I prefer black people to Poles and I’m not even joking.
Ask a Brit who unironically hates Poles anything
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Pint mate?
Out of your grandparents how many of them were born in UK?
> (OP) #
>Out of your grandparents how many of them were born in UK?
Breeding rights jew?
No, you go home!
Good goy
What's so bad about them?
Poles are among the best Europeans. Name a people seriously nicer, cleaner and cooler. I challenge you.
Whereabouts are you lad
All of them. I’m one of the few of my friends who are completely English.
Where do I start
t. Pole
There are literally Polish shanty towns and ghettos in my place of birth
I wouldn't say I prefer them but they're equally as bad.
They're basically niggers and letting them off because they're white and not Muslim, as Sup Forums does, is simply retarded.
What's so bad about Poles? I never understood Britain's obsession with them.
i've only met 2 polish women, seemed alright but i've only heard bad things about the men, mostly from women, they claim they are arrogant and lazy
How are you?
>faggot mohammed living in an actual orwellian dystopia butthurt about a 99% homogenous, christian country
*breathes in*
>*breathes in*
You're funny i like you xD
hey adolf, thanks for being the founder of the modern day israel! I like you too xD
My understanding from a couple of Britain, is that the polish are like illegal Mexicans in the way they work under the table and for super cheap and drive wages/working conditions down
Did a Pole steal your gf ?
>who are completely English
I found picture of OP
fuck i thought you didnt post an image on purpose, because there are no actual english people left, fucksake polen, one job
I also like black people, but i don't understand the polack hate. They use immigration to divide us, don't blame the immigrants. Blame the people that invited them over.
I don't hate Poles, but I do hate Pakis.
3 of 4. The only one who wasn't was German.
Basically Poles aren't as nationalist as Sup Forums says and they're criminal scum. We don't love Poles for the same reason Amerimutts don't like Mexicans.
>he has an open border with Merkel's Germany and he is ruled by a country we made up to cuck Europoors
You didn't answer my question, way to ignore a nice guy. you're just like every female out there, disgusting...
see you in 20 years, o wait
Brits are lazy fuckers
l'm good memeflag. How are you?
>delusional soyboy being "funny"
>those awkward laughs from increasingly more nervous populace
thanks dude, I'm good.
I have a slight headache though
And please refrain from calling me a "memeflag" because you are making a mockery out of my ideology,
>poles make up the largest foreign demographic by far
>prison data corresponds with this
gee who would've thought
can you give an actual reason besides wanting the EU for economic reasons alone?
Why not both, neither are British