Sup Forums seems to really like this series,but so far it's been a spineless wimp getting a girl because he's nice. Does this get better later on?
Amagami ss
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Each arc is roughly the same. If you don't like it now you won't like any of the remaining episodes going forward.
Which arc are you on so far?
4th episode. I'm willing to watch more though. The girls are cute at least.
If you think the girls are cute then don't stop.
>a spineless wimp getting a girl because he's nice
I agree he might be just a bit autistic, or shy, however you wanna call that, but spineless is another thing entirely
would a spineless guy go like "Morishima-senpai, let me kiss the back of your knee", then bring the girl to a shack outside the school grounds and try to go kissing above the knee even?
>there are still Amagami threads popping out
>no Seiren thread to be found
Or would he confess twice? Some people just can't appreciate Junichi. A spineless wimp would be like a lot of harem MC's, surrounded by girls and still don't know what to do.
I decided to wait for written to finish airing,and start with amagami instead.
You're right. I just wish he wasn't stumbling over his words all the time.
I understand your feelings OP. But the thing you have to understand about Junichi is he has his good moments, and he has his bad ones too.
Surface of the Pool~
So being on episode 4,my guess is that the girl with the unruly hair is best girl. How wrong am I?
It could very well be.
It's up to your tastes
>junichi only got the girl because he's a stereotypical nice guy
>4th episode
Junichi did NOT get Haruka because he was nice. He got her because he was persistent and had a compatible personality to hers. They both liked to play and mess around. He found ways to excite her.
I'd excite Haruka
postin best girl
>Kaoru best girl
>How wrong am I?
the other -50% would have been if you chose Ai
>liking boring McBore
The swimming captain is much more superior than her in so many ways
My nigga
Haruka > Ai > Kaoru > Sae > Rihoko > Tsukasa
I was thinking main girls only
You could say he's wimpy but he has a goal, his goal is to get a cute girlfriend and he works toward it. I think that's what makes people more sympathetic of him, regardless of his shyness, wimpiness, or what have you. Like said, it's different from romance/harem protagonists who just have things come to them.
Also remember to watch S2.
Stop that all girls are good girls, some people are misguided slightly but I can understand every choice people make in amagami.
Now that's disturbing
Junichi isn't a wimp. Particularly in Ai, Sae, and Rihoko's arcs. But even in Haruka, Kaoru, and Tsukasa's arc, he's not a wimp.
Oh my fucking god I just watched Kaoru's route and holy fuck my heart has been melted.
Agreed. She only liked him because he was nice, and ended up spending more time with him because of that. But eventually she fell in love with him. Lets face it, they have pretty good chemistry.
Maybe OP has different standards, idk.
The chemistry in Amagami is easily one of the best parts of the anime, he has a great and interesting relationship with every girl in the show~
I've hit the stage where I think every Amagami girl is a best.
What a truly amazing series.
The only spineless wimp is the exec who decided that they shouldn't animate Hibiki's route.
Hibiki has a route?
>Complains about the MC
>Doesn't self-insert as MC to gather up all the girls
You're doing it wrong, OP...
Hibiki's route wasn't made until after the anime aired, only a few months before SS+ came out.
There was no time to animate it.
What happens in Hibiki's route?
Does the MC bang her?
>Does this get better later on?
The series clearly isn't made for you. You're better off watching something like Kuzu no Honkai.
Is it even worth watching the arcs about the girls you aren't interested in?
Does the tetris game add something to each heroine's route? I have it right here
Guess who?
At first Haruka was under the impression that she was looking for a mature, older guy, but by spending time with Juunichi she realised that she was actually looking for a cute puppy to play with.
Listen buddy this is an eroge we're talking about here.
Of course he fucks he shit out of her.
>Not watching them all
The Tetris games are fucking bizarre. It's hard to say if you could even consider them canon to each girl's route. They're mostly fanservice.
You mean they wouldn't delay production just to include the girl's route?
is dis nigga srs
>ywn sleep naked with Haruka
The tetris games are just fun in general. They add some fluff and jokes, but aren't very serious.
Make sure to play all 3 of them.
Juunichi is a wimp/creep by real life standards, but by anime standards he's moderately manly.
The whole franchise is fluffy romance stories with some sprinkles of drama. And I fucking love it.
Haruka's expectations were completely unrealistic.
>leadership skills
>older, reliable
Those were the traits she mentioned, basically a perfect person. The whole point is she doesn't actually know what she wants.
She wants an alpha Chad
That's what she thought, but she picked the cute and puppy-like kouhai instead who licked the back of her knee.
What the hell you mean with bizzare?
Not sure if Junichi had a cardboard as hat in the original game though
I decided to try and typset a webcomic from the recently bumped Seiren thread.
Translations from:
Yes. You may learn to appreciate girls even if they're not to your taste. We need more Kami-niisamas, less tribalist plebs.
I'm pretty sure she just falls for him at most.
She's scared them dating will make her fall in love so hard she won't be able to concentrate in college and won't be able to become a doctor.
The farthest they go is her hugging him from behind while she tells him all that, then she runs away. He doesn't see her again until her graduation day.
>The farthest they go is her hugging him from behind while she tells him all that, then she runs away. He doesn't see her again until her graduation day.
Fuck lame
Well besides the fact that the plots are silly, Amatetris is seemingly set in a world where the characters use Tetris to solve all their problems.
Haruka and Mike Gallagher have a Tetris match to help fix the bridge near Junichi's house too, for some reason. It's pretty amusing
Also the fish box is used to hide Junichi's face whenever he appears.
He wears it in the anime and the fandiscs too.
Isn't that because the player is the self-insert for the protagonist role?
Yes, but then it became a running joke. Some gag manga and doujins give him the box too.
If you don't think Ai is the best girl, get the fuck out of my face
You wouldn't wait for her?
I'm also watching Amagami and currently on Kaoru's arc. Damn, I wish I didn't drop this when it's airing. So far it's pretty great. Junichi might be a bit like generic harem protag, but he actually has some guts. He's a cool guy, I don't know what are you smoking OP.
If Junichi ever makes a cameo in Seiren, he'll be under that box.
Fuck you faggot Ai is best girl
A woman should be in the house, not pursuing a career.
oh you made a mistake. ftfy no need to thank me
Yeah he's not a wimp. He's a perverted creep.
You totally wouldn't want her to be the CEO of your company.
IF YOU DISAGREE then I respect your opinion.
You can just drop it after Kaoru's arc since it doesn't get any better than her
Why the fuck every time someone critize amagi and seiren you faggot always use this shitty reply?
Literally kill yourself nigger.
How about no
Have some Junichi antics with a cardboard box and Kaoru.
No lewd, just violence.
You could try treating it like a Where's Wally and see if you can find Risa in every episode.
>Does this get better later on?
>4th episode.
Stop being such a faggot first.
Ching chong
Not listed: the squeaky braindead one.
Ai is a pure virgin for her boyfriend.
Haruka's arc made me cringe hard when I first watched it. I didn't realize that getting the girl was the endgame and I just felt like he was embarrassing himself and she was going to tell him to fuck off at any moment. Once I realized that the girls are mostly cool with his bizarre fetishes and ideas it was easier to watch.
>this will never happen to you
>made me cringe
>I didn't realize that getting the girl was the endgame
How retarded can you be?
>Not listed: the squeaky braindead one.
I know Miya is annoying but let's not exaggerate.
Fucking hell. Censor that shit!
I just picked it up randomly brother I had no idea what the anime was about. Sorry for finding Junichi's abnormal behavior embarrassing. But in the end that's what makes him a great character.
You have to go back.
When will Amagami be surpassed?
Don't fucking say Photokano, that one sucked dicks
>When will Amagami be surpassed?
Ruise route.
>bizarre fetishes
I thought it was pretty tame. A bit random maybe. But each to his own I guess
>Conjunctivitis girl
Disgusting. I bet she has syphilis too
Yeah I guess random would be a better word. Its weird but not obscene or anything like that
He asked her out, got rejected and managed to ask her out again, the guy has more balls than the average high school boy that would give up after the first no.