Who honestly prefers dead fish Rei over this sexy bod
Who honestly prefers dead fish Rei over this sexy bod
Asuka and Rei have the EXACT same body type
People with shit taste.
why is her titty duct taped?
Typical Asuka fans, the original one was garbage so they latch on to the "NEW" version that's not like Asuka at all. I mean just look at this, Asuka fans are just envious of Rei and want some of the greatness for themselves.
Blatant ripoff.
The eyepatch improves her tenfold.
Classic Asukafag insecurity at its finest.
>when bitch be crampin ur style but ur too woke to care
Asuka, a character founded on ripoffs.
>the entire cornerstone of the character is a blatant ripoff from another character Anno liked
>meaning that Asuka is his fanfiction version of Kushana
Keep whining Asukafags
I just rewatched eva and EoE for the first time in like 10 years and it's still the most thought provoking anime i've seen.
Also i think the ending of EoE implies that Asuka and Shinji both chose to leave soup world to be with each other.
Question: How do Asukafags deal with Anno practically admitting that Rei > Asuka?
this shit is uncanny
They just chose to return to real world, but that is far from wanting to be "with each other".
Probably. If there's one thing EoE won't give you, it's definite answers.
My-my, Reifag(s) decided to have an Asuka hate thread I see
>implying rebuild poka Rei isn't some blatant ripoff either made to please her autistic fans
It's hard to tell. Shippers and retarded Asukafags will imply otherwise, because of that it's impossible to have a definitive analysis. One thing I'm sure of is that they should try to understand each other, even if that will bring them pain. Considering this, the fact that they finally grew up and the implication that they actually want to be around each other (which is uncanny, they wouldn't keep comping back to each other if they didn't) they may as well become a couple. But that's not important. What's important is a message.
No it doesn't, it makes her look like Solid Snake and she looks less feminine.
I've never even heard of this character, so I guess its nothing of worth. Who cares.
>I've never even heard of this character, so I guess its nothing of worth. Who cares.
It's from Nausicaa, you know, the work which Anno claims Evangelion is "his own version of". The Rebuilds, at least. You know, penned by THE Hayao Miyazaki?
Hayao "Oscar" Miyazaki?
>My-my, Reifag(s) decided to have an Asuka hate thread I see
Why do you interpret it as hate? Like, it's not like
are somehow fake. It's happening, and by not protesting it you're basically admitting that Rei is better than Asuka, and all you wanted was for Asuka to be like Rei all along.
>posting fanfiction characters
No, user, Rei is pure shit and the last thing I want based Asuka to be is Rei
Also, I don't need objective reasons to love my waifu, my love is pure
This shall be my last post ITT
Because the bold sexy redhead shit is a front. Asuka is a scared little virgin and it wouldn't be any more enjoyable.
Rei is only popular in Japan, because gooks like vegetables as wifes. Us aryans prefer Asuka.
This is Shiki, she's quite a lot older than Sohryu and because of the Rebuild continuity, she's living in a post apocalyptic world. Her suit needed patching up, hence the repairs.
If you dislike an Asuka, any Asuka, then you're no true Asukafag.
>Rei is only popular in Japan, because gooks like vegetables as wifes
If that was true, Asuka would be the most popular. She was the only actual veggie.
Then take Rei Q, that's a vegetable if I ever saw one. No one gives a shit about Rei Q.
So there you have it, Asuka really is shit.
>If you dislike an Asuka, any Asuka, then you're no true Asukafag.
What if you're like me and consider Shikinami an insult to the character?
>tfw you recognize the writting pattern of this dumb rei cuck who posts in every thread
She was forced into a coma, dipshit. Rei has no personality, she is literally an organic robot.
Rei has the potency of an angry God, plus the fury of a woman scorned.
Rei has a good personality. She knows and still tries to figure out who she is, she likes some of the people around her and wants to protect them. She made her own personality by interacting with others and understanding herself.
Asuka is the one with no personality. Her entire personality is based around piloting the EVA, and without that she just collapses. Asuka is the organic robot because NERV can just pull the plug on her any time the want.
All they say is "no more eva 4 u", and she literally slips into a catatonic coma. She was never forced, she just had no personality.
I have no preference over either
But the girl I have a crush on likes Asuka so I have to chose her
Only tumblr feminists prefer asuka.
Then you're no true Asukafag. All Asuka are the ultimate number one waifu. If you lack dedication and can only devote yourself to one of them, then you aren't worthy.
For the reputed greatest anime ever by word of its fans, it sure doesn't seem like it from the way you totally devalue the things in it.
Valuing things earnestly -> Rei route
Devaluing things and lying -> Asuka / Kaworu route
>Rei has a good personality
She has a monotone voice for christ sakes, she never shows any emotion. That is the epiphany of having no personality. Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher has more personality than Rei Ayanami.
She takes a slap to her face and doesn't react, and her reaction to nudity is child like.
>Asuka is the one with no personality. Her entire personality is based around piloting the EVA
this is bait, but I'll bite.
Her mind rape shows that she uses EVA piloting to mask her insecurities, she reacts violently when she has to face it because she doesn't know how to. One of the reasons why she hates Shinji so much, is because it reminds herself who she is inside. A scared little girl.
>Then you're no true Asukafag. All Asuka are the ultimate number one waifu. If you lack dedication and can only devote yourself to one of them, then you aren't worthy.
What if I see Asuka Langley Soryu as an adopted daughter that I want to protect?
Wanting a fake girl that disintegrate into pieces if you don't bath her in orange juice every week.
That hasn't got anything to do with having a personality or not. It's not about the volume of your voice, if anything empty barrels make the most noise.
Rei managed to have a personality that was actually hers, unlike Asuka.
>this is bait, but I'll bite.
Not bait. Let me remind you:
>Asuka was choosen by NERV to pilot the EVA
>NERV "kills" her mother and puts her into the EVA
>NERV trains Asuka for EVA-piloting, makes her feel special for being "selected" even though it was all about Asuka's mother and not Asuka herself
>Asuka is now brainwashed into believing she can only find happiness through her EVA
>Asuka is unable to find happiness everywhere, her entire personality is one NERV crafted for her since she was a child
Therefore, Asuka has no personality. A personality is something YOU and only YOU have, it's yours and can't be taken away. But that's what NERV did, proving ultimately that Asuka was the doll they had labeled her in her childhood.
Rei on the other hand, was also attempted to be manipulated. But even if Rei dies, her personality still "sticks", and she keeps on growing into the person she herself chooses to be. She isn't reliant on NERV or piloting the EVA, Rei has a personality that's actually her own.
Orange juice is delicious.
You're not describing personality at all. Is English your first language?
You're not making an argument. Are you retarded?
Describing a persons past is not describing their personality, I'm asking you to describe it and so far you haven't.
I'm describing their personalities, and I'm adding into what brought onto these personalities. That's necesssary.
In simple terms, let's say, person 1 is loud, argumentative and very critical of the newly elected President Trump. But he or she has based that opinion entirely on someone else, simply following their lead - then that person has no personality.
It's the same with Asuka. She doesn't have a personality because she's effectively NERV's puppet, and NERV can simply take away her personality whenever they want. they did so too.
But with Rei, she spends a substantial amount of time learning and bulding herself up, making her own opinions about things. This is why Rei looks at the EVA and sees a being with a soul, while Asuka gets angry and repeats the NERV doctrine - that it's just a robot and nothing more.
This is an irony you've forgotten or looked away from.
Reifags are mental or something? It's my first time visiting eva thread on Sup Forums
t.Asuka fan
No, we're talking Evangelion. Care to join us?
I don't think you know what personality means, lad. Personality in the English definition is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
In this case, Rei Ayanami is a clone. She's a vessel of Lilith. A product of NERV meant to instigate Complementation. She's monotone, doesn't have fears and tends to avoid friendships. Rei does what's she's told, admits that she's canon fodder.
Her biggest character growth is admitting she is expendable.
>I don't think you know what personality means, lad. Personality in the English definition is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
Yeah, I know. It just so happens that what defines Asuka's character is external to herself. It's not hers. It's the EVA and NERV's strings. Asuka is a robot that can be switched off with a simple kill-phrase: "You can't pilot EVA any more". That's what happened.
The worst you can say about Rei is that she's monotone and quiet, but guess what? Rei owns that, it's hers. Asuka doesn't own herself, she's NERV's property. Like you said, the "past" or just trivia doesn't matter. Rei is really an artificial human and all that scary crap, but those aren't Rei's personalities any more than Asuka's red hair or blue eyes are hers. Rei's and Asuka's past formed them as persons, and Asuka let herself become a doll, while Rei rose beyond the manipulation and became something of her own.
Also Rei is afraid, she even says so herself. She's afraid of losing people around her, and she's afraid of dying and becoming something the people she knows won't recognize any more. In the beginning she wanted to die because she understood that she didn't really belong, but when the time came she realized she was actually very scared.
Everyone above the age of twelve.
Then you daughterfu her as hard as you can. But if you disrespect other Asukas, daughterfu services will take your Asuka away because you weren't being good enough to other Asukas.
asska a shit
Well, since Shikinami is just an avatar of Asuka, that doesn't count. A shallow dyke representation of Asuka.
Rei is the deepest EVA.
Shame the Asuka fan backed out. Back in the day, Asuka fans had more integrity.
I'll choose Kaworu-kun, thanks
Right? It's grating as fuck.
Yeah, maybe Rei has the deepest vagina from being plowed by Arael.
Someone post that image abour how asuka was the only one who cared, who awaited in the hospital, that just wanted to be loved.
Because its boring and tedious having to re-explain what words mean to Japanese people like you on Sup Forums.
>just wanted to be loved.
maybe she shouldnt have behaved like a bitch then
Stop typing like a gaiafag.
Woah, its not like humans, especially teens have problems relating with eachothers
its not like the hedgehog dillema is one of the core messages of the show.
You mean, you actually know you're wrong and so you pussy out.
Rei is better than Asuka, accept it. Asuka is a no-personality doll, that was the point of the character.
I prefer the real EVA, where Rei actually is the one who helps and saves people at the cost of herself, and takes slaps and abuse from Asuka because she doesn't want to hurt her even though she knows she's right.
Rei just wanted to be love and be loved, as best as her heart could.
whoah, it's not like that doesn't suddenly NOT make her a bitch anyway
Tsundere godess versus blank fuckdoll perfect for projecting.
misato still better tho.
This bait is shittier than Rei.
>no you're the puppet
Asuka was a doll though. She just projected it onto Rei, like with all of her issues.
Rei is the opposite, and ends up taking the punishment for others sins and suffering.
Oh, so you do admit you are japanese and only have this warped view of Rei that doesn't exist on the show? Glad we have that clear.
I just want the picture for fucks sake.
Things to consider:
- Asuka is the only one with doll phobia in her mind (ref ep. 22 as it flashes by against arael)
- Asuka is the only one with doll imagery connected to her (ref the doll she carries with her, that her mother mistakes for her)
- Asuka is directly called a doll by the NERV personnel around her (in episode 22)
- Asuka is used as a puppet by NERV to pilot the EVA, and cannot move without it or be functional
All canonical facts from the original series. Consider also:
- Rei has no doll phobia and isn't afraid of being a doll, but is secure in her view that she is not a doll
- Rei's backstory is all about introspection and growth as an individual rather than self-pity
- The only reference that Rei is supposed to be a doll is from Asuka, someone who is known to project
- Rei proves that she is beyond control by subverting the commanders entire plan and life's work in one fell swoop
You jest, yet he won the election with that rhetoric. Just as Rei won the best girl bowl. Checkmate crooked asukafag.
Don't have to be Japanese to know that Rei is better than Asuka. You only need to watch NGE and not ignore half of it like you do.
Rei is a Goddess, while Asuka is an unfortunate genetic accident down the line of evolution.
>the only reference that rei is a doll is from asuka
>literally replaceable
>literally not human
>literally used for sex
Im sure gendo had some orgies with multiple reis
they are both shit
Shinji pls
Only reference is still from Asuka, the rest is your silly butthurt fanwank.
Rei would have voted for Hillary
Jesus what happened here. Are Reifags just in denial now?
Last I checked Asuka has won the eva bowl in all iterations of Eva. The canon winner and last girl standing, between the movies and manga and everything in between, Rei has always been the eternal loser.
In every ending Rei gets btfo. Anno prefers Asuka, Moot prefers Asuka. Asuka has always won and judging from the butthurt that reifags felt after 3.0 she's gearing up to win another one.
They objectively are
Kaworu is the only answer
But Rei was the clone of his wife, and he finger her very lewdly.
>ywn have your own army of child sex slaves to pilot giant robots mad out of aliens
Feels bad man
>a fucking clone
>getting choked is winning
Why are Asukafags so desperate?
>implying I'm even going to read asspained Reifag pasta
But Shikinami is a lesbian, she isn't attracted to Shinji like Soryu was.
Rei won Ritsuko's fury, yes.
Asuka is the eternal loser user. Rei ends up being an actual good character that becomes something like God in NGE, while Asuka is more or less gangraped by MP-EVA's and left to rot somewhere.
That you fall back on "shipping", AKA escapism is the proof that you lost.
Its almost like Asuka doens't exist in rebuild.
>become omnipotent character
>good character growth
reifags, ladies and gentlemen.
>She was the only actual veggie
KEK my fucking sides user.
>chaotic evil
But that's wrong, they're no worse than some of the humans as EoE shows.
>le ladies and gentleman
Hmmmm really gets my noggin joggin
I meant that ironically, you nigger.
and the tits of a man.
All the worst parts of all those things
Asuka is an ugly transvestite
If you consider Evangelion is about "winning" or "losing", I'm afraid you have confused it with rubbish like To-Love Ru or Girls Bravo.
Still, if you consider the last scene of EoE being strangled, or the manga end in which Asuka just says thanks and leaves as "winning" something, it proves how desperate and utterly pathetic (asushin) shippers can be.
Stop being that delusional, please.