I'll leave this here

Too bad Islam wasn't around back then to dispute it.

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Remember the six tribes of Canaanites who were killed for that land. #IsraelisLebanon


i never understood people who unironically spout this argument.
If so i demand the return of the lands around Krakow and south to slovakia because at one time in history they have been a part of White croatia so yeah gib back my birthright, we wuz Peruns chosen ppl and sheit

If we are talking about who deserves to get what land, better give Spain, France and UK all the territory USA keeps.

Beat me to it. They genocided any culture they came across and took that land by force. Then made up this story that god said it was their promised land.

So? That was a totally different political entity and totally different ethnic group.
>inb4 they speak Hebrew
So they speak a language closely modeled on a 5th Persian version of the Hebrew liturgical language. King David spoke Proto-Canaanite/Phoenician.
>the Jews came from that land
The Judean ethnic group came from the lands south of Jerusalem. They were btfo into exile in Babylon, where the infiltrated the bureacratic class, and took over the Persian Empire. They got back their land, got BTFO by Alexander and the Greeks, got BTFO by the Greeks and Persians many more times, got BTFO by the Romans many times then scattered for being such pricks.

King David secured basically everything that you can see here, made peace with Egypt and the forerunners of the Assyrians, and with his Canaanite brethren of Tyre and Sidon, established for his son Solomon a maritime empire that ran trade from India to the Britain.

As a result of King David, the entire earth was blessed with Canaanite genes concerning intelligence, abstract thought, mathematics, and verbal competency, phonetic writing systems, sailing technology, bronze tools, and so forth.

The ancient Canaanites set up colonies and footholds all through the Mediterranean. Their descendants mostly converted to Christianity when it came around.

Yes, modern Spanish Catholics have just as much right to claim the Eastern Shore of the Mediterranean as their ancestral homeland as the Yiddish-German-speaking Jews of Poland. Tunisians probably far more so. More than them, the people fucking living there before European kikes invaded them in the 20th Century.

We're all descended from the Ancient Israelites because sailors spread their genes everywhere. Just because we're not descended from the Aramaic bureacrats in the Persian Empire doesn't make other Mediterraneans/Levantines less descended from them.


>United Kingdom
Some things never change, do they Sup Forums?

this we must get it back

Don't fall for Jewish propaganda (by which I mean the Deuteronomist's summation Israelite conquest of Canaan) After losing control of Egypt they didn't genocide everyone. Even in the Bible it says there were groups they allied with they didn't kill.

The ancient Canaanites formed a single race with a language on a dialect spectrum. Philistines, Judeans, Northern Israelites, and Phoenicians didn't need translators. They worshiped the same gods for the most part, and had very similar cultures and nearly identical genetic history.

A Jew is a particular type of Israelite who is a particular type of Canaanite. "Canaan" means "merchant" in Hebrew. Look it up.

Spain & UK werent in North America 1st

As for its original owners...Uncle Sam effectively liquidated. Exterminated them with unflinching malice. forever the unquestioned homeland of the American Empire

&Napoleon sold the US over half of its territory. No refunds

Because smallpox answers to the POTUS

Kikes weren't either


>this is Zionist "logic"

>Implying David was a kike

that dude looks nothing like a jew.

Glagolitic is an Orthodox invention, my Catholic friend.

>arabs thinking the have a right to any land outside of arabia

Remember when the Romans disperesed the ancient Israelis and scattered all the people from the area and then 2000 years later Russian Jews (who only converted to Judaism to charge interest) Who had no claim to Israel made up stories about being chosen people and settled in modern day Israel after ww2.

Hebrew was a dead language until 150 years ago. This Jewish claim is all lies.

Exodus is just a myth.
The israelites were a canaanite tribe ruling a nation that constantly squabbled with its canaanite neighboors.
They shared a similar religion until the upper class that got uprooted from their homes during the babyloniam exile concentrated on monotheism in order to keep their identity and then inflated any past battles to full blown genocide after removing Yawehs wife when they came back. That way their kingdoms people could see themselves as even more distinct from their neighboors and eventually outlasted them.
The canaanites that didnt participated got romanised then arabised. left today are some palistinensians who do not follow any of their old history and think of themsellves as arabs first.

>Hebrew for "God is my Promise"
>Canaanite for "tin"
>Isle of Thanet
>Thanit was a Hebrew goddess
>from proto-Canaanite Alephbeth
>nickname for England

genetic studies have disproven the khazar theory, achmed. at least in regards to ashkenazi jews that is. iranian, georgian etc jews are probably descended from khazars though.

Ss. Kyrillos and Methodios were Catholic. Even offered the Divine Liturgy in OCS in Rome at the Pope's command.

Modern Jews aren't the same people as ancient Israelites.


Literally a jewish creation to spite Jesus Christ, same with the bottomless cross they use for addition.

>burger education
They were Byzantines, baptized in Byzantium. Stop wewuzing, they were venerated in Both Catholic and Orthodox Churches. But they were Orthodox Christians.

Islam and Christianity were created by Jews, Muhammad was Jewish. All abrahamic religions have Jewish roots.

That's hilarious because the + symbol was what the Phoenicians used at the last letter of their alphabet as a symbol for the north star, the direction of true north.

Lebanon's Location:
beaten back in mountain passes Eastward,
thrust upon by Hittite chariot holdings the plains,
driven from the West by Sea-Serpents,
pilloried Southward by the mouth of the Reed Sea,
the Polestar heads exactly North.

They were orthodox Christians, but they had Rome settle the dispute with the German bishops over the use of Slavonic in the liturgy.

Bull Shit. All fairy tales and fictional characters use to justify stealing land. It only perplexes the mind of the ignorant religious.

How many capitols has Egypt had?

So? They weren't Catholic, faggot. They were both Greek, from Macedonia and influenced Orthodoxy a thousandfold compared to Catholicism.

Goes to show just how much they hate Christians.
>protestant america actually fell for the israel is our greatest ally meme

Greeks were Catholics then.

I'm Greek Catholic faggot, not all faggots are Latin.

Not all Catholic fag^

>centuries before the schism
You are such a 'tard.

You don't represent Greece, or it's overwhelming majority Orthodox population that never identified as Catholic.
>Orthodox aren't the literal product of Byzantines
There is literally no predominantly Catholic nation that succeeded Byzantium. All the Catholic minorities were planted by the Latins and Crusaders.