a salty confederate. do you have any tips?
if i write script, will it be a dead giveaway?

>mfw we were forced to write in cursive all the way through 8th grade
>mfw my normal handwriting sucks now

Who else here can write in cursive backwards ?

>do you have any tips?
Yes, kys
>if i write script, will it be a dead giveaway?

I believe it. Judging by your post you weren't much a fan of anything related to the English class.

thanks user, very helpful

Correct, I don't really like reading and I hate writing I much prefer talking shit and shooting guns


Then why are all the pencil companies based in NY?

Because truth Southerners use ink and quill


Probably, but 50 50 change the nigger can't read any written language anyway.

What does this say?

>Be American
>need to learn cursive
You guys are retarded.

“Niggers can’t read this”
I’m sorry user

Not anymore necessarily, Obama's "Common Core State Standards" dropped cursive writing as a part of the core curriculum, which the teacher's unions love of course, as anything that dumbs down the curriculum they're in favor of. Now it's on a state-by-state basis.

And of course, the communists don't want us actually to know how to write, only type, so we can be good little collectivist bureaucrats/government functionaries. Handwriting is just too independent and has too much personality.

100% Bavarian pencils.

By the way cursive is the only normal handwriting, everything else is for morons.

I can. forward backward, upside down, rotated 180 degrees, forward and backwards with both hands at once..... I got really bored in school

Is Cursive taught earlier in European countries? Is it the standard way to teach writing in general?

>I got really bored in school
I thought you were joking until this part.

>Is Cursive taught earlier in European countries?
> Is it the standard way to teach writing in general?
yes, nobody writes like a 5 year old.
we are taught cursive(at least here) from age 5.


Ah, thanks for walking right into that one for me.
>Be Latvian
>Need to learn cursive
You guys are retarded.

>nobody writes like a 5 year old.
>we are taught cursive(at least here) from age 5.
bit of a contradiction there

you wrote without wrong.

Ditto, apart from not upside down.

Your s after niggers is wrong. Tard

5 year olds can't write cursive, it saves time.
We are taught cursive only because it is quicker than machine typing(what you see currently in your monitor).

Right it is more like a small "J".

Like all things, it get easier with practice lol
I write quicker in print but that;s because my print is in ALL CAPS and also tiny chicken scratches

I've never practised, it's automatic.

Niggers can't read period so why bitch about them not being able to read cursive?


Bitching? We're just hanging at them.

To err is human.

Laughing* hahah

A whole new meaning to “hang out”.


Stay in your country with your illegal butter knives and Ahmed raping your mother. Bip, bip, cheerio. (My great, great grandfather wrote love letters from Bull Run and had the most beautiful penmanship you can imagine)

Implying that it needs to be in cursive. Literacy is not a strong skill amongst the mongs

>niggers can't read this
Some cunt also can't write cursive in an easily readable way.
Neck yourself faggot, only doctors get to do this shit.

Born in 1983, and while I learned cursive writing early in my schooling, I never used it myself and not can't do it, although I can read it. I'd think anyone younger than me has basically no exposure to it.

My goy.

I can't either, but it's just the page's background that's black, not me.

>abolished teaching cursive
story checks out

Here we use cursive in pretty much every situation when we need to with hand. Btw r8 my handwriting I did some time ago in pic related.

>wooden pencils
>grinding up the whole thing and carving chunks out every time you you want to use it
good goy

Cursive is the White mans invention

I don’t know but I hear they can’t swim.


bought pic related from a friend back in college, still working perfectly today