>Be me
> Be leftist shitskin
>Start coming to Sup Forums thinking its ll a meme lurk for a few months
> Take political compass test find myself drifting to more right wing spectrum
>Mfw Sup Forums memed me right wing
Wtf Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Only underage idiots and women fell for the commie memes user
what's the point being rightwing if you're a shitskin
just keep milking whitey
Yet you will still have to go back.
you were never a leftist, just a liberal
Social Justice is a white people disease.
support society-destabilising policies to open possibility of balkanization and formation of ethnostates
it's not really Sup Forums memeing you into it but rather that you're being exposed to such ideas for the first time whereas before they were kept (((hidden))) from you
What remains of the progressive consensus is a shrinking circle of counter-intuitive platitudes that lose all meaning outside of their specific and narrow political context. Hence, the mass wokening.
Welcome aboard.
As long as we can split the genders and races things are going to plan. Hehehehe.
please stop using capital letters after >
it really hurts my eyes
You're realizing that under leftists ideology the society will only collapse faster. And that the age of gibs and welfare will be over
It's cultural Marxism and it may be carried by Whites, but the vectors of the disease are not necessarily white.
Kikes at the top. Groids and well meaning idiot white women that got their teaching jobs through affirmative action in the middle. Blue haired SJWs are at the bottom. They're the brownshirts that violently oppress speech they don't like.
many such cases
If I were black I'd go right wing just to slay white pussy and avoid other blacks.
>Be leftist shitskin
Youve been tricked
No fucking joke
Most migrants in Sweden that ive met who are first gen are usually conservative as fuck but they vote left because they have been tricked and dont know any better and pass this on to their kids.
You are a tool for the leftists in charge to stay in charge, they dont care about you at all and want you to feel like a victim so you will come to them for help
Yeah seems about right im on to (((their ))) Tricks now
Thanks user,
Its not the gibs and welfare that concerns me its the lack of achievements of my own people that really bothers me. the victim hood complex of leftism has really left a sour taste in my mouth because of that
Yes it is user and don't let ((them)) tell you otherwise
So when will you be gassing yourself?
never but i will be gassing the crypto commies of my own race
Yeah it was hard to accept until i figured out that my race was just another pawn for leftist to use to gain more power, i just hope i can wake more of my people up before its to late
Is this the most woke black man of modern times?
This guy should rule Africa.
I respect you, my dude. The victimhood mind virus is difficult to resist.
Welcome to the world's most diverse white supremacy movement. Enjoy slipping into ever increasing hatred, disgust and despair with every passing day.
Yes it is. The amount of brain washing they do to us is unreal. Its look out for the evil white man. But the thing is i've never been racial abused by whites and they treat me better than my own race does.
Now THIS is a truly BASED BLACK MAN.
Ahahahaha who creates these memes goddammit. It's so brilliant and bizarre and they will never be known
>checks flag
>But the thing is i've never been racial abused by whites and they treat me better than my own race does.
WTF man. We aren't even trying.
Should we become more racist?
Moar pls.
dont you mean maymayd
Top kek user
>Its not the gibs and welfare that concerns me its the lack of achievements of my own people that really bothers me.
That's kind of the same thing. People who accompish much typically don't live on welfare.
If you want i could use a laugh besides im not a snowflake like alot of other people i know
you talk like a white person, be prepared to get shunned by your own if you air these feelings in public or be called uncle tom
Yeah i just want my people to be known as creators and not welfare leeches
>im not a snowflake like alot of other people i know
So we could have nigger/cumskin bantz?
welcome to hell darkie
>Yeah i just want my people to be known as creators
You make beats, that is so important.
Chek out my soundcloud at WHiTEWYMINZBikCOCKSTyle
Yup that true if they ever found out that i don't hate whites like they do they would shun me for sure. Its kind of depressing
>willing to clean his own house
that's already pretty commendable
Tax cuts for millionaries, means you aren't really leeching of them but from other colored and poor people.
Yeah wish me luck i've got my work cut out for me
finns mostly.
Good, now pick some cotton, while I ask you how your day was.
Sure thing cracka
>Smacks lips sheeit
Holy fuck, pol, I'm gay for this nigglet.
The biggest problem you face is crab bucket syndrome. The moment one of your people begins to raise up, the others who are comfortable with the status quo immediately begin tearing them down. It's not exclusive to blacks. You see the same thing in poor white and Hispanic communities. But blacks make up such a small percentage of the overall population that it's more concentrated with fewer examples of successful blacks who aren't sports or entertainment stars. And the truth is, even those professions require a strong work ethic, but many young blacks believe in the myth of falling into Fame and fortune almost by accident. (((They))) spent nearly a century wrecking black culture. Fixing it will be a multigenerational fight.
Well that is nice, I can see your future prospects in this industry, you might get a raise by the trimester as our main cotton picker.
>commie memes
the left cant meme
>in Sup Forums, we have no names.
>In death, a member of Sup Forums has a name.
>His name is Robert Paulson.
>His name is Robert Paulson.
>His name is Robert Paulson.
> Take political compass test find myself drifting to more right wing spectrum
Drifting down the autism spectrum as well
>when the newfag doesn't lurk long enough before posting
some niggers are outside the spectrum and have a IQ above 80, which lets them think a little, and maybe imagine a world where niggers were not niggers and didn't have to ruin everything they touch.
Pretty much this though.
If you ever want to evolve beyond the position of
>Curious redditor
You have to give up your identity. You are user the guy who doesn't matter. When you stop believing your name, or the number of dicks you've sucked, or the actual colour of your skin are worth shit around here then the quality of your posts goes up.
if so, the collective will weaponize his autism for the betterment of mankind.
you faggots on the left are so fast to preach equality, and fairness and even faster to reject someone with different cognitive traits, ideas or physical appearance. you can leave with your false doctrine now.
anyone who considers himself shitskin has no self-respect and confidence. lack of self-respect and confidence is still a leftist mentality deep down. sorry OP you'll always be a leftist unless you join kara boga movement