Do you guys not think this was just a little too far

I am pro-George Zimmerman as fuck, but seriously this was fucking insane

And the fact that you cucks are applauding him speaks volumes about how much you've given up to your government

If I could, I would get this cop, tell him to put his hands up in the air, stand on one feet, and hope towards me. If he trips I'll empty my m4 into his body

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hands up
>Kneel down
>Bend head back
>Close legs
>Touch back of head on back of shoes
>Hands on the floor
>Place the weight of your body on your fingers
>Pretend your fingers are feet
>'Walk' towards the officer using feet fingers
>Stop and open legs
>Rotate head 180 degrees
>Drag forehead along ground
>Lift right leg onto left shoulder
>Place all of your body weight on your left kneecap
>Spin towards officer using kneecap
>Learn Chinese
>Accidentally learn Kanji
>Strapped to an ICBM and fired at Pyongyang

consensus in america right now is that this was murder. cop should be tortured and executed.

>And the fact that you cucks are applauding him
There was a strawpoll, about 10% of the faggots here are on his side
the rest of us want him drawn and fucking quartered for executing an unarmed american citizen

a few days ago everyone was applauding him for doing the right thing and saying shit like "he was given simple orders, if he followed them he'd be alive"

I'm glad we here have woken up to, this is a really scary reality where you could have the army patrolling your streets yelling orders at you and if you don't follow them to the word instantly you'll be sprayed with bullets


It was fucked up. I can see why they shot him. Hood niggers keep their guns in their back waistbands. And those guys weren't normal street cops they were a SWAT team. They are probably all veterans of shootouts
The guy was just too drunk for his own good and the cops were too excited.
Criminal charges should have been made
It's an understandable situation but cops are supposed to insure OUR safety irst not their own

There was not a firearm, but the police officer did not know that. In fact, the police officer was responding to a report of a firearm so it is understandable that a police officer feared a weapon was present, and it's understandable that the officer thought he would be reaching for a firearm.

Police officers are paid to be in harms way, but they also have the right to protect themselves.

I believe the proper thing for the officers involved to do would be to use non lethal weapons, such as a shot gun that shoots bean bags. This would have protected the officer, and also the victim.

>Now turn it out!

>To the left
>Take it back now y'all
>One hop this time
>Right foot. Let's stomp
>Left foot. Let's stomp
>Cross them feet!
>Crawl now y'all

>Now it's time to get funky

>To the right now
>To the left
>Take it back now y'all
>One hop this time, one hop this time
>Right foot. Two stomps
>Left foot. Two stomps
>Cross them feet!
>Slide to the left
>Slide to the right
>Criss cross, criss cross
>Crawl now ya'll
>Don't get shot ya'll
>Don't get shot!

To be fair though, the situation was completely exacerbated by the bloke screaming at him that if he makes one wrong move he's gonna shoot him. He was riling himself up, and the lad he shot.

I get that it's a highly charged situation, I'm not saying he should have calmly had a chat with him over a cup of tea or anything, but there are ways of dealing with a situation like that, and that SWAT bloke didn't help at all.

It kind of seems like he was on a power trip anyway. Didn't his gun have "You're Fucked" engraved on it? Or is that some liberal meme?

If only they'd have just cuffed and frisked him when he was laying on his face with his hands up.




Don't you know that your supposed to lay down and die for not answering simon says commands?

Because most of you are simpletons, let me clear something up for you:
The man shouting the orders is not the same man shooting the gun, it's his superior. The orders are fucking ridiculous and that guy is obviously a sack of shit on a power trip. This doesn't absolve the cop shooting at the suspect, but he is not entirely responsible for this, nor was he shooting without reason. I don't think his conscious should be clean, but I have no problem with his acquittal.

I want his superior to face justice, as he is clearly a dangerous maniac who should not be in a position of power.

Also, the man that got shot was working in pest control and was reportedly aiming his pellet guns/rifles that he uses for his profession out of a hotel window, all this while getting drunk with some thot. Considering what happened in Las Vegas a few months ago, perhaps he should have had more sense.

The cops were afraid there was someone else in the room (behind), that's why they told him to crawl towards them.

the mongrellus is unhinged, he is no longer part of our western civilization user

reminder, police are the enemy



If the officer told you not to look like a skeleton, you'd be shot for sure.

Worst of all are those saying the intoxicated civ disobeyed him. No, he was in a stress situation, which he received no training for unlike the cop, and tried to follow those insane request even though his mind was in panic mode and not registering everything that was said fully.

>and the fact that you cucks are applauding him speaks volumes

Sup Forums is not one person, take your pre-conceived strawman and fuck off to leddit.

The pig told you to crawl not walk on your knees. You're dead, bootlicker.

That fuck was on a hunt from the minute he entered the hotel. Watch all 18+ minutes.

>The cops were afraid

Sums it up. Only in America can a person willfully sign up for a dangerous job, be equipped with the best available body armor and given top of the line firepower, and then be able to say 'I was afraid of the drunk crying man laying on his fucking face.'

Is there a video or something about this? Source? Origin? Story? Wtf?

someone nuke this country

literally cucks in the other thread and this one still saying "i-it was justified"

"oh nooo, it's everyone else's fault that I get high on drugs and fuck prostitutes and shoot out of the window with my gun and then I get scared like the little piece of shit faggot that I am and now the officer should put his life at risk to accomodate my lifestyle"

how. about. NO.

they're circumcised jew slaves, what do you expect? independent thought? LOL

the officer should definitely be held accountable, and at least be put under scrutiny for not having the right mindset for protecting and serving, and he should be asked to change the dust cover on his gun to be more appropriate

Sure...he was a drunk crying man laying on his fucking face... right up to the second that in his emotional drunken state he whips out a high-cap Glock and goes "Negro Deathstar" in a hotel hallway.

How fucking dare he have drinks in his own hotel room!


>Look, I can do what he asked in a completely safe environment, without having conflicting orders yelled at me by someone screaming they'll shoot me dead if I don't comply! Clearly it was his own fault!
>Tfw too smart for context or nuance
everything is black and white, people should act like robots, amirite?


>the loud voices scare me!


3 days of this faggotry. Die in a fire with your shit slides! Look at the flags. Fake emus! FUCK OFF SHILLS, NO ONE CARES!

I think going for your waist and the small of your back twice despite being told not to multiple times was going a bit too far myself...
Once I can understand. Twice? Frankly you're too retarded for this earth at that point.

because he's an idiot, that's why

That's murder. The fact that the judge wouldn't let them see the bodycam footage should say it all. No way the shooter, or that power tripping faggot who's giving absurd commands should ever be allowed to be officers of the law. The pussy should be hung.

This is now a shareblue thread!


Someone needs to spread the live leak around social media. Hopefully the family can sue this guy for wrongful death and ensure that at least he is hurting financially his whole life. Also the identity of both cops, both the shooter and the Simon says guy, should be known nationwide so that we ensure that no one with a conscience ever gives them any respect or friendship for the rest of their lives.

>Y-Yes sir...

Suck a dick faggot!

>I'm so manly I can't comprehend that adrenaline, alcohol and fear might make following conflicting orders more difficult

Its also worth mentioning that even if he had a fucking gun, it wasn't illegal. Nothing had happened. The basic premise here is that if someone walks buy and sees someone with a firearm INSIDE A BUILDING that its fair fucking game. But its not. Owning a gun is a constitutional fucking right.

Even assuming he didn't follow orders, he was being confronted for literally no reason. There was no indication of illegal activity. This was not a SWAT situation. This was a 'notify hotel management and call the room' situation.

And a salaam aleykum to you too Muhammad

nu-pol on suicide watch

>the woud voices hurt my eaws ossifer!

i want to know how crawling with legs crossed is supposed to factor into that

>you cucks
kys shill. Sup Forums has been almost unanimously against this.

I've seen it happening more and more these days. Can't be too safe

gotta make sure.

That would probably be a hell of a headache in the morning...
Will he be ok?

Don't even know this video, gonna guess its another boon crying about "muh civil liberties, muh dignity!" Well then don't rob a dry-cleaners nigger

>live leak

We're being flooded with this faggotry. Mods wake the fuck up and delete all these.

No, the guy was trying to reach his back, the cop reacted faster

>But he was crying and begging
Proves nothing, he may had a small gun on his back

The cops life was never at risk you fucking faggot, he didnt have a gun

>Considering what happened in Las Vegas a few months ago, perhaps he should have had more sense.
This happened years ago you dullard

You should read about what happened then.

>don't move your hands or I will shoot you
>*move his hands and grab something in the back*
Yeah, no... cop did nothing wrong. Not his fault that the white can't understand a simple command



>now bring it around town
>bring it arooooouuuund towwwwwwn

nobody denying that the victim fucked up, the fucked up part was the unprofessional conflicting ambiguous orders the commander was giving

I lol'd

Yep pretty much. Cop was a pussy, we dealt with much more hazardous situations in Iraq when policing but were held to higher standards and levels of accountability. These cops act like they are at war when 99.9% of their job is drinking coffee, sitting in a climate controlled patrol car, and getting to go home after their shift. Nothing about the man's body language would suggest to me he wanted a fight, he was scared shitless. Cop just wanted to kill someone and get away with it.

You aren't completely smashed drunk right now. Probably had time to practice first, and aren't under threat of a whole swat team of rifles though.

tl;dr version of what happened:
>Some libshit saw this guy holding a pellet rifle and called the cops.
>Cops came up and stopped them. Gave them orders that were to get them to crawl towards them so they could be detained.
>Girl complies no problem.
>Guy is told to do the same thing, reaches behind him once. Is told not to do it again or he will be shot.
>Guy then is told to crawl over to the cops.
>Guy begins crawling, stops then reachs for his waist (To pull up his pants, but it was seen as going for a gun)
>Gets shot.
>Was told multiple times not to do the thing.
>He did the thing.
The cop was found not guilty because there was a reasonable suspicion of having a weapon. He was told not to let his hands touch his waist or the small of his back.
He got shot for it.

I have no real opinion on the matter. But desu if a cop told me not to reach for my waist, I wouldn't.

The issue people have with this is that people on their knees and begging for their lives shouldn't be killed because they lost Simon Says. You can argue that its justified under the law, but many others would argue that the law is retarded

Your armchair psychoanalysis of the cop shooter completely discredits your bullshit analysis as bullshit.
You seem to be completely innocent of the kind of mentalities that volunteer for Police SWAT Teams. By definition, these are people who don't mind putting lead into human bodies...and you know what? That's EXACTLY the kinds of mentalities that we WANT on a SWAT Team. That's the kinds of mentalities you are going to GET if you want a group of people to go and "deal" with an unidentified man with a rifle running around pointing that rifle at people.
YOU go and kick in a few doors and see if YOU don't develop a "hard edge".

Now knowing the above,(as you should), when you encounter a pack of "Ninja Fuzz", you better sober the fuck up REAL QUICK and do EVERYTHING in YOUR power to be cool.

The cops didn't know who was who, and they apparently DID have the right guy, because drunko deceased WAS a bird exterminator and DID have a pellet rifle.
The deceased and that woman had just walked out of a room and the doorway to that room was hidden from the team. That door COULD have been open with some other clown holding a "chopper" ready to shred anyone that came into his field of view.

As for your babblings about "proper police training"...what the fuck would YOU know about it? Which department do you serve in? My neighbors are city police, county sherrifs, state troopers, and likely a few other species that prefer not to disclose who they work for.

Fuck, that was painful to watch. Admittedly it kinda looks like he's reaching for a gun, but still. Literally breaking up as he says "please don't shoot me" moments before being killed..

Why does the copper try and keep the guy in danger as long as possible?

people who think cops should be harmed should have their families and pets tortured while they're forced to watch, and then locked in a 10°C empty concrete room, being only fed bread and water, lights and sirens coming on intermittently and randomly, while every day at a random time (sometimes several times a day, sometimes none... they can't have a perception of time) man in a Trump mask comes and shoves a needle into a finger or toe joint, removes it and leaves. this will continue for years.

Cop wasn't at risk, he had the civ right there and could handcuff him if he wanted to.

>inb4 some edgy 26yr old cop shoots you for not doing the Hokey Pokey right.

Fuck off chim-chim, if a thousand niggers were killed, I'd still say it was too few

What's this?


probably circumcised

>be afraid of possible other shooters in the room behind the man
>can't detain one main while securing the room at the same time

What do we pay these fucks for?

Do you have to deal 24/7 with niggers? Everyday cops get killed, can't blame them to be paranoid which comes with the survival instinct

The cop did no thing wrong - Good job officer, he had ZERO reason to reach his back - ZERO

>Being this edgy
I get that autists struggle with empathy, basic human interactions, and how normal people react to situations, but come the fuck on mate at least make an effort here.

That's not "crawling".

>being a kike slave

Yeah, that checks out.

>Lies about being sober
>Keeps fucking up
If he was honest about being drunk he would still be alive.

>Even assuming he didn't follow orders, he was being confronted for literally no reason
How can you say that after the Vegas hotel situation just a month ago?

Genuine question tho, why crossing your legs? What was the point of that, did he attempt to do a sobrety test WHILE arresting the suspect? How the fuck was that cop not unprepared?

The guy seems like he went there ready to murder. Premeditated, if you ask me.

Nuremberg 2.0 can't come soon enough.

the report was of a rifle, not a handgun

>people on their knees and begging for their lives shouldn't be killed because they lost Simon Says
Going from being utterly horrified to laughing my ass off within 5 seconds. Thanks Sup Forums

Why can't you have empathy for the police?

>The criminal isn't black

It's officially not racist, user, so fuck off

everyone defending this guy is a troll, it's like flat earthers or people that promote LS or other ecelebs. it's done ironically to troll retards

Why not just make him turn around with his hands up, then move in to arrest him?

Why make him believe that he will be killed if his hands come down and then make him crawl?

Why not have him lie down? Turn around? They basically commanded him to approach them, making the situation much more likely to go very poorly. Its pretty fucking crazy

But a white dude was the victim