war on the media continues
New Trump tweets get the fuck in
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Stop it Donald! Even japan only got 2 nukes.
What a jackass.
You don't need your own thread you fucking retard.
>gross incompetence
He is foreshadowing a special investigator for Hillary.
muh CNN blah blah
god bless that man
I had a dream where I called cnn hosts fake news last night.
Also, did you notice these fags at twitter changed the #ThingsITrustMoreThanCNN hashtag to #ThingsITrustMoreThanFoxNews?
>first tweet: German autism tier joke
>second tweet: Saying shit like 'purposeful mistake' which is retarded as hell
Why did America elect a glorified estate agent complete with tan for president? Has he even improved life on average, built the wall, locked up shillary and her goons? No. None of those things. A nation can't survive on leftist butthurt alone, you need other things, like, an improving country.
I love you Trump but sometimes you rant like a bluepilled Fox News boomer.
Wasn't Brian Ross just suspended and not fired?
>you rant like a bluepilled Fox News boomer.
Because he's a Fox News watching boomer.
He needs to move the plot on, we can't go back to cnn now. I want more serious shit. Give me norks, iran... anything.
Into the oven with you commie
p-praise kek, shill!!
Yes, which is why Trump said he should be fired. The reading comprehension of the average person here is really starting to annoy me. Pol didn't uses to be this stupid.
wow, so fucking witty of him
a fucking senile boomer at the head of the US
you have to be in 2017 to see this
Don't bully. It's no one's fault Sup Forums has a collective IQ of less than 70.
Enjoy your reality TV oligarchy America.
It's a trap to make the other side look bad if they allow it to happen.
CNN delenda est.
I was really hoping trump would link the story and ask cnn if it was an apple or banana, then destroy them with those other tweets.
what is he distraction from..?
His shitposting is 10/10. What would you rate his presidency and why?
>Saying shit like 'purposeful mistake' which is retarded as hell
Stop making british people look bad
muh russia, obviously
This. Absolute fucking retards
Better than Hillary.
>those lost pebbles are comparable to nukes
ooooooh nvm, you're a murican of course, you don't know any better
>what is hyperbole
relax, toothpaste
Enjoy getting brexit flushed down the loo, your innocent children raped by shitskinned dick and their fathers imprisoned for worrying.
>implying comprehension exists in the middle of the American bell
Not banging on your optimism, but None of us are as pathetically fucking retarded as all of us, diversity is our rocket anchor.
We have become a giant soup fork of stupid as a nation
Shut up fucking nigger. Pakistani afgan kush mids. Loser. You suck, I cannot believe you just said those words. It's like a shill on steroids. "Agent complete with tan" omg guise you said the mainstream meme "tan" omg you so cool. Did you call Obama a nigger with his tan? Then shut up leftist cock guzzling bamboozling shit stain. Mother fucker have higher respect than your shit city. What's your GDP? 2lbs of communism? Fucking idiot. Who is running your shit? That is right 1 person because you literally get ass fucker by your politicians cunt face. Just shut up bloody wanker.
Cant have an oligarchy on cable television when cable subs have been going the way of the dinosaur.
One step to that is crippling our defunct media. The rot is deep here, and an orangutan real estate agent is still better than an inept, dying technocrat who admires the least competent head of state in the world. If you don't like him, consider him an interim president, but at least he salutes Jackson.
Every day is a new adventure with President Trump
Lol at that first tweet. Gottimmm
Donald is the best President since Washington.
8 more years
It's like your not even trying anymore do we really have to pretend to be leftists pretending to false flag shill ourselves just to prove to you that suicide is your only solution? Leftists kill yourselves please, we are so far down the rabbit hole half the people on our side will read this and not understand what the fuck I'm even talking about and the other half are aware enough. Drink bleach faggot.
>net gain of 3k over 10 years
well good mr kamin studied law and not math.
Wake me up when this fucker starts deporting all the niggers, and cleans the country once and for all. Becuase I'm so fucking tired of looking at tweets about irrelevant leftists news papers and hurr durr about fake news.
Trump tweets mentioning a newspaper or fake news since inauguration: 368
Trump tweets mentioning immigration since inauguration: 14
How is going over their in slave land? Do the Spaniards still beat you?
quite achmed you all will be butchered soon I promise
This. Its sett up to force the dems (or rinos) to either eat a tax raise or put them back into place. The same way Obamacare was designed for the full effect to hit after 2016 election.
>lonley Brian Ross
Lonely Brian Ross jaja
he knows that Sup Forums can take CNN down
aww poor little snuggums wuggums is upset that Trump is using the left's playbook against them... don't worry sweetie, I'm sure comrade Mueller will arrest evil drumpfenpoopyface one day
I've noticed this as well the last 8 years or so. Kids are definitely getting dumber. Its obvious standards have been lowered so Tyron, Lashanda and Alejandro can get a Diploma.
I'm disappointed. His tweets are usually wittier than this. What kind of grade-school level insult is "Most trusted? More like LEAST trusted, amirite?!"
What a fucking clown, I can't believe you amerifaggots keep buying into the left/right lies.
That lie is based on projected astronomical increases in healthcare costs because of the associated termination of the healthcare mandate.
Basically, it's leftist liars trying to "hot potato" the death of Obamacare onto the Senate. It was going to die anyway, but heaven forbid the right people get blamed for the disaster that follows it's last gasp.
All a bunch of fat mexican dudes.
Doesn't matter. Think of the media as a group of cats, and think of Trump's twitter like a laser pointer. Trump uses his laser pointer to keep the media and the left distracted while either he or someone else moves on with something else. He can afford to do some lazy shitposting.
>else moves on with something else.
They've literally done nothing but demonize white supremacy
This. They'll respond to it anyway. He could just post pictures of memes for a week and they wouldn't shut up about it. Shit, he could post pictures of a blank wall for a week and they STILL would get in a tizzy.
After all, how many media man-hours have gone into figuring out what he meant by covfefe?
Yeah, he should go Warhol on them and post pictures of things like a can of soup. No captions. They'd be trying to figure out whether "cream of chicken" is a message to Putin or an insult to Sessions.
Why is CNN in India?
Nukes are exaggerated fear propaganda
I love my president