What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
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You will be the rightful owner of the snack she holds in her hand, but you must first simulate the actions of a dog and lick her sweaty, unwashed foot.
But would you do it?
Oh, the things I would do for a klondike bar.
Just kidding. I would lick her foot regardless.
Reminder to report crossboarding Sup Forums cancer and sage when you post in shitposting threads.
But do you want to join the light music club?
Vigne is scared.
How will you comfort her?
Whatever it takes.
By not being there so she knows she's alone
It means come and join the superior feet fetish movement.
Why is there so much foot fetish stuff in anime
do japanese girls like having their feet licked?
> so much foot fetish stuff in anime
> i've been looking at the wrong anime
Anybody who watches anime is so beta we're all gonna have a foot fetish so they're just covering all their fan service bases.
If you have to ask, you might have to reevaluate the shows you watch.
Do I have to lick all of their feets, or do I just pick one girl's feet to lick?
Lick one, sniff the rest
Why would you need to pick, user?
I would lick all of their feet.
I'd just use my own feet to drop-kick her in the face.
>have to lick all their feet to join
>Mio won't let you
>have to lick Mio's feet by force
be still my raging boner
>Azusa is against it at first but gets more into it than anyone after a few minutes
bump for feet
Now that we saw Gabu working, what kind of wife would she make?