What was the greatest moment in all of Code Geass?

What was the greatest moment in all of Code Geass?

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The cat mourning at Suzaku's grave

Lelouch taking his throne


Based cat-kun

When he Geass'd himself


Orange jumping out of his knightmare and taking down amnesia loli and then going ALL HAIL LELOUCH

The moment it ended.

Following the Euphemia massacre, when he politicizes it to strike off against her proposal.

It really encapsulates his weaknesses and strengths well, and shows both the compassion he had for select people combined with his extreme Machiavellian tendencies to exploit everything towards his ends, no matter what.

>that speech in front of a crossed out Britannian flag while the crowd cheers for blood
Fucking goosebumps, man

the moment i dropped this garbage

Suzaku laughing at the crater


That perfect ending of R2.

When there are no longer any obstacles to Lelouch's hegemony

This, though your comment raises an interesting question. In R2, why did he not sacrifice C.C when she asked him to grant her wish?


Because he didn't want to?

The whole Euphemia incident is what makes this series. The Geass goes overdrive, Lelouch fucks up big time and then takes the chance to get an amazing advantage, the revolution reaches a climax, and Suzaku becomes the worst rival.

>why did he not get rid of the immortal tool that's immune to Geass

What especially got me was when right before that, he said he was going to exploit it for all it's worth because it was the least he could do for Euphemia. However, I believe my favorite moment in Code Geass was when Lelouch first revealed Zero to the world after the Lake Takaguichi incident.


Him frantically commanding Shirley to live.


>Doesn't even have a good ass

I always get a kick out of the Siegfried's reveal

Why was this show so good? It's consistently remained my favorite and I rewatch it at least once a year. Just far too many good moments throughout the series.

When he sat on the throne and declared himself emperor.

>when Spinzaku turned into Smugzaku

>What was the greatest moment in all of Code Geass?
All of it besides the SoL epiosdes

There were likable characters, exiting fights, suspenseful decisions, et cetera.

I'm rewatching R2, and Orange is the only one following Lelouch's orders to go search for Nunnally.

How can one man be so based?

Trips confirm. Its such a batshit insane scheme but it works. All the Mao episodes were GOAT.

When that girl fucked the table.

Years later when I realized his Zero costume looks like a chess piece and I hadn't noticed.

Niether did I

When he blows up the exit to Ragnarok to try and trap him and his father there forever.

MEMORIZE THIS! Memorize Jeremiah Gottwald! Commit it to memory, because that's the memorable name of the man who has defeated you.


His english voice is so fucking good

>orange's dub va

I have a man boner


When it ended, cause then there wasn't more of it.

Oh wait

He was miscast.
He should have been Lelouche while Bosch should have been Suzaku.

I liked Suzaku's voice though.

When the Black Knights join with Schneizel to betray Lelouch.

The ending. We still don't know if he was the cart driver. Or if he's still alive.


and last episode

Lelouch as Bosch was great though? It takes some adjusting to accept a Lelouch without a deep voice but it fits great, his ham moments as Zero feels more genuine than Jun's

Whoever said CC was working for the Emperor for 90% of the series and had betrayed Lelouch is fucking retarded and needs to go rewatch the show.

CC knew about Charles' plan, but left to do her own thing with Lelouch. She only casually accepted going along with Charles when she saw he took VV's code and could therefore take hers. But it was a half-hearted turn that she quickly changed her mind about. CC was loyal to Lelouch (and herself) for the entire series.


Everyone but Nunnally and shirely were miscast

everyone was actually as good as the sub if not better

Posted too early.
I thought he did the "LELOOOUUUUCH!!!"s pretty well, and his matter of fact tone fit the character well.

my biggest problem with suzaku was the fact he never really sounded mad in the dub

R3 never?

Never ever

>R3 never?
Are you fucking me? R3 was announced a month ago

Here's one for each of you.

How did Mao survive all those bullets, though?

Who else came to Sup Forums for the first time during Code Geass Sundays?

When it ended.

He was immediately flown to a hospital and got the best care the empire had

Me. Been here since 2008.

Why? Does Britannia have a Socialist Healthcare program? Mao isn't even a Britannonian, he's Chinese.

"yay, for instance, if I told you to kill all the Japs you'd do it. lol"

Having a chinese be killed by britannian cops for unknown reasons probably would probably fuck the relationship between countries even more

He was part of the geass order to lure out C.C.

>When Lelouch accidentally revealed his power level


>Guys, your leader is a wizard
>Don't believe me? Here's a shitty totally legit recording of him saying he's a wizard
>Also here's some Brittanian bitch who'll collaborate that he's totally a wizard

when he died


Will R3 do something about his mullet?

It will get longer as he works his small farm with CC.

Why the fuck didn't Lelouch ever just tell Suzaku about the fact that his eye powers malfuctioned at the most inopportune moment and that he isn't 100 percent a terrible person?

He was? He seemed independent, was CC even with The Geass Order when she gave him Geass? The flashbacks of them showed them just wandering around.


Because he felt guilty about all the stuff he did and didn't want to pass off the blame. He feels responsible for Euphie and Shirley's deaths, even if they weren't what he wanted.

Yeah that certainly would've help

>Man who lies constantly claims he dindu nuffin

I wonder why Lelouch thought Suzaku wouldn't buy that. In the end, it didn't matter anyway.

Pass off the blame on what? Magic Eye powers?

the way I understood it was that he was just a rouge person but charles never wanted to do anything with him because he was seeking out C2

Me. I discovered Sup Forums around the time R2 was airing.

Orange related, but not the same. Mine was Lelouch defeating Orange and realizing he was loyal to Marianne to the end, so he spares him telling based Orange his work is not finished yet.

I jumped out of the chair of excitement at that moment.

>Hey Suzaku, remember that time I killed the woman you loved after she began a program to make my rebellion meaningless by giving the Japanese what they wanted by having her massacre an untold number of innocents that not only completely discredited Britannia, but also gave me and my rebellion the full support of Japan that I ruthlessly exploited not even mere moments after it ended?
>Yeah, it was an accident that I can in no way prove to you was actually an accident
>We cool?

>Suzaku it was an accident I assure you!
>My wizard magic was on the fritz and I accidentally told Euphemia to commit genocide!
>It was just a joke!
>And when I capitalized on the tragedy afterwards and blamed her for everything, I was just trying to honor her memory!

I'd imagine he'd get a sentence or two in before getting shot.

It sounds so retarded that Suzaku would have to believe it because Lelouch wouldn't make such a shit lie

It can't be anything else.


because he fucked up and Zero actually wanted Euphie to fail

>A villain looking maliciously over the 4th wall
[_] not a JoJo reference
[_] maybe a JoJo reference

>source: Sup Forums


The dub wasn't bad and JYB was comparable to Fukuyama. Come at me:


The dub is my go to whenever i rewatch, english is not even my native tongue
I do miss Wakamoto tho

The end of episode 23 with Lelouch laughing right after blowing up the edges of the Tokyo settlement and talking to Suzaku.

>3 months wait

Why are there so many posts about dubs in this thread? Is someone trying to sow the seeds for later anti-code geass shitposting?

It was worth waiting though.