What went wrong?
((they won))
>Stalin the Jew whose Jewish Communism was responsible for the genocide of 50 million white Christians is Sup Forums and/or Trump supporters
What kind of shit-tier mixed metaphor are you trying to present to us, OP?
cuckservatives invaded us and brought along their retardation
this website is flooded by boomers who are new to the internet. You end up with boomer intelligence and beliefs with a forum where you are allowed to be edgy/racists.
Boomers ruined America
>You end up with boomer intelligence and beliefs with a forum where you are allowed to be edgy/racists
This is why we are flooded with CBTS /ptg/ etc boomers just want someplace they can say nigger but still maintain their basic liberal worldview and of course this means ignoring the jewish question
Was it really a surprise that great portion of Trump voters are evangelical lovers of jews and Israel? Their votes matter to Trump more than votes of antisemitic fringe thinkers.
it is the reason 56% threads get deleted. It triggers boomers so much, because their grandkids are single-mother mutt spawn
This, most alt right faggots believing they are faithful christians in reality they are subhuman evangelic kike puppets
we finally got smart enough to realize Jews>>>>>>Arabs
now fuck off arab bitch
kys shill
It all started with the election
The got trump to be president. It showed to the establishment that the worst candidate ever can become president. They have full control over the American populace.
He also turned on the Jews. Its jotted down in history as him going (((mad))).
They get deleted because it's not politics.
holy shit that guy is turbo-manlet, considering stalin was also manlet
They get deleted because it's the "right kind" of politics.
Serve Israel goyim we told you already.
typical boomer, has to get involved in every conflict in the world. Can't just sit back and let it burn. decides to sacrifice soldiers and never face danger while their daughters get blacked.
It is not shameful to be the parents of the 56% generation. They have been brainwashed and predated upon by opportunistic men of color looking for some white girl action.
But being the grandparents of that generation means you fucked up.
>hey we're the preimminent super power in the world
>lets not help out the only functioning non-Islamist democracy in the middle east
fuck off idiot
there has literally been a 300 reply thread on a dog getting elected mayor of some town in Minnesota up for the past 8 hours. the story in that thread is over a year old.
the reason 56% threads get deleted is some triggered boomer is a mod or the mods don't want boomers(the voting population of the U.S)realizing how avoiding the JQ has effected the demographics of the U.S and their own lives.
I dropped my ice cream, so I've been screaming and slapping myself on the head for an hour.
And this is my type of thread.
Seriously who was the guy that got deleted? And why did they got rid of his presence in this picture?
Id like to hear your thoughts OP, what do you think went wrong?
Americans and their never ending love for kikes
Good bait
Sup Forums has become r/the_donald, i can't even count how many "based israel" threads are created everyday
>alt right
You mean organized right wing zionists perhaps
>lets sacrifice American lives and resources to help out the attackers of the USS Liberty, while young people in america have mcjobs, expensive housing, expensive healthcare... but that isn't an issue because they have an iphone, and in my simplistic boomer mind an iphone should cost a million dollars but instead only cost 600, wow the future is amazing everything is amazing millenials should stop complaining and send their tax dollars to Israel
Pls, Sup Forums figured out, that somehow there's always one country, one and the same fucking country that turns Europe into literal sea of ruins. I don't like (((Them))), but country I am talking about now got rid of (((Them))) before it started another WW, and before inviting rapefugees.
>Krauts post I WW: it's (((Their))) fault!
>Krauts post II WW: it's Poland's fault!
>Krauts during migrant crisis sponsored by their own goverment: it's nazi white Europeans fault!
nu Sup Forums is complete Trump shill factory that doesn't really know or care what is actually going on because they just spin everything Trump does as a positive even if it's something he was against yesterday
Nazis lost WWII, but if the United States of Europe happens it will mean Germany won WWII.
>You mean organized right wing zionists perhaps
Jews brings muslims to the West and create a kosher movement of whites friendly to jews and israel to once again dominate both sides of an argument.
Boomers get outplayed once again while the decline continues as they worry about the next scary invasion instead of fixing the source of the problem
Daily reminder that original Nazis were actually mostly Germans. And they lost because eternal Krauts thought they can win fighting in Europe on west, Europe on east, Africa and God knows how many fronts at once. Results: 9 million dead, loss of territory, two German states including one communist. Anyway.
>win II WW by creating United States of Europe
>with all refugees in their border
Great job. Sounds pretty much as a disaster for me, but if you say so...
Please don't shoot officer
I'm doing my best
Fippy Bippy. OP is the real nigger.
I was wondering where discussion of the JQ in /CBTS/ was. Pretty weird that it was mostly absent. That’s when I started hitting it with redpills, and, speaking of redpills, the redpill threads still go strong.
>What went wrong?
Reddit flooded.
But I can't I'm already as anti-semitic as one canbe
Please don't shoot
Trump found a way to get Muslims and Jews to kill each other and you want me to be mad about that? Jesus Christ how new are you?
How many Jews have you killed today?