This is the new brazilian pop queen. There's many North Europeans in Brazil, fuck you Sup Forums, she's an aryan goddess.
This is the new brazilian pop queen. There's many North Europeans in Brazil, fuck you Sup Forums...
>Looks like a dude in drag
>Very likely a dude in drag
It's a dude isn't it.
No, it's not, shut up Pajeet
way too much tan and makeup
Holy shit look at the difference between her hair parting and the color of her face! All that makeup!
Its dick's bigger than mine, innit?
That is. His name is Pabllo Vittar
Penis detected... abort
99% sure that's a tranny
lol thats a tranny
my thoughts exactly
> le mutt face
>looks like a dude
>gets xer own thread
I've never heard of him
One thing traps can’t fake: that man jaw
How big am her cock
I wonder what's thicker, his jawline or his dick.
>her without makeup
>her hitting the wall in 5 years time
Looks like a dude, obviously has natural black hair, so no...not female nor white.
why do trannys always do nose make up like that, looks fucking retarded
What is it about trannies that makes them easy to spot? If you asked me "what makes you think this person is a tranny" I probably wouldn't be able to say anything specifically. Technically at first glance everything looks "feminine" but at the same time it doesn't. There's something off but I can't tell what it is. Most people would probably say it's the jaw, but I don't think that's it. I've seen actual females with slightly bigger jaws who somehow looked more feminine.
I think it's the fact that it looks like a man with makeup.
Looks like the runner up in a Beyonce look a like contest for drag queens.
The (((doctors))) only design them to be taken at face value.
If you take a good look at them, you can see all the flaws in their body.
Looks like buryat or tuvan tranny to me.
Dude looks like a lady.
lmao Phabullo Rodrigues da Silva, why does everyone from Brazil have "da Silva" at the end of their name? I thought it was just a meme
Notice the dick sucking black belt. Slut.
It's a man
Incestuos society.
It's a portuguese tradition to preserve the moor lineages.
clearly a man
The most offensive thing ive seen here by far is the metal shirt. This bitch isnt metal. Hipster cunts that wear metal shirts. She needs her tranny cock torn off.
That, is a trap.
What did they mean by this?
It is, paki.
You are an american and he is brazilian. The difference is implied.
>Aryan Women
>A fucking disgusting faggot with a duck voice
So you are saying
>Queen of Pop
>A pozzed faggot
Eh.. No? Fake blond sandnigger. Kek.
Behold, the true queen of BR music
>Great voice
>Pure waifu
>Don't have a dick
>Only use it's talent for the glory of Christ and to spread his word
It is
Also his voice is just what you'd expect, that mid HRT voice that's simply horrible. Without a lot of editing, his music sounds like absolute shit (there's a video of him singing live without playback, you can google it up if you doubt me)
da Silva was one of the big noble families in Brazil, and they had a lot of land plus a lot of money, so they fucked everyone, passing their name forward. That's why it's so popular
>she's an aryan goddess.
Shes a mutt face. Not white at all.
We are doomed as a country
jesus fuck, humans were never meant to interbreed
atleast post a song from this tranny
Days gone tears in the rain...
We still have the panicats
Yes he is:
>Phabullo Rodrigues da Silva, known professionally as Pabllo Vittar, is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, and drag queen.
What the fuck kind of name of Pab-yo, yo?
Choker is a dead give away.
Shemales use it to hide their Adam's apple.
>5 years time
He will kill himself.
Doesn't look different from the "beautiful" Beyonce.
>bushy eyebrows need weekly trimming
>broad, manly jaw
>has to run her wooly hair through an iron
But yeah, let's totally all racemix
Man has horseface
It's similar to the uncanny valley. You can tell there is something off, but can't tell what exactly makes it off putting
As you say.
This is the Brazilian equivalent of a nigger name, isn't?
>she's an aryan goddess.
no she isn't
even if she was, she doesn't have to be. Brazilians are not europeans
That's a man, man.
does s/he have bit tiddies?
The more freeze frames I see of beyotchce I think she looks more and more tranny.
Wholesome hot wins out over slutty hot any day.
What are you trying to do? He's mulato, ugly as sin, and with terrible music.
it has big balls and a faggot penis
Uggghhh i Cant show my disgust any harder
That's a tranny boi.
Tranny Boi
It is a federal crime in Brazil according to our Laws and Courts of Justice to call Vittar a man, perhaps you should not keep saying
>muh its a dude
That's aggressive and unnecessary
Also, best br trans:
90% makeup
10% nigger
You forgot the slaves.
That has to be a goat.
>ugly tranny
>ugly nigger
>shit popmusic
Brazil is 5% white, max.
>nigger choker
>aryan goddess
100% faggot
SIlva was a family with lots of influence here during the colonial times and later the empire.
That means they had a fuckton of slaves. Many slaves used their master's name with the "da", indication possession. "da Silva" literally means "the Silva owned one of my ancestors". There are people who have the "da" since Poortugal times, but most just descend from slaves.
When effort to look like a woman is involved.
She looks like he and is a tranny.
Male facial features, male nose.
Tranny with tons of make-up
Looks very eeek :(((
Race-mixing is evil
Considering bunch of shock sites having videos of horse-dick-sucking brazilian womans, tranny pop star is nothing shocking.
I cant even
>before Sup Forums
>After Sup Forums
It's a man baby
keep baiting shill, that's the spirit
Feels good to live in a comfy small town in the south and not the degenerate shithole cities. Had schmier and appfelstrudel for breakfast with my german granny, what did you niggers eat for breakfast? Mandioca, banana and sopa de macaco?
"da Silva" means "from the jungle"
Since all hues are monkeys, are hues are "da Silva".
Is "she" supposed to be northern European? Why because of the ugly bleached blond hair or maybe the gray contacts?
That's about as white as the nigger my neighbor pays to mow his lawn.