Indian tries to meet 12-year-old white girl at Tyneside train station - video

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Indians are based

open bobs

Britcucks are just jealous because all of the lolis are crazy for Pahjeet's cock

*clears cached images*

to catch a poo

His vocabulary is very monotonous.

Anyway, I wonder how many criminals are doing this type of thing, luring sad sacks to a meeting with an underage girl and then letting them pay themselves out of the situation.


i kinda want to read the chat log that lead to this just to see if "show bobs" pops up in there.

What do you think #pizzagate is?

there's hundreds of videos on youtube like this, usually the police come but not before some northern lady starts reading the chatlogs back to the invariably muslim or vaping neckbeard loser. good viewing desu

How exactly did he woo her?
>I use toilet
>"Me too!"

what the hell


pretty much.

Probably impressed her with extensive knowledge about toilet alternatives.

I wish I could live life with the undeserved confidence of every Indian man.

The fuck??



such a great picture.



I'm #teamDurgesh now.




Keep going man I'm enjoying this rollercoaster.

Posting one by one is too much work, make a vertical collage.

Me too, I can't comprehend what this mindset is like.

he reminds me of Elliot Rogers funnily enough

that is some 9gag tier meme

What a cuckhold

He should have slaughtered these wh*te subhumans then raped the wh*te whore

Fucking Aussies can't into resolution


all this shit is fake and i hope everyone with so few brain cells they can't tell it's fake chokes on their next meal

Don’t get 2 triggered ya kiddy fiddler

He sounds like a damn robot

Poos leave an indelible stain on society with this sort of behaiviour. They think it will just slip between the cracks, but really it stinks. People like that should be wiped out.

Je want to make lov and kis vagana

>not me poo

Paedophile spotted / full sweat on. He's Cancelled his bus ticket.

do milk


I wouldn't really mind being reincarnated as an indian it looks like some badly drawn anime where you can get away with rape

Why are the "children of god" at the bottom?


r asianmasculinity gets caught:

confidence mixed with sheer desperation

ok Sup Forums here's a hypothetical for ya:

the man is now a white, handsome, well-to-do christian male

and she is your daughter

what do?

>He says as he ant-posts

Put a bullet in the catholic fuck.

Half of India's population are bastard children since they don't know what contraception is and every man just goes out and rapes some woman when he feels the rape-emergency. Those bastard children are called "Children of God". You'd have to ask an Indian what fucked up Hindu mental gymnastics went behind calling bastard children as "Children of God".
And since the caste system has been around for thousands of years, it indicates that India has always been a shithole where everybody rapes everyone and wild boars feed on bastard infants left on the street and there is shit everywhere and the air smells like shit because everyone shits everywhere and probably eats shit too.

hes a protty 26 year old ceo of a fortune 500 company dealing in moral and wholesome commerce like foodstuffs

this is just 'Love Jihad'. Love knows no boundaries; amirite tho?

going for white girls, what a faggot.

Asians are top tier.

What's a 12 year old trying to date an Adult? Seriously, we need to do something about these 12 year olds. I say some jail time for them will set them straight.

Send my daughter home. He's my wife now...

(((American))) bongobation.

I have seen through your devious, carefully laid trap intended to trick Sup Forums into looking racist

Its a shame India is so shit. Pakistan is too, but in different and similar ways, that's why I left. I wish the British and forced the populace to convert to Christianity, it may have been helpful

The fathers usually don't care

It changes nothing. What's your point?
Those people don't look for shitskins online. They look for predators in general. It happens that, in the UK, most of those predators tend to be shitskin.

Chris Hansen caught all kinds of predators from white school teachers to pakistani nerds.

>He doesn't use an SSD drive
>He doesn't use Brave browser
It's your own fault.

I'm an Indian. I'm tired of all the things people say about us. I mean, which other country is hated the most? North Korea? We're probably next to North Korea. Several people called me "pajeet", "who shits on the streets" "giv bob and vegana" as soon as I told them I'm from India. I'm now afraid of telling that I'm Indian. I feel ashamed. One person said "US should nuke India" on a youtube video about India and it got hundreds of likes or upvotes. Most of the things people say only apply to poor people and uneducated. People like me in the cities probably never saw anyone shitting on streets. I honestly never saw anyone shit on streets. At least from what I know, people don't shit on "streets" but in an open area like farmlands in villages. I keep my identity hidden and don't tell anyone that I'm Indian. I'm afraid they'll treat me differently. I keep trying to avoid those comments but they are affecting me. Not directly but indirectly. For example, read any Reddit threads about, you'll see hate comments about India. Fuck this shit

pakistan isnt much better

both should be nuked

Gandhi called them that to remove the stigma associated with them. The term never took off.

You are well aware that Indian and Paki Christians usually are shittier than the local population. I am sorry, but no matter what religion you force on the brown shits, they will always be brown shits.


you can help the problem by getting off the internet, specifically Sup Forums

alternatively kys shitskin

>Assuming religion
Street shitting zombies strike again

I agree.

Damn it Carlos!

tiny dikk Britbongs can never satisfy a loli like true aryan men can

Well I am from a Paki Christian background , but I have spent all my life in America, so I don't really know much about that. All the Indian and Paki Christians I have met in America seem to be better than Muslims and Hindus

got em

ya damn freak

I hope pakis everywhere get gassed. Low IQ inbred scum.

Holy shit what a good idea. Hire a bouncer to intimidate and split the profits with him. You'd make thousands per month if you do this in the city.

That was not very nice to say to me. I have cousins that live in the UK. They actually live just outside Birmingham. It is rather sad that you have given your nation away

Your cousins fuck kids.

based Durgesh

mate birmingham is fucking disgusting

count the whites

I mean they actually live in Coventry. My sister went there and told me its nice

Asians have disgusting Brown nipples. No thanks.

just stay in your own fucking country and stay away from white women

I live in Coventry. Mussies and chinks everywhere.

>even redditors hate your shit infested country.
Sorry to hear that pajeet.

>brahmins - priests
wait, two headed cows are priests in India?

why? What's wrong with that pic?

Well that's shit. At least in America I can avoid muslims for the most part. Niggers and Spics arent that bad

That is only the future you chose.

>hide identity out of fear of being Indian
>prefers to be faggot
wow the bullying must really be bad

>it's that thread where we pretend 90% of all child molesters aren't white

Kek cherry picking is alive and well I see

>implying whites are comparable to entire nations like sadui arabia and qatar where kids are like sex dolls... Kys

>I mean, which other country is hated the most?
A: That would be the United States
>Zionist Occupied Gov
>Lard ass half caf/half decaf mocha choco-latte perfectly blended Starbucks consumer drones
>robbed of cultural identity
>56% - a reversal of millennia of natural selection, natural and biological genetic perfection now just pin-cushions for the Jew vaccine preventing real genius from ever manifesting
>stagnation touted as "Progress"
do you feel better, Pajeet

Durgesh, the madman

>that sentence

Not enough.

Get the rope for these degenerates.

can i get the girls number so that i can apologize to her?

Durgesh deserves a blowjob from kapoor at least, just for effort.