If Nintendo were to make a show of this, would you watch it?
Kid Icarus
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I'm fairly certain they have already made a show out of that.
Only if KyoAni or Silver Link make it.
Get Gintama's/Osomatsu's director and it could be a pretty great comedy with some action episodes.
Link is green senpai
Pit a cute.
I definitely typed senpai not senpai
I won't accept anything less than the quality of the games
New here?
Nintendo's pretty shit now so expect shit anime.
I think they did the right thing when making the Uprising game a Kid Icarus anime at the same time.
Sup Forums please, Sup Forums will watch anything that is an anime.
I'm fairly certain a lot of people here plays Granblue Fantasy and FGO too.
I would watch it just for Palutena-sama. She makes my dick diamonds.
>would you watch it?
Only if it turns into hardcore /ss/
It's worked with F-zero, a game about racing
Literally was about to post this.
>tfw we'll never have another truly great /ss/ bait anime
Pit doesn't take of his clothes though
Not even when bathing
If they were to have a gangbang, would she call in all the troops?
The game was hilarious and the shorts were cute, so probably. But would there be /ss/?
So That loli goddesses doesn't get a shot with Pit?
She'd get blacked, so no
I just want even more doujins.
>If Nintendo
Yes pokemon is already a thing
Hmm, let me look that u-
I would kill for a Kid Icarus anime.
I want more of the banter that the game provided.
Somebody explain this
> nothing but Palutena fanservice episodes one after the other with Pit hijinks filling in between
This. Fund it.
so pure
He does get shirtless.
It's a shame the Icarus vids were never properly released.