I used to be a Trump supporter. The climate change thing was the last straw. You know when an average looking girl surrounds herself with ugly girls, she ends up looking pretty good? That's the effect Trump and Hillary had on me. Hillary was the ugly girl and Trump was the grenade dressed up with pretty embellishments that I really, really wanted to like. I thought he was a great american.
I REALLY wanted to like him. I think I talked myself into it and forced myself to look past all of the things that would make anyone else stop and say "hmmm..."
You could consider me a Republican or a Conservative, because guns are okay, globalism isn't the best ideology, and Reagan was the man, but I also support abortion and gay marriage and don't buy into any religion. I don't think politics should be so black and white. Sure, I lean Republican, but I hold science above all else.
Also, climate change. Fucking climate change. If there's one thing I hate more than Hillary Clinton, It's climate change deniers. And yeah, Trump is anti-science and anti-american by denying climate change. So that was when I decided: Fuck Trump.
I used to be a Trump supporter. The climate change thing was the last straw...
Wow sharia blue.
I haven't seen this pasta.
But seriously we can't let him get his hands on the codes
The white middle class MUST pay for it. We are privileged. Chinese, indians and other third world countries can't afford to pay carbon tax but that's what we MUST do
Also: we must double the government spending in research against global warming. We must continue spending to help developing nations to build better factories to reduce air and water pollution
An increase in 200 dollars tax per family is nothing, nothing compared to the benefit saving Mother Earth, the forests, the rivers, the birds, the flowers, so on.
you're a worthless piece of shit and if you can't accept the climate the way it is or how it changes then why don't you just fucking end your life or live on another planet?
Fucking Democrats man yelling about thousand-year weather cycles. Fucking idiots who think chicks can sometimes have dicks want to tell me about how they know for sure how exactly a planet's multi-thousand year weather cycles pan out.
You will never meet someone as arrogant as a confused shitlib who can't even figure out which fucking bathroom to use but knows planetary weather patterns.
I hate the arrogance of leftists the most.
first off, here, let's try that again
and no, we don't.
>being this arrogant
calm down you desolate homo
weak, spineless loser detected
So you don't want to save Mother Earth? Typical american southern fascist mentality
One day (oh gosh I hope) you'll check your beliefs and see science is trying to save our planet, our eco system! The future is green, meat-free, carbon-free. Until then there is nothing wrong with a single tax to make the world a better place
I don't give a fuck about Mother Earth. "Mother Earth" is an indifferent entity that doesn't care it kills us or we kill it.
I'd rather kill it. Doesn't hurt you can find precious metals, oil, natural gas, etc. in the process.
We can't let him get the nucular launch codes?
And I'm from the northern Midwest. Fuck you and fuck the south. And fuck off with your stereotypes you nitwitted, over-idealistic, arrogant wannabe saviour of the planet's environment like we're in an episode of captain planet or some shit
Yeah man, Trump is and always has been a living joke meme'd into everyone's reality. There are exactly two kinds of Trump supports:
1) Ironic Kekistani morlocks that only support him to be in on the memes.
2) Cowardly flag sucklers that want to be on the good side of the new trend of cheap thuggish behavior in the executive branch.
So basically fat little internet hipsters and fat scared morons. They're all worthless - that's the nature of the world. Trump is the kind of man that can't stand to not be smartest guy in the room. Whereas a great leader surrounds himself with men of mastery, intelligence and strength, Trump surrounds himself with dumb lackeys. His entire movement is based on dumb lackeys.
In an age where populace is so soft, flabby and vapid, is there any mystery as to why a populist movement like MAGA would be similarly soft, flabby and vapid?
you are right about the environment. However anything that has to do with shitty governments is far from caring about nature.
Fuck all of them
what does the carbon tax do?
I know I'm right about the environment.
>the government is a big evil entity who will crush you
stop being so naive. Your tax helps. In my community we have access to excellent organic food thanks to taxpayer funded projects on organic farms. The stores who sell organics even give 10% discount 2 times a week and accept credit card, what more could you ask for?
yeah the mystery is how you can delude yourself into thinking what you do. Yeah man, your elementary-level analysis of the voting-bloc numerous enough to elect Donald Trump the 45th President and that is spread out across the mid-North American continent are so lacking in distinguishing characteristics that only two groups exist? That's a mystery, too.
you have some explaining to do, mister.
don't listen to the Democrat memeflag. you've got the right idea
or people who heard his policies and genuinely liked them better than hillary's?
yea but what amount of global warming do humans cause, gimme cited percentages faggot
and stop posting this. there are better ways to get the attention you need
In other news what fate awaits OP or does the curse only effect media
No, it's pretty easy to explain. There's a lot of cowardly chubby internet hipsters and most cowardly round rednecks.
What is the temperature of the earth?
Sharia blue shill confirmed.
>globalism isn't the best ideology, and Reagan was the man
Reagan was a globalist
Hey Shareblue. How's that two cents a post lifestyle treatin' ya? Got enough to buy your mom's bull his Christmas watermelon yet?
OP are you still there? Did your mom call you to clean your room? The reason I ask about the temperature of the earth is that I have asked thousands of lefty true believers but I have never yet met one who knows what the earth's temperature is. Seems like a pretty basic piece of information that you would want to know before you try to convert people to your climate change religion.
Remember to sage share blue threads
>words have no meaning
no not really. you must not travel much then. How sad. If you ever do travel, and you should, you'd notice that there are a lot of different type of people in America. Your oversimplified compartmentalization of the US population into only two groups shows a definitive lack of experience one gains from being alive and traveling. You should try it. People are more interesting than you claim.
Guess I can't expect that basic level of empathy from a party of sick people who were willing to agree with the nasty, nasty Hillary Clinton and label half the country and much of it's backbone as "deplorable."
>I used to be a Trump supporter.
Fake News. Hi Brock.
In Europe we call that kind of messed up logical fallacy mental illness.
OP is the pay worthwhile for treason? Or are you one of the share blue’s self described “useful naive idiots” that does it for free?
I`d rather see the planet warming than heading to the next ice age
did you take an arrow to the knee??? :DDDDD
Show your flag, faggot.
suck a dick shill. enjoy your .02
also sage this shit.
I am glad Trump has the codes.
I tremble when I realize that Obama had the codes, though.