is this the holy trinity?
Is this the holy trinity?
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The holy trinity of shit.
Replace LWA with Urara and you have my top 3 of the season in order.
Demi-Chan should be in there too.
The holy quads
it has 6.95 on myanimelist is it any good?
Where's Urara?
normalfags pls go
Pretty much what I came here to say.
It's cute girls doing cute witchcraft. If you like that, you'll like Urara. MAL is for teenagers with mainstream taste, so if that's not you their scores are irrelevant.
And if you must know, the lower the score it gets there, the better it is.
This season is an apology for the fag fest that was Fall 2016
well its not like i trust the scores that much its just the first thing google pops up when i look up an anime and i only keep it bookmarked so i can remember the name to watch them later
LWA will live on forever, the other two will be forgotten in a couple seasons.
Nice try, Kyoanushitter, but this is.
And add the AotS Dragon's Dentist in a month or so.
Saw it coming but still gave me a hearty kek.
sorry senpai havent watched looks good im planning on watching it
Pretty good so far.
Trigger Nigger thinks he's the best when everyone else fucking hates him.
>everyone else
Which includes just you
Boring doesn't automatically mean sophisticated.
I enjoy Urara, but it feels like one of those shows that will be forgotten about the moment it ends and never get mentioned again.
You're mad and your reply is a shitpost because you know I'm right.
My taste is superior to everyone else. That much is true.
Isn't that fine? Enjoying is what anime is for, and Chiyo is the best girl of the season.
I can't hear you over the plummeting of those Maid Dragon's preorders.
1. Maidragon
2. LWA
That's it. Everything else sucks.
Holy trinity of moeshit
Talking about a show after it ends leads to cancer anyway.
This guy knowzzzzzzz
Definitely better than OP.
Trigger Niggers can't take the heat that not everyone worships overrated Jap Harry Potter.
Replace shit maidragon with Konosuba and you're right.
kys tbqh senpai
Konosuba is even shittier than Maid Dragon.
All ACCA has going for it right now is art style.
God it's nothing but trash.
>kyoani shit
>holy anything
The trinity of pissing off white people yes.
ACCA's art style isn't even that good as it fails to capture the essence of Natsume Ono's unique designs.
You didn't just fell for that, did you? That was such a textbook bait that i've seen it a thousand times in my dreams.
How new are you really?
thats not a nice way treat God user
More like pleb trinity.
You can already see the build up of an interesting story.
Which is more than you can say about everything else this season.
This is a pretty comfy season
>muh buildup
Nah, you're just sticking with the bullshit show because it looks kewl and yooniq.
Sorry, I don't like frog eyes. I think they did a great job improving the character designs for anime.
Little Witch Academia is the only good show.
That's also the /u/ selection for anime this season. Nice taste user.
That minus LWA.
Gabriel - ACCA - Dragonmaid for me.
>Natsume Ono's fujo designs
we can agree maidragon is the best
Shit taste
I wish idiots like you wouldn't try and speak for everyone.
I like all of the anime being discussed so I'm going to watch them all because I'm me.
Not because of a studio or stupid posters on Sup Forums
Me. Not you. Me
>poor's man Nichijou and a new low after Phantom Sales
>the best
Gabriel Dropout isn't that good. I am watching it, and I enjoy it, but it is the perfect example of forgettable mediocre seasonal shit. Urara is of similar quality, though I like it too.
Konosuba should replace it and then you are good. These three shows (LWA, Maid Dragon, Konosuba) are by far the best.
Demi-chan is also good, definitely my 4th favorite this season.
Akibas Trip is my favorite bad anime this season.
I am sure ACAA and Rakugo are fine/good but I am not watching them.
>/u/ trilogy
>only one has lesbianism
What did he mean by this?
GodAni and We Want to be GodAni carrying the load this season
>**1,501位/**1,451位 (***,203 pt) [*,**4予約] 2017/03/15 小林さんちのメイドラゴン 1 [Blu-ray]
They can't handle the kino.
Nips hate KyoAni as much as the crossboarders on Sup Forums.
Only moeshit shows allowed.
There's something off about that Youjo Senki picture in the middle. Please fix that.
Are you me?
It's funny how Sup Forums is far more obsessed with Kyoani and moe than Japan itself.
Silly Nikawa trying too hard to overcompensate.
Replace LWA with Onihei, and you've got a good list.
Dragon a shit.
>Mature anime for mature people
like myself, correct.
Honestly, I don't find all of the moe anime that Sup Forums seems to like particularly engaging. I did enjoy Keijo last season, so it's not all doom and gloom, though.
1. Youjo Senki
2. Masamune-kun
3. Akiba's Trip
Urara is the best moe show
Onihei is material that doesn't work as an anime the way they're handling it. It may as well be live action.
The idea of removing LWA for it is ridiculous.
>>poor's man Nichijou
No. The best part about LWA was the goofy, fast paced hijinks but now it's constrained by a rather shallow, paint by numbers plot that just makes it feel even more blatantly like a portmanteau of Harry Potter and literally every shonen anime.
idk, I want to like it but I doubt anyone remembers it outside this year at this rate.
Likewise, Maid Dragon is nicely animated but it's biggest boon seems to be the fact that it's not shit. Like, it's kinda funny and the characters have heart (rather than purely existing as vehicles for jokes) but at the same time, it doesn't do anything radically ground breaking (there's no problem with treading water per se but again, it just means it won't be the first thing people remember from 2017, I wager, even if it was "above average".
Ever considered fucking necking yourself?
>Not demi-chan
The designs are too generic, doesn't help that other designers keep ripping off Otsuka's designs I prefer Maidragon as best moe show of the season.
While I agree that the material lends itself better to a live action, to me it definitely works as an anime as well, and the art at times was great (and it helps that the original material is fairly interesting). While I don't hate LWA, it doesn't seem like the creators have much of a plan in regards of what to do with it. Perhaps it should have remained in OVA format.
Demi-chan is a lazy excuse for a harem, the monster girl part of the show is a gimmick and only really utilized for the headless girl, the other girls may as well be normal humans and nothing would change.
it fails as a monster girl show
it fails as a comfy show
it fails as a comedy show
it fails as a SoL
and the shitty looking OreImo designs don't help, I want to punch that Kirino looking "vampire" girl everytime she opens her generic mouth.
Gabriel DropOut is too good to compare it to anything else this season.
>I want to punch that Kirino looking "vampire" girl everytime she opens her generic mouth
What are those
Can we at least agree on this being the cutest ED of the season?
ur shit
Kanna the cutest of the season
Demi-Chan is by far the best anime of the season.
No one even comes close.
Alongside with LWA.
This thread is full of yurishitters.
Automatically DQd for being a wish fullfilment self insert harem series.
I would almost agree with you but I'm still enjoying Rakugo the most, though Demi-chan is something I look forward to the most
Has literally one girl worth watching.
Looks good
I genuinely believe the only people who care about maidragon are consolewar fags